
Eager never dies

"Her subsequent action only heightened my anxiety. She proceeded to retract her hand from my chest and gently lowered it downwards" An uncontrollable lust ressembles the tropical forests which never stop growing.

FireWaterWood · สมัยใหม่
5 Chs

Chapter 4 She slapped herself!

I was unsure of her intentions, as she sat on the edge of my bed without speaking or moving much, causing me to feel uncomfortable and uneasy. Out of nowhere, my mind struck with a terrifying notion, causing me to be overwhelmed with panic. I wondered if she was exhibiting a mischievous behavior, or was she truly possessed by an evil spirit?

Shortly thereafter, I discerned the rationale behind her odd behavior. After only a brief interval, I sensed warm liquid cascading onto my face and was momentarily startled before recognizing that it was the tears of hers! Her unexpected weeping caused me to widen my eyes in surprise and observed her sobbing quietly, even though her weeping was subdued I was able to discern it in the tranquil setting.

Did she argue with my cousin again? However, it was incorrect as my cousin never returned. I was uncertain if I was fully awake as she continuously wept softly and her tears were cascading down onto my face. At times, the droplets would land on my forehead as well as my nose and mouth, allowing me to experience the flavor of her tears which were both briny and slightly bitter.

Right after that, she spoke again, her soft voice carrying a sense of desolation and helplessness. She lamented, "Why this was happening to her and what should I do?" Although I clearly heard her words, I also comprehended that she was simply whining, still unable to let go of her feelings towards her husband. For some inexplicable reason, my heart always brim with discomfort whenever I contemplate this matter.

Despite being awake, I remained quiet and attentively listened to her heart, empathizing with her grief and despair. she wept for an extended period, and her tears ran down my face, which made me feel a bit uneasy. Nevertheless, I managed to refrain from wiping them away.

After shedding tears and eventually calming down, she performed an unexpected action that surprised me. Surprisingly, she peacefully rested beside me and rested her hand on my chest.

My fists were tightly clenched as I felt extreme nervousness, unable to make even the slightest movement while my muscles remained highly tense. her intentions were unclear to me - was she trying to attract me or seeking a way to express herself? Her subsequent action only heightened my anxiety. She proceeded to retract her hand from my chest and gently lowered it downwards.

What was the desire of hers? I was completely fixated on her hands, both mentally and physically. With a tightness in my chest, my breathing became unmanageable due to my anxiousness, causing me to clench my teeth. I experienced a sense of relief upon noticing that her hands were merely gliding tenderly over my thighs.

I must confess that this emotion made me choke on two large gulps of water. My desire was to make a loud declaration, dear May, that you want to make physical contact or not?

One of the curious aspects of human behavior was that the more one lacks or was unable to obtain, the stronger the desire for those very things intensifies. This illustrates how easily influenced human nature can be. Our current relationship with our uncle and sister-in-law can be frightening if any unexpected event occurs, yet at the same time, this fear was what brings about excitement within us, akin to a captivating enchantment that entices us to approach.

Out of nowhere, I detected her faint weeping once more and was so unguarded that I involuntarily shifted and emitted a soft murmuring noise. The sudden movement of lifting her head made her quite surprised. "Oh draft!". My movement caught her gaze, right as it happened to awaken her from slumber. Despite the dim lighting, both of us were able to perceive a sense of alarm in one another's expressions.

We shared a glance and held our positions motionless for some time. My mind was completely empty, rendering me incapable of conjuring any thoughts. I experienced an overwhelming sense of agitation and apprehension, leading me to the brink of terror. It was uncertain how long I stood there motionless, but she was the first to react by nervously biting her lip, inhaling deeply, and questioning me with, "Finn, have you been awake all the time?"

The tone of hers was evidently complex and even had a faint quaver, as I perceived distinctly.

As soon as it happened, my anxiety heightened, causing me to unintentionally bite my tongue, leading to a throbbing sensation in my neck. My initial response was to nod my head in disagreement and reject it. As soon as I observed the imploring expression on her face, my initial inclination to refuse transformed into an unyielding conviction.

I gave a nod, causing her to freeze momentarily, and proceeded to witness yet another unexpected action from her. She slapped herself, and the sound was quite loud.

Wow! I was taken by surprise when she suddenly hit herself. It left me wondering what may have prompted her to do so.

Her slap was intense and undoubtedly caused significant discomfort. Nonetheless, that was not the end of the story - as soon as she delivered the first blow, she felt compelled to follow through with a second.

How could I let her hit herself again? So I grabbed her hand when she raised it again and shouted angrily, "May! What do you want? Are you mad?! "