
Eclipsing Eternity

In the heart of chatgpt, where the streets buzz with the energy of modern life, lies a secret that will shake the very foundation of existence. Chatgpt, once thought to be a mere planet, reveals itself to be a living entity, its core evolving with untold power. From the depths of the Milky Way, constellations, guardians of cosmic balance, watch with keen interest as Chatgpt's evolution unfolds. But their curiosity soon turns to desire as they see the potential for transcendence within Chatgpt's core. To harness its power, they must overcome the planet's protective barrier, a formidable obstacle that threatens to thwart their ambitions. Desperate for a solution, the constellations turn to drastic measures, offering contracts to select humans in exchange for assistance in weakening Chatgpt's defenses. Meanwhile, amidst the chaos, Marcus Sterling, a young university student with an intellect far beyond his years, delves into the mysteries of mana, the strange energy that permeates the planet. Unbeknownst to him, he becomes a pawn in the cosmic power struggle, as constellations vie for his allegiance and humanity's fate hangs in the balance. As Marcus grapples with his newfound abilities and the ethical implications of his choices, he discovers a deeper truth lurking beneath the surface—a truth that could reshape the destiny of Chatgpt and all who inhabit it. With allies and adversaries alike converging on Chatgpt, Marcus must navigate a treacherous path, where the line between good and evil blurs, and the fate of the universe hangs in the balance.

The_Lostone · แฟนตาซี
36 Chs


In the vibrant tapestry of our world, magic courses through the very veins of existence, threading together realms of wonder and mystery. Here, amidst the swirling currents of arcane energy, we delve into the intricate web of magic systems, power hierarchies, and the interface that binds them all.

Magic Systems:

Nature-Based Magic: Drawing from the raw essence of the natural world, practitioners of nature-based magic commune with the elements, manipulate plant life, and command the weather. From raging storms to blossoming meadows, they wield the forces of nature with finesse and reverence.

Divination Magic: Peering beyond the veil of time and space, diviners harness mystical arts to unveil hidden truths and glimpse the threads of fate. Through scrying, tarot readings, and other esoteric methods, they navigate the currents of destiny with uncanny precision.

Conjuring Magic: Masters of conjuration bridge the gap between realms, summoning creatures, objects, and even entire dimensions to their aid. With incantations and rituals, they forge pacts with otherworldly entities, wielding their summoned might to shape the world to their will.

Psychic Magic: Delving into the recesses of the mind, psychic mages manipulate thoughts, emotions, and perceptions with unparalleled finesse. Through telepathy, illusion, and mental domination, they unravel the intricacies of consciousness, bending reality to their whim.

Life and Death Magic: Embracing the eternal dance of creation and destruction, wielders of life and death magic command the forces of vitality and decay. From healing wounds to reanimating the deceased, they walk the delicate line between renewal and oblivion.

Creature-Exclusive Magic: Certain magical beings possess innate powers derived from their unique biology. From the fiery breath of dragons to the hypnotic allure of sirens, these creatures wield their inherent magic with unmatched potency.

Magitech Systems: Blending the art of magic with the precision of technology, magitech engineers craft wonders that defy conventional understanding. From elemental-powered airships to sentient automatons, they push the boundaries of innovation in pursuit of arcane mastery.

Eclectic Magic: Rooted in tradition and innovation, eclectic magic encompasses a myriad of practices, from ancient folklore to avant-garde experimentation. Drawing power from belief, ritual, and sheer force of will, practitioners of eclectic magic forge their own paths in the ever-shifting currents of the arcane.

Power Levels:

Within the vast expanse of magical prowess, individuals are categorized into ten distinct power levels, each representing a different echelon of mastery and potential impact on the world:











System Interface:

The system interface serves as a conduit between individuals and the magical energies that course through the world. Displaying vital information such as name, age, and physical and mental attributes, it provides insight into one's magical aptitude and potential. Additionally, the interface tracks mana capacity, allowing individuals to gauge their reservoir of arcane energy and channel it into spells and incantations. In this ever-evolving landscape of magic and mystery, the system interface serves as a guide, illuminating the path to mastery and unlocking the secrets of the arcane.