
In the beginning

Would you believe me if I told you the world isn't what it seems or isn't what we believe do u believe when I say what we see is just the tip of the iceberg, that life is like a stage but we only see what's in front of the curtains never wondering what's behind until it's drawn open and then you realize just how small one person can be in the grand scheme of things you might think I m pulling your legs I assure you I'm not welcome to my world. My name is Ravan Velman and if you think being a college school student is hard try being a fresh outta School graduate ready for the world. Ahhh I wake up slowly pulling myself up from bed remembering I have that grand interview with opic industries later today while silently motivating my self to be on my best behavior after all it is my fifth interview this week."this is the weather forecast this morning on morning scoop,it's been a raging forecast this couple of days past this week as it looks like nature is Definitely in a bad mood we should be expecting heavy downpour through out the day so folks don't forget to dress properly for a wet Thursday" the TV blasts out as I turn it on it's been really weird around here this days as it's been raining for 5 days straight now I hope it ends soon or at this rate the whole city would be flooded before the weekend is over I yawn lazily as I walk towards the shower after getting cleaned up I hurridly dress for my interview it's about to be rush hour which means I'm getting late, running out my small apartment as I slam the door shut hurridly lock it up and bolt down the stairs. It's no sleep for a busy man I tell myself not when I'm trying to get my life together I think to myself as I hastily step out my building living in the city comes with it's advantage and disadvantage. Heyyyy watch where you're walking an angry driver yells as he zooms off. What's wrong with me today I wonder as I finally arrive at the train station Ravan Ravan where have you been I've been calling your phone all morning we're almost late a voice berates looking over I see a short man walks over with a slight bounce in his steps. Mr Garsole it's good to see you too I greet but he waves it aside "well hop on or else we would be late remember we have to give a good impression and showing up late won't do that he complains while already hopping on the express train. I shake my head somethings never change, Mr Garsole a middle age man who has been my boss for the last year until his business went under due to his severe gambling issues leading to a whole lotta debts he couldn't pay anyway last month just before he closed up an old friend of his from high school gave him a shot at redemption leading to the interview at opic this morning" you know I never thought I'll see the day Mr Garsole exitedly explains it's been my life long dream to work for opic they the no1 leading engineering company in all of Dublin I even tried getting a contract with them back in the day but I guess it wasn't meant to be, buh here I am once again boy we have to make things right he says as he Pat's my shoulder. I must confess his energy is contagious because I can feel my mood improving but I can't help but feel nervous this was gonna be a big one. take a deep breath kid I can see you tensed as a mouse caught in a trap his voice calmly drifts over as I turn to look at him with a radiant smile on his face, I can't help but feel happy as a smile comes to my face who knows it might be a good day today I finally start to relax fiiiiiiiiiiiiii the whistle goes off as I can feel the train coming to a halt, that was fast I say with a forced smile let's go boy what are you waiting for Mr Garsole says as he pushes me along not long after we left the station I see the opic industries building which is as majestic as the pictures as well as it's name a huge skyscraper looms in front of me leaving me speechless. Let's go in Mr Garsole says slowly his voice not as confident as it was in the train and I can understand we hadn't even gotten in yet but the pressure was already growing as the air felt stifling.

Ravan forcefully stilled his mind as he spoke to Mr Garsole after you sir he politely said, ohh yes yes he replies in a daze but I can see the sense of panic in his eyes it'll be okay sir just believe, ravan's calm voice could be heard ringing out in the quiet lobby as the whole place was quite empty which was unusual for a big company to be like so on a work day. Good morning sirs a sweet voice calls out as we turn to see a sectary walking towards us in a red dress accentuating her curves with a long slit by the side leaving ones imagination to wander you must be the ones for the interview today she politely asks. yes we are. Mr Garsole replies as he hurridly takes the chance to exchange hands with her as he stretches out his hands for a hand shake which she replies with one of her own while I'm still mesmerized by her otherwordly appearance as I catch a glimpse of a blood curling python tattoo on her wrist which also served to enhance her beauty emphasising on the smooth fair complexion of her skin. Follow me up please Mr Cage has been expecting you she said as she spurned around to lead the way walking even in an enchanting way I deeply swallow as I try to maintain my cool. Walking into the elevator she presses the button for the 78th floor which is really close to the top of this 80 story skyscraper which further proved the high evaluation of Mr Garsole's friend by the company. Walking into his office Mr Cage was sitting in a chair behind a desk I was sure was worth more than my whole apartment combined, oi there silly old gars he call out lightly I hope your ready to blow this directors away I believe in you don't throw my face away,it wouldn't look good for me if you did after all I recommended you Mr Cage unhurriedly spoke as her took out a cigar before lighting it ohh sure old friend I've still got it you know Mr Garsole replies confidently I think we'll I assumed so because right before we entered to see the board of directors I could see his face going pale, Ravan whatever happens in there as we go in I hope you can forgive me he says which leaves me confused I don't understand I turn to ask him that's when it hits me something was definitely about to go wrong. No Time you'll understand during the meeting Cage laughs coldly as I see a sharp glint flash past his eyes. hesitatingly I walk towards the conference room with my guard up ready for anything but what I wasn't prepared for Mr Garsole knocking me out cold.

Owww my head hurts as I groggily stand up, where am I ask while looking around all I can see is pitch black and the piercing pain behind my head serves like a wake up call reminding me that I'm not dreaming. what happened I try to recall the pieces of my foggy memory, Mr Garsole I suddenly jolted awake from my state of semi conscious instantly clearing up my mind as I remember my heart instantly goes cold am I dead I consider this as well it's easy to assume so since all I see is pitch black all of a sudden bright extra luminous light shone down with a frevor enough to blind me after adjusting my eyes to the light I finally open them to find myself in a field full of flowers and an entire mile strectch a whole field of dandelions I raised my head up to sky only to see a bright and clear sky which filled me with a sense of unease.softly and surely the sound of a harp rings out in my ears followed by the sweet Melody of a flute causing my heart to feel at ease eventually i decided to trace the sound.

Marking the 1000th step after walking for what felt like a couple of days. Ravan already flustered by the turn of events gives in to despair as there was not a soul in sight or the sight of the sun setting it's been been over days ever since he had arrived and yet baffled by the mystery of the land where the sun never sets. at this point Ravan had already concluded that he was either dead or somewhere not on Earth, when finally the sound of the music drifts through once again as it had done every once in awhile traveling with the sound of the gentle breeze he lifts his head only to catch a glimpse of a figure flitting past through the corner of his eye. Hey stop he roared as he chased after the flitting shadow with full speed,after sprinting after the shadow for awhile he eventually had to stop, whoever or whatever he was chasing was simply to fast for him to catch-up.stopping to catch a breath he finally saw the silhouette stop under a gigantic tree, a tree as large as a tower, filled with shock Ravan didn't dare to breathe because with how enormous the tree was how was he just seeing it this tree according to logic should have been visible from a mile away and yet he was just seeing it.the tree was huge it's peak could reach the skies while it's branches extended in all directions,under this huge tree there he saw the silhouette slowly vanish no longer visible to him as he slowly trod up to the tree. What kind of tree is this he asked himself as he approached the area covered by this humongous tree and just as he entered the shadow of the tree it felt like he was covered in darkness the light of the sun couldn't even get through to the ground,what a mysterious place this is he mumbled to himself and just then several motes of light brilliantly flashed by before dashing straight into his eyes as he blacked out again.