
Editing Reality with my smartphone

Zephyr is a 13 year old orphan boy and one day wakes up with a phone on the side

Kingston112 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
4 Chs


The crowd went wild I just walked back to my sit very sure I would win, After the other contestants had finished taking their food the Gordan Ramsay.

It was time to here the results and without a doubt I won and collected my prize money then left I wasn't going to say their forever and am not doing this again never.

I got out my phone then I tired doing something, I went to the editing app and I went to the and clicked on the arrow of a random boy, I went to his history from what am seeing in frozen time he is about to die because a car is about to knock him while he crosses the road.

So let me fix the, I wrote on his history, that 2 seconds from now he will unlock Spiderman Miles Morales.

Once I unforze time, and the car came at the boy but he jumped up in the air and dodged the car.

People started looking at the boy some even got their phones out the just started running away, I just picked up my phone and went to the editing once time had froze again I was happy I immediately went to my history and have myself, time manipulate, passive evolution, instant death, immortality, toon force of the highest level, luck manipulate, causality manipulate etc.

I had given myself many abilities but the most important one was my connection to the phone, it could never ever I mean never be stolen from me no matter how many times people tried and the phone was only loyal to me and no one else.

I then unforze time and followed the guy as he ran across the city and damn can this guy move.

But he finally stopped at an alley way, that's when I froze time, he seemed to have understood something had happened he looked around and he has seen a bird that was previously flying stop in mid air.

Hello I said to him he turned around in fright, Don't worry am not going to hurt you I said to the guy, Why are you here and the fuck happened he said .

Don't worry about that you see am I have an offer for you I said while smiling, what offer he asked a while staying on guard.

Well I would like for you to help me, you see i do a business i can grant you any wish you want for the right money, from something as small I as getting your ex back to making you a god.

But it's not permanent, and it will cost a person and I have chosen you to be my advertiser you may say.

And don't worry you will get paid 3 million dollars, per person you bring to me, I have a free demand he said, Oh so your a quick learner okay what are your demands.

For starters I would want to to give me the powers of the superman , Secondly I want my family to always be protected and have luck and third if anyone is to ask to do anything sexually with minors as a wish don't allow it.

Well their all double I said with a smile, I snapped my finger and a contract appeared, what's this the boy asked, this is a contract to make sure you never betray me.

He signed the contract in a heart beat, Hey my name is Zephyr, I put out my hand, hey am Aden he then shook my hand.


I gave him a card that showed where we would first meet up. Hey boss what's this part of permanently keeping his/her powers Aden asked.

Oh ya if you want to keep what you want forever you can exchange something of equal value, I said to him.

He seemed to have understood,


The next day

I was at the assigned meet up place, waiting for my very first customers