
Edric and Starlight (A Owl House Fanfiction)

Starlight is a half witch that is abandoned at young by her mother for not having any magic. She is than raised by a Slitherbeast with her twin sister and blessed by the stars. This gives her special abilities and magic. She lives as a beast with her new family until she meets a boy. Edric Blight. The boy that will turn her whole world around. This is a fanfiction story. It is based on the tv show the owl house. I don't own any character except those I made up myself like Starlight and her family. Also English is not my native language and I have dyslexia so I hope you guys can understand that there would be some grammar mistakes. This is my very first story in English. Feedback is welcome but don't beat me down for it.

xx7Jenny7xx · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
11 Chs

Chapter 11

'Uhm what happened here?' I turn around looking at a confused Luz. The grass is still burning in some place and with a blink of my eyes everything turn back to normal.

'Those coven bird witches tried to take Eda. We dealt with them so don't worry. By the way, Edric is goanna stay here for a while Luz.' She walks up to me and hugs me.

'I heard you where expelled. I am so sorry. Do you want me to quit to?' I shake my head.

'You wanted to go to school as much as I did. Just enjoy it. I will learn new things from Edric and Eda. We will go to the market and help others while earning some snails. Let go eat now. Eda and the rest must be hungry. I will make something.' We all walk in now and I hold Edric hand tightly.


The next day Starfall and I help all kids of witches. Starfall helps them with their pets while I take the healing part onto me. Edric is sending out illusions telling people about our work and the costumers keep coming. King and Eda are handling the money and selling human stuff at the same time. I like doing my job and see the smile on other people's faces as I help them.


When we stop for lunch a witch walks up to us with a hooded tee next to her. The witch has dark red hair and storm grey eyes. 'Is it true that you can heal witches that no one else can heal sweet girl?' I smile at her.

'Yes I can but I used up a lot of energy so you have to wait until I eat and you have to pay Eda for it.' She smiles at me.

'No problem sweet girl. I can wait. I am just happy you can help. My ex-wife have been everywhere with our daughter, but no one could help her. When she called crying because she got bullied for her face I decided to pick her up and look for help.'


After I am done eating I smile. 'A complicated healing will cost you 200 snails since it cost me a lot of energy. Is that okay?'

'Sure no problem, anything for my little girl.' She gives me a little bag with coins and I let king count them. If she should not pay it would have asked less, but if she can pay it she has to pay full price. I can always hear it in someone's voice when they truly can't pay the price and than ask what they can pay.

'It is even more Starlight.'

'Give her change back than King.' The woman shakes her head.

'Keep it. I am just grateful that you can help my daughter.' I nod.

'Remove your hood. I need to see what the damage is.' The girl is shaken as she pulls her hood off. As soon as I see her face I take the bag of snails and put them back in the woman's hands.

'Sorry but I can't help you.' Her face turns said.

'But you just said you could.' I sallow.

''It is not like I can't heal the wounds. I promised myself I would never heal her after what and your friend did to me and my sister.' The woman frowns.

'I don't understand.' Edric now shows up.

'She is talking about my mom. She and her sister are expelled because of them.'

'Can you please explain further?' I sign.

'Me and my sister where left to die by our mother. We where raised by a beast until Eda found us. She took us in and helped us go to school for the first time. I was do excited. I always wanted to go to school. The first they was great but the second day I heard everyone talk about us. During our first potion class the teacher wanted to pair your daughter up with my sister. Boscha called my sister a filthy beast and kept insulting her. I snapped and lost control because of that. I was already walking on the edge before and could not take it anymore.


I saw black before my eyes when I turned into a beast and attacks your daughter. My sister knocked me out to stop me and I woke up at the principals office. Principal Bump and I where talking about beast controlling classes, healing Boscha and dropping potions classes when Eric's parents burst into the room after their friend contacted them. They said I was a danger and so was my sister. She called us monsters and demanded that we where expelled. Right then and their I vowed that I would never heal her or Boscha ever again. My sister is not good enough at healing witches yet so I am sorry but I can't help you. Not after what she has done to us. She destroyed my dream and probably our only change to make friends.' The woman turns red with anger and looks at her daughter.

'Boscha apologize to this girl this instant! How many times have I told you not to bully or disrespect people?! Your mother did not tell my any off this! How many times have I told you that you actions have a way of coming back to you?! Why do you think you mother and I divorced? She became to hard on other people and showed her sweet side less and less, until I had enough. I don't want you to turn out that way. It is great that you want to be the best and work hard for that but you still need to treat people the way you want to be treated. You saw how much your actions and word can hurt first hurt today. You need to fierce on the field if you want to follow your dreams I know that but you still need to be kind to other to. I know the divorce is hard on you honey but you can't act this way. No matter how strong and smart you are always be nice or you might lose the people you care about.' The woman calms down in the middle of her speech and looks at her daughter with loving eyes. Than she turns to me.

'I will talk to my confections and to my ex-wife. I will try to get you two back into school where you belong. You had it rough enough and are not to blame for your animal instincts. I do agree that you can be dangerous but I also think that with a little training you can learn to control it. Now Boscha apologize to both of them for what you said to them.' The girl now looks at me and Starfall who is standing next to me.

'I am sorry about what I said. I understand now that my words can hurt.' It is clear that it is really hard for her to say it.

'Good, lets go.'

'But mom what about my wounds.'

'We can't force them to heal you sweetie and they are probably the only ones that can. Let's focus on making it up to them than maybe they can find it in their hearts to forgive you.' They turn around.

'Wait!' I stand up and walk up to Boscha. I put my hand on her cheek.

'I still haven't fully forgiven you but I am sorry to for attacking you. Your mom is a really good person. She gave me hope again. Therefore here.' She begins to glow and her wounds disappear. In shock the girl touches her face and hugs me.

'Thank you so much.' She walks away with her mother and I sign.

'Why did you do that? She clearly did not fully mean it.' My sister looks at me confused.

'With a mom like that maybe she isn't a lost cause. Maybe she can learn how to be better. She saw now that being nice is more rewarding than being mean and she witnessed first hand how much words can hurt because of those scars. Also even trough what she did was wrong, what I did was not right either. We can't attack every mean guy or girl there is. We should ignore them and be better. We should not be ashamed to be part beast either. Beasts can be a lot nicer than witches sometimes and dad raised us right. He loved us and thought us everything he knows. We should be proud of that. At least we have a family and a dad that loves us. That is more than some other people can say. Even more in other worlds.'