
Easy Mode in Martial World

In the Realm of the Gods, countless legends fought over a mysterious cube. After the battle it disappeared into the void. Lin Ming stumbles upon this mystery object and begins his journey to become a hero of the land. But, is it the same Lin Ming that everybody knows?

tai_master9903 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
6 Chs

004-First meeting

After sorting things out with Lin Xiaodong, Lin Ming decided to start his inscription practice with his true essence first. With his current financial constraints, he could only do it this way, but with the Origin Dew from the painting realm, he could practice for as long as he wanted.

A few days later.

Lin Ming was sitting inside his rented room; in front of him, the inscription matrix could be seen forming fluidly as he waved several hand seals to condense the true essence. After a few days of continuous practice, he was easily able to condense the whole matrix, and he used the Overwhelming symbol as his first inscription because it was the best inscription in the beginner category.

Releasing a breath he scrutinized the symbol closely, seeing that there were no imperfections a smile formed on Lin Ming's face. "Finally, after a few days of nonstop practice, I can make the symbol without fail."

Before starting his inscription training Lin Ming had officially resigned from his job as a butcher at the Grand Clarity Pavilion, big sister Lan who had hired him was genuinely at a loss as Lin Ming used to do at least twice the amount of work with twice the efficiency.

Lin Ming felt it was not worth his time anymore, he could use all that time to further his inscription master training which would be more beneficial for him at the moment. Throughout the last few days, he had been constantly using overbearing soul tactics and with the help of origin dew, he had made significant progress in his soul power and true essence cultivation.

Lin Ming stopped providing the true essence and the inscription crumbled, he closed his eyes feeling exhaustion setting in, and he promptly took out a jade bottle filled with original dew and took a drop out, using his soul power he directly swallowed it. Instantly he could feel rejuvenated and refreshed.

"Haha, it's good to be rich." Feeling his mind and body refreshed Lin Ming took out three pieces of premium quality inscription paper, just these three had cost him 45 gold teals but Lin Ming did not shy away just because of the cost as he was aiming for a good first impression.

Taking out the remaining materials he checked them once more, after feeling satisfied with his quality check he started his first inscription with real materials. Lin Ming spread his soul force outward and the engraving materials started floating, the most basic material Sky wind grass was compressed and the essence was drawn out.

Lin Ming intently looked at the drops of jade green Sky wind grass essence and swiftly started forming inscription lines using the essence, after continuous use of origin dew Lin Ming's soul power was comparable to someone in the fourth stage of body transformation allowing him to form basic inscription symbols effortlessly.

As he continued to familiarize himself with actual inscription engraving his failure rate was abysmal compared to his success. "I guess having strong soul power along with memories of an expert does make it easier to learn inscription engraving."

Lin Ming reflected as he continued to practice drawing various symbols using basic materials. After he felt that he had a firm grasp of all the basic symbols and lines he finally looked towards precious materials, "Hmm, It's time to engrave my first inscription symbol."

Lin Ming didn't start right away he first took another drop of origin dew and started revolving 'True Primal Chaos Formula'; he wanted to be in his peak condition before the inscription engraving.

Opening his eyes Lin Ming spread out his hands, with his soul power grasping the materials the essence was drawn out, Lin Ming was slow and deliberate during the extraction so as to not fail on his first attempt, and with his high soul power, he could afford the delay. The extracted essence then started coalescing under Lin Ming's control.

With his superior soul power, Lin Ming easily reached the final part of the engraving process, "Now, for the final part, Sky worm silk… condense!" giving a low shout he formed the final hand seal and the symbol matrix coalesced into an inscription the size of a square inch. It hung suspended in the air.

"Success! Hahaha good, now the last step, is to engrave it on the inscription paper." Lin Ming exclaimed with joy and with just a slight bit of soul force it fell on the inscription paper. Gold lines converged to form ancient runes on the inscription paper. The inscription paper with its black color made the Grand runes shine even brighter.

The design, or the mark of the engraver he chose was the same one he had read in the novel but the flame was encircled by a serpent biting its own tail, the ouroboros that was the representation of the eternal cycle of destruction and rebirth, with the flame representing purification.

To be honest, the symbol for Lin Ming did not have any deeper meaning, as with his infinite supply of origin dew whenever he drinks a mouthful he basically is experiencing a rebirth, with all the foul Houtian air leaving his body, replaced by the pure Xiantian qi present in origin dew. With regular consumption of origin dew and diligent practice, he was guaranteed to reach the Xiantian realm and beyond.

Lin Ming shook his head, "No matter. Since I was given this chance I will persevere till the very end, come hell or high water." It doesn't matter if his heart of martial arts is lacking, he just has to keep practicing even harder, what Lin Ming does not lack right now is resources and with the resources at his disposal, he could train ten times or a hundred times more without worrying about injuries and fatigue.

Affirming his resolve Lin Ming looked at the materials, he had bought around twelve sets of materials for the 'Overwhelming symbol'. Swallowing another drop of origin dew he started the inscription engraving for another round.

Two days later.

Lin Ming looked at the twelve pieces of inscription paper in front of him, three of which were black in color and the rest were yellow. There was an expression of mild surprise on his face as he looked at the completed inscriptions. Even though he was confident in his soul force Lin Ming didn't think he would be able to succeed in all his twelve attempts. "This must be related to the Origin Dew, did it increase my soul talent?" this was the only logical explanation he could find, after all, he had been basically consuming Origin Dew like water in the past week or so.

Lin Ming stored all the inscriptions inside his painting realm, the realm also worked as an interspatial ring with infinite storage, he could also use it to hide in case of emergencies. So far Lin Ming had not tested if he could bring people with him inside the realm.

"Now then let's go make some connections and meet my waifu." Lin Ming smirked slightly thinking about Qin Xingxuan, although he was attracted to her his main objective was Mr. Muyi, her inscription teacher who also happens to be the teacher of the crown Prince. If one wanted to find a backer in a kingdom; who better than the future king?

Looking at himself in the mirror Lin Ming admired himself for a bit, straightening his clothes out making himself as immaculate as possible. Feeling satisfied he left for his destination, the Zither Department's Public Lecture Hall.

Each year, the Seven Profound Martial House that was set up in the Sky Fortune Kingdom selected top-tier talents to enter the Seven Profound Valleys. At the request of the royal family, the Seven Profound Martial House also gave special permissions to non-students to enter the public halls where they were able to attend lectures.

However, in order to enter the public lecture hall one needed a special Pass Card! Otherwise, everyone and their mothers and fathers and pet dogs would come. So the public lecture hall was waterproofed against anyone except those with permission.

The Seven Profound Martial House had laid down the rules for entry. One had to be at least in the third stage of Body Transformation, part of the aristocracy, or a student of the Seven Profound Martial House or the Sky Fortune Martial House. Others did not have the privilege of entering the public lecture hall. The lectures were truly popular and in high demand, but the real content was still reserved for core disciples.

The Pass Card that Lin Ming currently had was borrowed from Lin Xiaodong. The Lin Family was very big after all, and many juniors and seniors who cultivated the Martial Path were naturally in the Seven Profound Martial House. With Lin Xiaodong's connections, obtaining a Pass Card wasn't too difficult.

Lin Ming finally arrived at the lecture hall; It was a graceful building that was three floors high. The lecture area was spacious.

Lin Ming looked around the hall, there were only a few young ladies, discussing among themselves. At the center of the hall, a graceful young woman was playing a gentle and fresh tune filled with elegance as the notes flowed out; it was a tempting tune that lingered on one's mind.

Lin Ming's arrival in the hall seemed to have disturbed its tranquility as the few sitting young ladies started whispering among themselves while looking in his direction discretely. The girl who was playing the zither was too dedicated to her craft to notice Lin Ming.

Hearing their whispers with his enhanced senses Lin Ming didn't show any outward reaction, nodding in their direction with a smile he went towards the section where the books were kept.

As he left, several students finished playing, and they looked at the distant Lin Ming who was standing near the bookshelves. They said with a whisper, "This fellow, he didn't seem like those lecherous young master's?" The girl sounded unsure, looking at Lin Ming's immaculate appearance with his mature and calm demeanor had changed the girl's remarks by a wide margin.

"Uhm, maybe he is from a distinguished noble family."

"Hmph, don't be fooled by his appearance, he might just be acting." Even though the last girl said those words she herself was not sure, as Lin Ming's mannerisms and posture were all natural, with him working in the corporate industry his way of walking and posture were all refined to a high degree.

"Anyways, if he tries something funny Elder Senior sister will take care of him."

Lin Ming standing by the bookshelves just smiled lightly, inwardly though he was cringing a bit after hearing the girl's evaluation of him. Browsing through the books he just waited for Qin Xingxuan's arrival.

Lin Ming who was sitting at the back of the lecture hall heard footsteps nearing him, still keeping his eyes closed he sat there calmly.

The Elder Senior sister after arriving in front of Lin Ming hesitated a bit, seeing that he was sitting quietly with his eyes closed. She eventually cleared her throat to get his attention.


"Yes, is there anything I can help you with?" Lin Ming was not surprised by her reaction and responded with a pleasant smile. Working in the corporate world he knew how much difference a handsome/beautiful appearance and wardrobe make when making a first impression.

Elder Senior Sister who was about to go on a tirade found herself at a loss for words, she wanted to give him a good scolding but seeing that he was just sitting in a corner with his eyes closed, she was not able to find any fault with him and she couldn't just chase him out, as technically anybody with a pass was allowed to enter Public Lecture Halls.

Just as the Elder Senior sister started to feel embarrassed just standing there a sweet and gentle voice sounded out, "Sister Ling, what is happening?"

Lin Ming looked towards the sound and found the speaker, It came from a girl wearing a simple white dress, with hair like flowing ink. She was simply an elegant immortal beauty with incomparable grace. She was none other than Marshal Qin Xiao's granddaughter, the infamous Qin Xingxuan!

Elder Senior's sister did not know how to explain Lin Ming's situation to Qin Xingxuan, but just as she was about to speak Lin Ming beat her to it. "Miss Qin, I am currently researching a specific inscription material, Sky Worm Silk. This silk is usually used in the manufacturing of Zithers used by cultivators, I wonder if Miss Qin has ever heard about it?"

Qin Xingxuan looked surprised hearing him mention about inscriptions and skyworm silk, she had heard about it even though her weapon of choice was a sword. "This fellow student, are you also an Inscription apprentice."

Meanwhile, the Elder senior sister Ling finally couldn't take it any longer, "Hmph, what research of inscription material, a little child like you sure knows how to brag."

Lin Ming not minding the interruption turned towards Elder senior sister Ling, "I am called Lin Ming, may I know your name miss?" he asked with an unruffled smile.

"I… I am Ling Shuyu." Lin Ming's smile and unwaveringly calm demeanor had started to unnerve her, she could not help but treat him with respect even though she was doing it unknowingly. Lin Ming himself had not realized this change in himself but his higher and purer soul power had unintentionally affected those with lower soul power and mortals.

"Miss Ling, I have indeed studied inscription engraving techniques. With my knowledge of over 10,000 basic and advanced materials, their effects, usages, mix ratios, structures, and material composition I can be considered somewhat experienced."

"Hmm, how about this? Miss Qin here can just ask me about any of the 3,600 foundation lines and 4,900 foundation symbols, I should be able to prove myself this way. What do you think?" Saying so he turned towards Qin Xingxuan, who started to look increasingly interested.

"Hmm, then fellow student do you know the 'shock' inscription and its unique pattern and characteristics of it?"

Lin Ming naturally knew the 'shock' foundation line. In fact, he knew that the foundations lines were not limited to 3600, but there were actually 6000 different types. It was almost double the foundation lines that the inscription masters of the Sky Spill Continent possessed.

He stretched out his right hand and the true essence gathered on his fingertips. With his hand, he drew a series of brilliant lines in the air. They glowed with a silent and gorgeous light and finally coalesced into a complex diagram that shone in front of Qin Xingxuan and the blankly staring Elder Senior Sister.

Lin Ming asked with a subtle smile, "Is this the 'shock' symbol?"

Qin Xingxuan stared dumbfounded, and the Elder Senior Sister looked at her and noticed her expression. She was instantly able to determine that this young man was likely a genius from the Lin family.

In Qin Xingxuan's heart, she was truly surprised and was trying to not reveal her complex emotions. There were indeed 3600 foundation lines, and it was absurdly difficult for an amateur to remember them completely. It wasn't too strange to say that Lin Ming knew this one foundation line, but what startled her was the 'shock' symbol he drew was completely correct; the energy was placed in the right spots and it was simply astounding. This could only be the result of painstaking effort during practice!

With a bit of depression in her heart, she spoke slowly, "It is…"

Lin Ming said, "The 'shock' pattern is a sign of the killing god, its use typically will have it placed on a weapon. When a martial artist uses a weapon he will generally concentrate his energy on the weapon, and the energy will be used in a battle to defeat the enemy, but the increased effectiveness is limited. If the 'shock' line is placed on the weapon, then when a martial artist concentrates his energy in the weapon, it will flow through the 'shock' pattern and create a high-speed vibration which increases the penetrating power, effectively increasing the degree of weapon sharpness…"

Lin Ming easily explained the 'shock' pattern as Qin Xingxuan had expected. If he was able to draw the 'shock' pattern with such skill, then he of course had to know the principles behind it! It would only be strange if he did not!

Qin Xingxuan's competitive spirit was also aroused! She couldn't let this boy outdo her! She asked, "Then, this fellow student, do you also know the 'flag' symbol drawing technique and the principle behind it?" She had abandoned the relatively simple foundation lines and raised the stakes to some of the more complex foundation symbols. However, this naturally could not confuse Lin Ming! In fact, Lin Ming's understanding of foundation symbols was far more deep and profound than anything that could be offered in the Sky Spill Continent.

He calmly drew the 'flag' symbol in the air. Although the foundation symbols were somewhat complex, Lin Ming's finger did not have the slightest pause, and in the blink of an eye, the complex inscription symbol sparkled in the air.

Now, even Qin Xingxuan was completely awed. The foundation symbol was far more complex with double the lines and even more difficult to trace the energy in the symbol, but Lin Ming had done so with ease. This had already far surpassed Qin Xingxuan!

My god, this was a genius! Unexpectedly this random kid turned out to be a genius among geniuses in inscription talent!

But who did he study with to learn this godly engraving inscription technique? Was it possible that he was apprenticed to some ancient sage or extraordinary hermit who liked to live in the remote and secluded mountains because she knew the level of aristocratic families of Sky Fortune Kingdom and nobody present had the resources to cultivate such a talent.

Qin Xingxuan found that Lin Ming was filled with riddles, and she continued to test him. The more they exchanged the more she was surprised! This Lin Ming was not like the young boy he seemed! There were 3600 lines and 4900 symbols which added to more than 8000 different kinds, and he casually listed them, as if he were familiar with each one!

Compared to Qin Xingxuan's surprise, the Elder Senior Sister was already floored by their conversation and remained confused on the sidelines as the two inscriptionists spoke to each other in what seemed to be a different and completely heavenly language; she could only look on at Xingxuan who showed increasing amazement and admiration.

The Elder Senior Sister understood Xingxuan very well. Do not be fooled by Qin Xingxuan's elegant and cool expression! She treated everyone with good manners and effortless grace, but the truth was that the natural sixth-ranked talent and her immense strength had doomed her heart with the soul of arrogance. Before now, she had never given anyone of the same generation such a high appraisal.

Gradually, Qin Xingxuan's expression grew increasingly respectful from the tone when the exchange started it became progressively humble. She found that by conversing with Lin Ming, her knowledge of symbols and energy structures insights had a broadened outlook due to his unique understanding and depth of knowledge. It was a great and rewarding feeling.

Qin Xingxuan was able to confirm her suspicions that Lin Ming was a rare talent that could only emerge once a century. But behind him was an even greater mystery! This shadow master who taught him could only be an Inscription Master of absolute knowledge and authority! Even if compared with her own teacher, it was like comparing a candle to the raging sun!

Exactly what kind of origin did this youth have?

Qin Xingxuan had a great interest in Lin Ming, not to mention the exchanges they had in which she just profited, but Lin Ming himself, and the mystery teacher behind him had extraordinary significance to the Qin Family!

With that thought, Qin Xingxuan said, "Fellow student, it's about time to begin zither lessons, so I'll have to excuse myself. It was very wonderful talking to you today. If possible, perhaps after the zither lecture ends, then little Xingxuan would like to ask you to go to the Grand Clarity Pavilion for a quick meal, and… explore… the principles of inscription techniques together. Is this agreeable with the fellow student?"

"Haha, sure. We can discuss inscription techniques. This is something I have been working on, here, you might be able to learn something from this." Saying so Lin Ming took out one of the premium inscription papers and handed it to Qin Xingxuan who looked shocked at the intricate and beautiful inscription.

"This… Mr. Lin, did you really make this yourself?" to be able to make an inscription symbol of this caliber with Lin Ming's age was no small feat.

"Indeed, this is my creation. You can consider this a greeting gift from this Lin." Lin Ming answered her calmly to her shocked inquiry, before turning towards Ling Shuyu who was standing by the side throughout their conversation. He gave her a polite smile before bidding farewell.

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