
**Chapter 1: A New Beginning **

Ethan blinked, disoriented by the sudden change in surroundings. Instead of the inside of a gaming capsule, he found himself in a vast meadow. The chirping of birds filled the air, and the scent of wildflowers wafted on a gentle breeze.

He instinctively reached out with his mind and was met with a virtual interface, similar to a game menu. There were no prompts or guiding voice; only a menu detailing his stats, skills, and inventory.

*Name: Ethan*

*Level: 1*

*Energy: 100/100*

*Skills: [Summon Undead]*

*Inventory: Empty*

As he explored the menu, Ethan's stomach growled loudly, reminding him of his human needs. He spotted an apple tree in the distance and decided to approach it. Before he could reach it, however, a boar charged out from the bushes, bearing its sharp tusks.

Without thinking, Ethan activated the [Summon Undead] skill, summoning a skeletal warrior. The boar, taken aback by the sudden appearance of the undead, hesitated just long enough for the skeletal warrior to strike it down with an old, rusted sword.

Ethan felt a rush of relief, but it was short-lived. The dark energy that the undead emitted started to corrupt the surrounding area. The once-green grass under the skeletal warrior's feet turned black and lifeless.

Horrified, he quickly dismissed the skeletal warrior. While the oppressive energy faded, the land remained tainted. He realized he had to be more careful with his newfound abilities.

Ethan finally reached the apple tree and plucked a few apples, munching on them as he pondered his next move. The meadow seemed endless, with no sign of civilization in sight. He decided to trek west, towards the setting sun, hoping to find a village or town.

As he walked, Ethan practiced controlling his summoning skill, trying to minimize the corrupting effect. He discovered that by focusing his energy and intent, he could somewhat reduce the dark aura emitted by the undead. It was tiring but felt like a step in the right direction.

Nightfall approached, and Ethan stumbled upon a crystal-clear stream. He decided to set up camp there. Using rocks and branches, he made a makeshift shelter.

The sky was a tapestry of stars, unlike any he had ever seen. Ethan lay on his back, gazing up at the constellations, reflecting on his first day in this mysterious world. As the gentle sounds of the stream lulled him to sleep, he felt a mix of apprehension and excitement for the days to come.


With his newly established goals and the potential threats around him, Ethan decided to lay low and start with the basics. There was no point in jumping ahead and drawing attention. He needed to grasp the fundamentals of this world first.

He opened the UI and noticed an icon labeled "Basics of Cultivation." Tapping on it, a stream of information flowed into his mind. The process of cultivation involved drawing Qi from the environment, refining it, and absorbing it to strengthen oneself. This Qi had different attributes based on its source - earth, water, fire, wind, and more.

Ethan practiced some simple Qi gathering techniques and felt the faintest wisp of energy circling inside him. It felt...alive. Elated by this success, he spent hours practicing, and by nightfall, he could feel a small reservoir of Qi within him.

During one of his breaks, he wandered around and found wild fruit-bearing trees. He noticed a particular fruit that pulsed faintly with energy. Curious, he opened his UI and saw an identification feature. On activating it, he learned it was a "Spirit Apple," a beginner's aid in cultivation. Consuming it would not only nourish the body but also aid in gathering Qi.

After making a temporary shelter using fallen branches and leaves, Ethan settled for the night. He consumed the Spirit Apple, feeling its effects immediately. His reservoir of Qi felt more substantial, and his senses sharper.

Throughout the night, he dreamt of the endless possibilities in this new world. He saw visions of towering mountains, vast deserts, dense forests, and metropolises teeming with cultivators. Some of these visions showed him clashing with powerful beings, while others depicted him trading and conversing with different races.

He awoke with a start, the morning sun shining down on him. The dream felt too real, like a premonition. He realized that to survive and thrive in this world, he had to be prepared for anything. The foundation was key.

Shaking off his drowsiness, Ethan resumed his Qi gathering exercises, determined to progress and stand firm against the challenges awaiting him.