
Eclipsing Shadows

Prologue: In a world much like ours but teeming with hidden supernatural elements, an ancient system designed to evolve human potential lays dormant, waiting for its next bearer.

Living_In_Shadows · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

Chapter 1: The Ordinary Life

Ethan Cross was an ordinary guy, or so he thought. Living in the bustling city of Solace, he worked a mundane job as a tech support specialist for a mid-sized IT firm. His days were filled with monotonous routines and unfulfilled dreams. At 28, Ethan found himself stuck in a life that seemed to be on a perpetual loop: wake up, go to work, come home, sleep, and repeat.

Standing at six feet with a lean build, Ethan had dark brown hair that he often kept tousled, piercing blue eyes that had a depth to them hinting at unspoken thoughts, and a sharp jawline that made him look more distinguished than he felt. Despite his good looks, Ethan's introverted nature kept him from forming deep connections. He preferred the company of books and video games to that of people, finding solace in the escapism they provided.

His apartment, a small one-bedroom in a nondescript building, was a reflection of his life: simple, organized, and devoid of personal touches. The walls were bare, save for a few framed posters of his favourite sci-fi movies and a bookshelf crammed with a mix of technical manuals, fantasy novels, and graphic novels. A worn-out couch faced a modest entertainment setup, and a small desk in the corner housed his computer, which he used for both work and gaming.

Ethan's routine rarely deviated. He woke up at 7 AM every day, had a quick breakfast of toast and coffee, and walked the 15 minutes to the office. His job involved solving other people's technical problems, which he found both frustrating and oddly satisfying. The steady stream of challenges kept his mind occupied, though it also reinforced his sense of being stuck in a cycle he couldn't break.

On this particular Monday, the day started like any other. The morning air was crisp as he walked to work, the sky a dull gray that promised rain later. The city of Solace was always bustling, a mix of towering skyscrapers and historic buildings, the streets filled with people hurrying to their destinations. Ethan often wondered about their lives, whether they too felt the same sense of monotony.

The office was a modern space with an open floor plan, rows of desks filled with monitors, and the constant hum of conversations and ringing phones. Ethan took his seat at his cubicle, booted up his computer, and started his day. Hours passed in a blur of phone calls and remote desktop sessions. By lunchtime, he was already feeling drained.

Ethan grabbed a sandwich from a nearby deli and headed to his usual spot: a small park a few blocks away. It was a quiet oasis in the midst of the urban chaos, with a few benches scattered around and a small fountain in the center. As he sat there, eating his lunch, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing from his life. He wanted more than this routine, this predictability, but he didn't know how to break free.

After work, Ethan often indulged in his only real hobby: gaming. He would lose himself in virtual worlds, where he could be anyone and do anything, free from the constraints of his ordinary life. Tonight was no different. He logged into his favorite MMORPG, "Eclipse," and spent a few hours questing with his online friends. Yet, even in the game, he felt a growing restlessness, a desire for something more tangible.

As the night wore on, Ethan decided to call it quits and get some sleep. He logged out, stretched, and got ready for bed. Lying there in the dark, he stared at the ceiling, his mind drifting. He thought about his parents, who had always encouraged him to follow his dreams, and how he felt he had let them down by settling into such an unremarkable existence.

He finally drifted off to sleep, unaware that his life was about to change in ways he couldn't imagine.

The next morning, Ethan's alarm went off at 7 AM as usual. He went through his routine mechanically, his thoughts still lingering on the vague sense of dissatisfaction that had been growing inside him. The sky was overcast again, and as he walked to work, he felt the first few drops of rain start to fall.

By lunchtime, the rain had turned into a steady downpour. Ethan considered skipping his usual park visit but decided against it. He needed the fresh air, even if it was damp and cold. He grabbed his umbrella and headed out, the sound of raindrops creating a rhythmic backdrop to his thoughts.

As he walked, he noticed an old, run-down bookstore he had never seen before. The sign above the door read "Arcane Tomes & Curiosities," and it looked like it had been there for decades, if not longer. The display window was filled with an eclectic mix of books, trinkets, and oddities that piqued his curiosity. On a whim, he decided to step inside.

The door creaked as he pushed it open, and he was greeted by the musty scent of old paper and leather. The interior was dimly lit, with shelves packed tightly together, creating narrow aisles that seemed to wind endlessly. As he wandered through the labyrinth of books, Ethan felt a strange sense of déjà vu, as if he had been here before in a dream.

He reached a section near the back of the store, where a single book stood out from the rest. It was bound in dark, weathered leather and had no title on the spine. Curious, he pulled it from the shelf and opened it. The pages were filled with strange symbols and diagrams, unlike anything he had ever seen. As he flipped through the book, he felt a sudden jolt, as if an electric current had surged through his body.

Everything went black.

Ethan woke up in his apartment, lying on the couch. His head throbbed, and he had no memory of how he got there. The last thing he remembered was being in the bookstore, holding that strange book. He sat up slowly, trying to shake off the lingering dizziness.

His phone buzzed on the coffee table, and he picked it up, expecting another mundane notification. Instead, he saw an unfamiliar message: "System Activated." Before he could process what that meant, a holographic interface appeared before his eyes, displaying various stats and abilities.

"Welcome, Ethan Cross," a calm, robotic voice intoned. "You have been chosen to awaken the ancient system. Your journey begins now."

Ethan stared at the interface in disbelief. His life had just taken a turn for the extraordinary, and he had no idea what to expect next.