
130) Lake Swims and Love Letters


"Ethan I don't think that's a good idea," I held my hands out to the small boy. 

"Pa won't know," he smiled and proceeded to do what I told him not to do. 

"If you get hurt he will definitely know," I stressed, "come on. I'll make you cake if you stop."

That seemed to gain his attention as he looked at me with a suspicious squint, "you promise."

"I promise now come to me," I smiled as he let go of Shaun and allowed me to pick him up. Damien had to go into town and asked me to look after Ethan whilst he was gone. Ethan took it as an opportunity to do everything he would not normally do under his fathers supervision. Exhibit A: try to climb on Shauns back and ride him as if he were a horse. 

"I would like chocolate cake," he clapped his hands as we entered the cottage.