
Echoing Resurgence

A 26 year old game developer meets his end after being shot by a gunman. But his story doesn't end there. He stands before the goddess Altair, who offers him a fresh start in a realm untouched by his past. There's a catch, though - his memories are locked away, and it takes him years to unlock them. Altair shares a chilling prophecy of a catastrophic event looming over this world's future. Now, Lukas faces a daunting choice: should he try to save this world or let it face its fate? Echoing Resurgence is a blend of fantasy, action, and mystery that takes readers on a thrilling journey. As the protagonist confronts dark forces, unravels hidden truths, and encounters the mysterious Altair, the fate of countless worlds hangs in the balance. Will he uncover the key to salvation, or will the echoes of resurgence be lost to the sands of time?

KentJnr · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

[chapter 1] Reborn, Part 1

As the first light of dawn painted the sky, a newborn baby opened his eyes to the world for the very first time. The room was quiet, filled with anticipation as the midwife gently placed the tiny bundle in his mother's arms. The young mother, with her silver hair flowing and green eyes held him with immense joy.

Beside her, the young father radiated pride, his arm around the mother, creating a circle of warmth. He has brown hair, blue eyes sparkled with joy. Their hearts swelled with love for their newborn son, Lukas, who inherited his mother's silver hair and his father's blue eyes.

Days turned into weeks, then months and counting. The scene shifted to Lukas, now around three years old, running through their home. Laughter filled the air as he darted from room to room, exploring every corner, with his young mother playfully chasing after him.

"Slow down, Louie!" she called out, a mix of concern and laughter in her voice. "You're so fast!"

But Lukas, driven by curiosity, paid no attention to his mother's words. He reveled in the freedom of movement, his little feet on the floors, his laughter echoing through the house.

Amidst the joyful chaos, his mother affectionately called his name. "Lukas, come back here you might fall!"

With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Lukas looked back, a playful grin on his face. He enjoyed the chase, a special bond between mother and son forming in their hearts.

The scene captured a fleeting moment in Lukas's early years, a snapshot of love, joy, and the endless energy of childhood. It was a time of exploration and discovery, where every corner held a new adventure and each day brought something exciting and unknown.

One afternoon, Lukas sat on the ground with his legs crossed, a dusty old book spread out before him. His small hands traced the ancient text as he began reciting an incantation, his voice filled with determination. As the final words left his lips, he stood up and a surge of energy gathered in his hand, tingling with promise.

But then, a sudden misstep disrupted his concentration, causing him to stumble. In that moment, the room was filled with a chill, and ice crystals materialized, casting a frosty sheen across the surroundings. Lukas took a deep breath, calming his racing heart, and focused once again. This time, as he repeated the spell, snowballs formed in his hands, and with a flick of his wrist, they soared through the air, creating a tiny snowman in their wake.

Excitement bubbled within Lukas as he reveled in his newfound abilities. His eyes sparkled with delight as he decided to push further, eager to explore the extent of his powers. Another incantation escaped his lips, and the ground beneath him turned into a frozen wonderland. A gust of wind swirled within his room, carrying with it the whispers of a magical realm.

Outside the house, Leon, sharpening his sword, noticed the sudden gust of wind emanating from Lukas's room. Concern etched across his face, he swiftly made his way inside, his footsteps echoing through the frozen halls. Meanwhile, Sophia, drawn by the commotion, raced towards Lukas's room, worry etched upon her features.

Lukas, aware of their presence, halted his spellcasting and turned to face his parents. His cheeks flushed with a mixture of excitement and guilt as he attempted to conceal the book. However, his efforts were in vain as Sophia's eyes fell upon the mysterious tome. With a mixture of curiosity and concern, she addressed Lukas, her voice tinged with uncertainty, "Lukas, where did you find this book? Have you been using it to cast these spells?"

Lukas hesitated for a moment, his voice filled with both curiosity and innocence. "Um, I found it in the storage room downstairs. I brought it up because I was curious," he admitted, his gaze meeting Sophia's.

Sophia's heart raced as she gazed at the book before her. Memories of her late father, a renowned high-level mage, flooded her thoughts. Could this be one of his cherished tomes? The possibilities seemed endless, and a surge of excitement coursed through her veins. Looking at Lukas, her eyes glimmered with anticipation.

Without a second thought, Sophia swept Lukas into her arms, a joyous smile gracing her face. She glanced at Leon, her voice filled with delight as she exclaimed, "Leon, our little Louie is a genius!" Leon's laughter filled the room as he scooped Lukas up and spun him around, their happiness echoing through the air.

In her mind, Sophia couldn't help but feel a tinge of both pride and shame Ice magic was her clan's main element but she couldn't use it properly. Seeing this she got an idea to make Lukas a mage.

Calling out to Leon, Sophia eagerly shared her idea, her voice brimming with excitement. "Leon, let's make Louie a mage."

Leon responded with an awkward tone, "Well, okay, but we agreed that I'll teach him sword arts."

Sophia pouted in response, "But he's already capable of using magic, so it's obvious he should become a mage."

The couple engaged in a brief but heated debate, each presenting their own perspective on Lukas's future path. Sophia insisted on focusing solely on magic, while Leon proposed a compromise.

Leon sighed, a bored expression on his face. "You know what? Why not both, then? I'll train him in the basics of sword arts."

Sophia's face lit up with a triumphant smirk. "Ha ha, so you agree! Okay, let's ask Louie for his opinion." She turned to Lukas and posed the question, eagerly awaiting his response. Both parents made it clear that they would fully support him, regardless of the path he chose to pursue.

"Louie, you can choose to become what you want we won't force our selfish desires on you. Any path you choose we'll be the watching you."

Leon, noticing the chill in the room, spoke up. Lukas smiled, his mind suddenly flooded with memories from his past life. Faint fragments of his previous parents echoed in his thoughts, their voices carrying familiar words. Though their faces remained blurry, he could remember glimpses of his previous parents saying a similar thing to him.

In the midst of these recollections, Lukas received a brief flash of the goddess he had encountered earlier. The image lingered in his mind, leaving him with a sense of curiosity.

But before he could look deeper into those memories, his attention snapped to the gun-man that had abruptly ended his life. The sight of the man, a glint of guilt in his eyes, sent shivers down his spine, sending him back to the present. He stood still in place, his eyes wide with the weight of that haunting encounter.

(To be continued...)