
Who's the Girl

Chapter 2

Somewhere not to far away a young child screams yeah that's right scream for your mummy and your daddy another kid yells while striking out against the already bruised and battered child. Shut up another yells from the corner sending a kick to the belly of the Little kid who by now was already surrounded by kids on all sides, why are you doing this the child slowly asks, because we want to, a lead figure walks out from the group of kids brandishing a dashing smile on her face as she stared down at the figure of a small girl barely 14 years old who looks up with tears streaming down her face, oh Stella when would you learn, how many times have we told you anytime we close from school you run home as fast as you can and if you cross our path you would be in for it, I've never seen someone as dumb before, another kid interjects a tall lanky boy with a blonde dyed hair walks over as he crosses his arm over Janet the lead bully with a bad attitude as she stares at Stella with obvious disdain in her eyes. Oh babe come on let's be done already we're gonna be dirty if we play with her any longer the boy continues your right Jason. Janet reluctantly agrees as they all begin to disperse, but not before she takes one last shove at Stella who falls hard to the floor. Let's go everyone she's not worth it at all, they laugh viciously as they take their leave while leaving Stella on the floor moaning in pain cradling a part of her stomach.

Stella an only child of a single parent, her mom who she stays with but is rarely ever around because of the bills to pay which keeps piling and climbing having to work different and numerous jobs and shifts just to make ends needs. Thinking about how she hates her life she slowly gets up, wiping her tears away and began making her way home, this has always been her life bullied almost every single day, so alone with no friends, she sadly laughed to herself, friends when had she ever had friends she was always changing schools she never stayed in one school long enough to make a friend or even finish a session, there were times she almost made a friend but as soon as they found out the type of wierdo she was it was goodbye and see you never, it didn't matter how she acted how she dressed or any of those traits, sometimes she always felt she was destined to be alone. Troddingg on, her feet seemed to automatically know where to go as she found herself in front of the Grimwald cemetery.its funny how she always found her way to this place, she could have sworn it was calling her, regardless of what she thought she still went ahead and entered. People rarely visited the dead but not her,her dad was here so she would stop by every now and then and honestly speaking she really did prefer the graveyard to her school or even her house, it was too depressing at home she couldn't help but shrug the feeling off.the graveyard it was the only place quiet enough for her it was where she would come to think and just breathe, weird right thinking back now it's probably might be one of the reasons she didn't have friends. But enough was enough she stilled her mind as she thought about it no more shoving it to the back of her mind, finally she had arrived in front of a gravestone Tommy leehan loving father brother and son 1984-2011. The gravestone read. Hi Dad she smiled, sitting down at the foot of the gravestone she couldn't help but look up at the statue of an Angel which was used to commemorate the site, she had always imagined her father as an Angel looking over her always protecting her and looking out for her, but now that she was grown she understood better there was no guardian angel and life wasn't Rosy not even in the slightest but still even after knowing all this she would still come here to talk to her father as if he could hear her, all the things she couldn't say to anyone or out loud she would tell him. For her it was the closure it provided and the safe space knowing all her fears and secrets would remain with the dead it was literally safe to say she took all her secrets to the grave. Unknowingly her eyes seemed to tear up once more as she tried to dry them up but to no avail she could only let them run freely I'm okay she told herself over and over again but at the back of her mind she could still see the scars on her wrist not once not twice it was a problem that had stuck with her. Knowing a girl her age shouldn't have to think the way she did or live through the things she had, she had tried to take her life over and over to end it all so she could at least rest. But then again even death seemed to elude her. Her mother doing the best she thought sought-after a psychologist for her in her paranoia,but she Stella could never adjust to the treatment or whatever it was called however she had to go or she would be shipped off to brackenhall. Brackenhall the worst nightmare for any growing teen the juvy of all juvy since she had a record for criminally insane which was really funny to her at the time, she was in the opinion that it was her life she could do whatever she wanted with it which was really over the top for a 13 year old girl landing her in more trouble than she could handle and it was just the beginning of her troubles she almost got separated from her mum because the judge thought her mum was not responsible and almost gave her up for adoption luckily she dogded that one. At the end of it she just had to serve time, time seeing a shrink to get her mind right or so they say.

Glancing at the sky she instantly got up she had drifted off for to long it was time she got home she still had a lot to do, her mother was going to kill her, another fight she would yell, tell me are you the only one that can fight, your always in one mess or the other. She could still hear her voice yell from the last time she came back home tattered from a fight, I wouldn't hear the half of it, hurridly she took off in the direction of home if she wasn't in a rush she would have stopped to admire the setting sun or the or the fountain that she believed to be magic or the street dancers performing it was a sad walk home.Stuck in her mind she didn't notice the people calling neither did she notice the incoming car rushing towards her not until it was right in front of her face, completely thrown off guard she falls face first to the ground,closing her eyes in anticipation for a world of hurt that would assult her body as soon as she hits the ground.but Even after a couple of minutes there was no sound of a car ramming someone nor was there the pain she waited for, opening her eyes she could see everyone staring at her while she was alone on the other side of the road with no one in close proximity bewildered by the sudden change she stumbled up her eyes still in a daze she couldn't believe what just happened,I almost died she mumbled to herself, what happened she asks herself again as she could only remember the car about to hit her and the next moment she was already across the road, please can anyone tell me what just happened she asked the people around but nobody seemed to know a thing as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Good day sir did you happen to see the accident that almost occurred she asked an old man standing in front of a coffee shop but the man blankly stares at her without saying a word, after a few minutes of akward silence she speaks again in that case I'm sorry for bothering you she apologizes as she turns around to leave. little doll somethings are not meant to be seen he said before keeping silent once more. Stella who had already paused in her steps turned back to address the old man only to see the man's cold and old eyes staring straight at her, his gaze felt deep like nothing could hide from his eyes as long as he could see you everything else was an open book. What do you mean sir she politely asked but the old man had gone silent once again it was as if he couldn't hear her or she just didn't exist, he didn't have her in his eyes anymore. Still preplexed by the occurrence around her she rushed back home cautiously as today was just too strange Even for her