
Eclipse of the Abyss

A seasoned gamer, stumbles upon an obscure, unreleased VRRPG. Intrigued, he dives into the game, only to find himself in a world shrouded in darkness and teeming with nightmarish creatures. As he delves deeper into the game, he realizes that the game's reality is blending into his own, and the monsters he fights in the game begin to appear in his world. With each level he conquers, the line between the game and reality blurs further. Now, he must not only fight to survive in the game but also protect his reality from the encroaching darkness. And he soon uncovers the truth behind the game's creation and the real-world consequences of his actions within the game. The stakes are high, the battles are brutal, and the line between the game and reality is anything but clear...

ExChaser · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Prologue: The Unveiling

The rain poured relentlessly, drenching the city in a shroud of gloom. Uria, a seasoned gamer and connoisseur of virtual adventures, found solace in the dimly lit room of his apartment.

The flickering glow of his computer screen provided a comforting escape from the dreariness outside.

Restless and yearning for a new gaming experience, Uria scoured the depths of the internet, searching for something extraordinary.

And then, like a hidden gem waiting to be discovered, he stumbled upon a forum thread discussing an unreleased RPG known as "Eclipse of the Abyss."

Intrigued by the rumors surrounding this enigmatic game, Uria's curiosity got the better of him. Without hesitation, he downloaded the mysterious file that promised a journey like no other.

Little did he know that this decision would plunge him into a world far beyond his wildest imagination.

As the installation progress bar filled, a surge of anticipation coursed through Uria's veins. Finally, the game launched, immersing him in a virtual realm shrouded in darkness and mystery. The opening cutscene unfolded before his eyes, revealing a desolate landscape with towering mountains and eerie forests.

The scene shifted to a ruined castle, where a group of hooded figures stood in a circle, chanting ominously.

Their voices grew louder, and a faint light began to emanate from the center of the circle. Suddenly, the ground trembled, and a massive figure rose from the shadows.

Uria watched in awe as the creature unfurled its wings, unleashing a terrifying roar that echoed throughout the landscape. And the cutscene faded into the title screen.

Uria grinned, feeling his excitement building as he read the name of the game.

"Eclipse of the Abyss"

It was time to start a new adventure. With that, a character creation appeared, and because of the thrilling feeling he had. He quickly creates his character using the available preset. 

A figure cloaked in dark armor, adorned with intricate engravings. His long, flowing blonde hair cascaded over his shoulders, adding an air of mystery to his presence.

After completing the character creation, he entered the world of Eclipse of the Abyss.

The first thing he noticed was the realism of the game's graphics. Every detail was meticulously crafted, from the texture of the stone walls to the ripples of water on the ground. It was truly a work of art. 

But the most noticeable of them all are the dark atmosphere and the blood-red sky.

He also realized that there are no tutorials or any kind of introduction whatsoever, which is fine as he already knows a bit about how this kind of game works.

And so, with a deep breath, Uria began his journey through the unknown.

With each step, he felt the weight of his armor and sword, reminding him that he was truly immersed in this virtual world. Uria started walking, the clanking of his armored boots echoing across the dark, empty streets.

And just like what he thought, a first town was within his sight, but something seemed off. There's no one in the streets, even if it's a first town, this is just too empty.

Uria continued towards the town, his steps quickening with each passing second. The first town was unnervingly silent.

Uria's senses were on high alert as he cautiously made his way down the deserted thoroughfare. His eyes darted back and forth, scanning for any signs of danger.

A faint glimmer caught his attention.

Up ahead, a dimly lit window revealed a shadowy figure moving about inside.

Uria carefully approached the building, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword. He peered through the window and was greeted by a horrifying sight.

Bodies were scattered across the floor, their blood pooling on the wooden planks.

Standing among the carnage was a grotesque monster, its fangs dripping with crimson fluid.

Uria instinctively drew his sword, preparing to fight for his life.

But before he could act, the monster let out a deafening howl, shattering the glass and sending Uria flying backward.

Uria struggled to his feet, his body trembling with fear and adrenaline. He knew he had to fight back or else he would be next.

And so, Uria charged at the monster, his sword raised high.

But the monster was faster, easily dodging Uria's attack and countering with a vicious blow to the head.

Uria fell to the ground, his vision blurred and his body weak.

But the monster didn't stop. It pounced on Uria, tearing into his flesh with its razor-sharp claws.

Uria cried out in pain as he struggled to fend off the creature.

He is aware that this was probably how the game wanted to teach the new player about the dark cruel reality of this game. As how a low-level character would be defeated by a high-level monster. 

Such a cliche thing that most games are used to teach new players about this type of game genre. 

However, he does feel a bit sense of regret not preparing for this type of trap. As he realizes he should figure out this type of tutorial for this type of game. As if the preparations were done, he might be able to beat this monster. 

With each passing second, Uria felt his strength fading away. He knew he couldn't last much longer. He was barely conscious but then he was about to die, the dark figure that he had seen before appeared and slain the monster.

Uria couldn't see much after that as he soon fainted due to the excessive blood loss.


Uria's eyes fluttered open, a bright light stinging his retinas. He blinked rapidly, trying to adjust to the harsh surroundings.

Where am I? he wondered, his mind still groggy from the attack.

A voice suddenly broke the silence.

"You're awake, good."

Uria turned his head and saw a hooded figure standing over him.

"Who are you?" Uria asked, his voice hoarse and weak. The figure didn't respond, instead they offered him a bowl of water.

"Drink this, you need to regain your strength."

Uria accepted the offer and drank the cool liquid, instantly revitalizing him.

"Thank you," Uria said. "What happened to me?"

"You were attacked by a feral demon."

"Feral demon?"

"A rare and powerful monster that has lost control of its primal instincts, killing everything in its path." The man said.

For more chapter of this story, just comment and I will upload the entire story again here!

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