
Edric and Starlight (A Owl House Fanfiction)

Starlight is a half witch that is abandoned at young by her mother for not having any magic. She is than raised by a Slitherbeast with her twin sister and blessed by the stars. This gives her special abilities and magic. She lives as a beast with her new family until she meets a boy. Edric Blight. The boy that will turn her whole world around. This is a fanfiction story. It is based on the tv show the owl house. I don't own any character except those I made up myself like Starlight and her family. Also English is not my native language and I have dyslexia so I hope you guys can understand that there would be some grammar mistakes. This is my very first story in English. Feedback is welcome but don't beat me down for it.

xx7Jenny7xx · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
11 Chs

Chapter 3

A few days pass by and Edric and become great friends. He made peace with the fact that he will never be able to leave this place. He does not blame me for it. He knows that claiming him was the only way to safe him. I never expected that his friends and family was able to escape. If did I would never taken him. I really like him but don't want him to be a prisoner. My dad and sister will kill him if I try to let him go so the best thing I can so is take him outside at night. After much talking and bagging my dad allowed me to take the boy outside today. He promises to keep my sister inside because I am still scared, she will attack him.

I take Edric to my favorite rock and watch at the night market with him. He puts an arm around my waist and I lay my head on his shoulder. I feel at peace and look at the stars when a familiar scent catches my attention. I pull Edric behind my and transform into a beast. Two witches come out of the bushes. I shake because of my fear and anger. One is the old witch from a few days ago and the other is….

My mother. Her bright pink is perfectly in model. She wears a long black dress and a black headband. Crystals follow her around wherever she goes. The stench of her perfume is overwhelming, and I feel like I am about to puck.

The witches don't even notice me, they are to busy with they conversation. 'Are you sure you can handle this Theodora? Those beasts are stronger than I ever seen. They are no joke.'

'Shut up Evelin, strong or not they are still just filthy beasts. I can kill them with ease and collect the body. I am only here because my friend asked me to help you after you are failing for more than a week. If we wait any longer the is no body to take back at the Blights. Odalia said his body is important for the funeral. Important to her and important to company. A torn-up body will further proof that other witches need there products. She said she is sad her son died but she also sees this as an opportunity.'

'O Titan that is really heartless. I am here because the boy deserves a prober goodbye just like his sisters. He needs a funeral. Come one the cave is that way.' The anger takes over now and I jump at my mother. I show her my razor-sharp teeth and let out a loud roar to call my dad and sister. My mother turns pale, and my dad and sister now show up.

'Let's kill her. She is a heartless monster.' My sister stays in her place now.

'Is she our mother?' I nod.

'Yes, and I want her dead. Dad, please take Edric back to the cave but make sure you don't hurt him.' My dad takes Edric away and my sister transforms for the first time in years. She traps the other witch in a magical cage and walks up to us.

'So, you are my so-called mother. You left me to die here as a baby and my sister when she was only five. Starlight wants you dead, but I want answers. I normally never say no to a witch for diner unlike her, but I won't eat you until I know what I want to know. I will take you home. The other witch we won't kill either until we free the beast that is trapped inside her.' I also transform.

'I never want to kill witched or eat one. Now I finally want one dead you want let the monster live?! She talked about Edric like he was nothing. She left us to die. Only because we take after our stupid father one way or another.'

'I get your anger Starlight, but we will never get this kind of opportunity ever again. Our father left this world so I can't ask him anything and I did not know what she looked like so I could never hunt her down. She will tell me what I want to know one way or another. I will hurt her until she tells me everything and will make sure it is the truth with my magic.'

'Fine but I will also get my revenge when you are done with her. I will help you with the beast in the witch. She has seen or other form so we can't let her go anyway. It is far to dangerous. I don't want the emperor to know. I don't want to become an experiment or a weapon and someone that is friends with our mom can't be good anyway.'

'Hey, hold on. We are not friends. I am only working with that boring woman to make sure my kiddo and his sister can say goodbye to their friend and brother. I will never tell the emperor anything I hate that stupid jerk and his rules. I am a wanted criminal as far as the emperor is concerned.' I walk to the cage and lay my finger on her forehead to more easily get excess to her mind.

'Her name is Eda, and she is telling the truth. The is what they call a troublemaker but with some of their rules I get that. She did not trap the beast. A curse did. It affects both the beast and the witch that it is connected with. Neither of them can use their full power and neither of them is truly free. When we free them, I will wipe her memory. She will know about our witch form and what we did after she saw that. Her other memory will be left unharmed. She did not hurt dad she tried to protect her human after the human did. I will take her cage back and go back to Edric. Have fun with our mother sis.'

After those words the cages flies up and floats to the cave. I put in a corner and than walk to my hollow where I find Edric trapped in goop. My dad is watching him but leaves as soon as he sees me. I release my friend and sit down next to him.

'I am sorry for earlier did I scare you when I attacked that woman?'

'A little, but why were you so angry all of sudden?'

'Not only did the way she talked about you made me mad, but that person is also my mother. The one that left my sister and I to die.' He bites his lip.

'I understand your anger more than most would but what did you do to her?' I sign.

'I wanted her dead, but Starfall wanted to question her. Killing except for food is unlike me but I am so angry at her. I just want to make sure she does not hurt anyone else and make her pay for what she did to us. If the stars did not pity us and if our dad did not take us in, we would have died. We were to you and small to hunt for our self. Normally male Slitherbeast life alone. They take little to none concern to their kids. Like most beasts it is the mothers that take care of the kids. Father however is different. He raised us well. He even taught me to hunt even tough it was difficult. I could not make the kill at first. Even if it where just small unintelligent beats they where still alive. Later I got better in it. I realized I had to. I could not survive only mushrooms and other small plants. There are not enough of them here and they do not give me a need. My dad is not here forever so I had to learn how to do it myself. It took a couple of years, but he was very patient. Even so I try to eat as less meat I can and will not eat or kill witches. I will also not hurt your little friend you hide in your jacket. You do not have to hide him. I know he is there.'

Edric turns red and takes his bat out. 'What happened to the other witch?'

'We put her in a cage so she can't escape this time. There is a beast trapped inside her. We will try to get it out. After we do so I wipe her memory of our witch form and let her go. Normally my sister would never agree, she hates witched because of our mother, but she is to busy with our mother to care at the moment. My dad does not care, as long as they are not a treat or hurt us, he does not eat or kill witches. Maybe I can even let you go. I never meant to keep you a prisoner, but I wanted to safe your life and finally have a friend.'

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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