
Echos of the past

fujoshiXsilence · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Chapter 1

I died at 22 years old, content with my life. My life was not a good one, so I dont wish to remember it. Why was I content with a horrid life? While others were keeping skeletons, I was keeping masks. One day I woke up thinking about the wrong i had done in my life, the people I hurt, and the things I've done. However I didnt feel guilty. Sure I felt bad about inconveniencing others but they had done the same to me.

I guess you could say that was the day I broke. People were judging things as if there was only the good, bad, or ugly. I saw things differently. It's not black, white, and shady grey. It's not the opposite side of the same coin. It's just darkness. If put differently, every action a person takes is selfish in one way or another. Putting these actions into different colors, similar to rainbows, a person accumulates so many colors in their life that everything they do is darkness.

Anyways, I was content with my life. I accepted what I can and cant change, and I moved on. Thinking this as i fell asleep, the next thing I knew, I was in a dark place with grey outlines of my use-to-be home and family. I watched my love wake up to find me gone. I watched my child scream for me. I hoped for their happiness in the future, my love knew they were better off without me. I should have cried but I was happy they could now have fulfilling lives.

While I dont condone suicide, and this may sound very depressing, I had talked to my love. I confessed my problems, my resentment toward most every person I met including my love and child, my unwillingness to change into a person I'm not, and my broke mind. The response I recieved was a laugh, simply because it was believed i was drunk. After a year of expressing my will on the matter, my love accepted it, not knowing what I really meant. My resentment only fueled my contentment with letting go. I was a bad parent, bad lover, bad child and grandchild, bad friend, and bad company. I was that person people would avoid unless they wanted something before backstabbing me, the outcast, the psycho, the emotionless.

I was content letting it all go. The grey faded and pure darkness overturned me. My mind wondered, things I didnt understand became clear while things I knew became clouded. My memories began to fade but my broken thinking stayed.

Time doesnt run in the darkness, neither does it stop. Having had thoughts of all that was wrong with humanity, I could never find a solution. I couldnt find any answer that didnt lead to the same problems. Humans will always strive for power, those with power will always abuse it, those without power wont do much to change it.

What good had emotions ever done? Anger alienates people. Happiness is only momentary. Sadness stains. Excitement causes accidents. Anxiety hurts everyone. Love is the equivalent to pain and occasionally torture.

I've become devoid of emotion and maybe rational thinking but it doesnt matter to me. This darkness has been fading, turning into a galaxy of colors. The brightest color, an off shade of light blue or snow, has been overwhelming the darkness. Once the dark had been swallowed whole, the other colors began to fade as well.

All that is left is a blinding snow blue light. I find this color distasteful, however, a being has appeared. A mist of some kind, keeping this being covered, had not spoken but watched me as I watched back.

This staring contest will never have had a winner if the other mist hadnt have shown up. A mist of light grey, almost silver, had the voice of tiny bells that I didnt understand. The snow blue mist responded in a similar voice to the other, pointing at me.

I waited for something to happen, anything, but the silvery mist just stayed in place with the snow blue and watched me. Choosing to acknowledge their existence, I shook my head. Panicked mists of many colors flooded the area and surrounded me, however one color scheme remained gone.

No matter where I looked, I found no sign of darkness. I spoke out, "Why am I here in this blinding place?"

The mists retreated, showing outlines of beings of different types. Snow blue approached me and tried to speak but all I heard was bells. Letting a sigh escape my lips, "I cannot understand your words."

Snow blue paused and spoke again, "Can you understand me now?"

I nodded slightly, "Yes. Why am I here in this blinding place?"

"This was the personal chambers of the lord of darkness. If you are here, it is because you have higher affinity to the darkness than the previous lord. Do you wish to take over the position?" Snow blue asked.

"What does the lord do?" I asked back.

"We govern the races and beings with our affinities on selective galaxies." What a lame response.

"I dont wish to be lord then." I said.

"The previous lord will assume duty. You will have to vacate the premises. Do you know which world you came from and how long you have been here?" he asked.


"Really? How do you not know? Isnt it simple to tell time in here?" he asked puzzled.

"Silence fool. Have you not realized the situation?" Said a mist of darkness. The mist turned into the outline of a beast yet not a beast.

"Lord dark, what is the situation you speak of? As I see it, we have an uninvited guest who accidently came here." snow blue said.

"Lord snow, May I remind you of our positions and affinities. Who are we and how can we be replaced?" Lord dark said.

"Obviously we are the creators and originals, we will always hold highest affinity so how can we be replaced?" Lord snow said.

"I, Lord dark, creator of darkness, was almost replaced but a moment ago. Meaning?" Lord dark said with a smile toward the other beings before turning to me. "My lady. Have you perhaps been in the darkness pondering things?"

"Yes." I stated.

"Do you remember anything of your life before the darkness?" he asked with a slight smile.

"I was content. I dont know what I was content about." I responded.

"May I bother you to let me take a look at your mind?" he asked.

"If a broken mind is observed, it may break you as well. I dont believe it to be a good idea however if another can help you then so be it." I said.

"Broken mind? I shall take a look. Lady light is here to help in case." He said.

I felt a warm sensation on my body as dark mist enveloped me. Feeling like I was in a warm bath, I began to feel content. Lord dark began to gasp and the mist turned cold and fled from me. A man yelled, "Lady light, help him!"

A cluster of sparkling lights came to the dark man and put her hand on Lord darks head. After a few minutes it seemed, Lord dark stood up. As he looked at me, his darkness flickered, "You have been asleep for far too long. Is there anything this one can do for you?"

"Lord dark! What did you see? Why be humble to this being?!" Lord snow yelled.

"You wish to know? Does anyone remember the first to awaken?" Lord dark asked.

Few responded but most agreed that the first to awaken was a legend. Lord dark shook his head, "Fine. Then tell me, why was I born last?"

Most looked confused but Lord dark looked at me, "How is darkness created?"

"Darkness is equal ratio of every single color put together." I said.

"What colors would you create first to create darkness?" he asked me.

"Start with the lightest colors and work your way to the darker ones." I stated as if it was comman knowledge.

"Can I ask the lords and ladys to line up according to birth?" He asked the others. They agreed confused and began to line up, immediately noticing a pattern.

"My apologies, I dont mean to be insulting but do you mind if we talk about age for a moment?" I was asked.

"I do not care." I said.

"Very well. Thank you." He bowed to me and tu rned to the others, "How old are you lady light?"

The lady from earlier scoffs and says, "19 trillion. Give it take a few billion years. Why?"

"Being the oldest of us siblings, how old do you think this person is?" Lord dark asked.

"She looks to be maybe 100 years old." she scoffs.

"You must be stupid. Any other guesses?" Lord dark asks the crowd.

"500?" "20 thousand?" "1 million!"

"All wrong. This Madam was born before our time. Do you remember the planet with the gods of beliefs?" he said smugly.

"That was a weird planet!" said a man.

"Do you remember the records we recieved when we found the planet?" Lord dark asked.

"Yes. What of it?" Lord snow said agitated.

"What was the last 'year' recorded before humanity was wiped out the umpteenth time?" Lord dark asked.

"Wasnt it like 4260 or something?" Lord snow said.

"Precisely. That was the last reset of the world. However, this madam is from the first generation of that world. Do you remember why the world reset?" Lord dark asked.

"Lord dark, get on with it. It's obvious your lieing so please stop wasting our time and show us what you saw." Lady Light said.

"Very well. Madam, if you will allow me, may I play the memories you forgot?" Lord dark asked me.

"I do not care." I replied.

Lord dark nodded and a screen appeared with his mist, showing flashes of what was my human life. I watched with no interest, not remembering any of what was shown.

When my death was shown, I watched and nodded, the mists watching my reaction. "Why are you nodding?" one asked.

"I could see that I was content. If your content then **************." I said not realizing part of what I said was censored.

"....." nobody said anything as my memories were sped up and Lord dark broke the silence.

"The noise you hear is her speaking. I sped the time up to 1000 years a second... The time stamp is in the corner... Watch this next part closely." He spoke then went quiet.

They watched as the colors began forming in the darkness, lightest colors first then darker colors. The darkness close to me was slowly absorbed by the others. Snow blue looked at me, frowning.

"What?" I asked him.

"I get it now but why was darkness made last?" he asked me. The others looked at me, waiting for my answer.

"Darkness is **************. Do you understand?" I said.

"... No." Snow blue said.

"To make a color from darkness is as simple as *********. If you can *******, then you can **********. However, you must keep in mind ******** will happen so you also have to ********* the other colors until you get the lightest and confirm its existence before *********. Is that easier to understand?" I asked.

"No. Every other word you said was censored." Someone said.

"Then you aren't enlightened enough to understand. Maybe in a few trillion more years." I said and glanced at the video. The others looked at it and jumped in surprise.

We watched as the colors were absorbed and snow blue color dominated the darkness and I came out of it. The group looked at Snow blue who had a smug look, "So I'm stronger than Lord dark."

"No. I am not content around snow blue so you had the brunt of my anger and will always be the first I seek out when I'm not content for it's your existence that causes it for me." I stated.

Snow blues eyes went wide, baffled. The others held back laughs and Lord dark ended the video. "I am not Lord dark anymore. Please call me Lord black. As the madam knows true darkness, she has that title."

"I do not wish for such a boring job. I wish to seek knowledge." I stated.

Lord black nodded, "Would you like to start with our archives? It has history, theory, techniques, and many other things."

"Yes. Where can I find them?" I asked.

"Would you like refreshments while there? I'll open the door for you once your ready." He said.

"Yes. Earl grey tea with honey, please." I said.

"As you wish." Lord black said and opened a door, "This way."

As he led me threw a series of paths and doors, we came to the archives to find Snow blue with tea and fruits.

"I'm sorry for wasting your time walking so much but I wanted you to have an authentic cup of tea. However this one wanted to bring it over for you." Lord black said.

"I dont want you to be discontent with me, so please allow me to help you in any way I can." Lord snow said.

"If you wish to help me, then leave me be. It is cold near you, cold makes me sleep." I stated and walked past him to get to the books. I had grabbed the tea from him gently as I passed him, reading the first book on the shelf.