
Dynamic Ranker

In this world only power matters. Become the strongest.

RayVer · สมัยใหม่
3 Chs

Strange Sensation

Adam carefully gathered the crystals strewn about his immediate surroundings, methodically placing each one into the compact satchel issued to all members of the recovery team. This weekly routine had become an ingrained part of his life, a repetitive task that felt like second nature.

His current occupation was vital; it provided the means to cover his ever-accumulating college tuition fees. While the compensation wasn't stellar, it still held value, for, regardless of a dungeon's ranking, it remained a dungeon at the end of the day.

Their team leader, Khan, bellowed, "Hey, you lot! Today, we venture into the newly approved zone designated by the association. Ready your equipment; it's time to move!"

With Khan's directive, the team ventured deeper into the cave through an unfamiliar entrance, marking Adam's first time in this uncharted territory.

"Perhaps," he thought optimistically, "it might infuse a spark of excitement into my otherwise mundane existence."

After approximately twenty minutes of walking, the team found themselves at the heart of the cavern. The ground was adorned with crystals radiating a fresh, captivating blend of blue and reddish hues. This sight was a rarity, an untouched area waiting to be explored by their team.

As Adam continued to gather crystals with his expedition squad in the cavern, he suddenly noticed something remarkable at the heart of the chamber. His eyes widened, and he felt a surge of awe as he beheld a colossal blue crystal, unlike any he had seen before. It stood as the centerpiece of the chamber, radiating a vibrant and mesmerizing azure glow. Its sheer size and beauty left him momentarily breathless.

Among his fellow squad members, Lucy, a young woman with curly black hair and glasses, stepped forward. She exuded an air of quiet intelligence and curiosity, her glasses perched neatly on her nose. Lucy had been part of their expedition team for some time, known for her extensive knowledge about crystals and dungeons.

Lucy noticed Adam's curious expression and smiled warmly at him before explaining, "Adam, this is a Mana Stabilizing Crystal. You'll find at least one of these on every floor of a dungeon. They indicate high levels of mana density in the area. These crystals are rare and incredibly valuable, sought after by mages and alchemists alike."

Her voice was gentle and filled with passion as she shared the crystal's significance. She spoke of its rarity and the legends that surrounded it, captivating Adam and his fellow team members with her knowledge and enthusiasm. Adam couldn't help but be drawn to Lucy's presence, not only for her captivating storytelling but also for the genuine curiosity that sparkled behind her glasses.


As Lucy explained the significance of the Mana Stabilizing Crystal, Adam's curiosity grew. Temptation overcame caution, and he couldn't resist reaching out to touch the massive crystal. As his fingers made contact with the smooth, cool surface, his vision began to blur, and an intense wave of nausea washed over him. It felt as though he was being engulfed by a vortex of swirling energy.

Panicking, Adam quickly withdrew his hand from the crystal. He stumbled back, feeling disoriented and sick. For a brief moment, he was unsure of what had just happened.

When his vision cleared and the nausea subsided, Adam turned to Lucy, who had been watching with concern. Gasping for breath, he asked, "Lucy, did you feel that when you touched the crystal?"

With a sense of concern for Adam, Lucy stepped forward and cautiously touched the massive Mana Stabilizing Crystal. She held her hand against it for a moment and then shook her head, saying, "No, Adam, I didn't feel anything unusual when I touched it. Are you okay?"

Adam, still feeling a bit shaken, nodded and replied, "I think so. It was just... strange."

Their mining expedition came to an abrupt end as Khan, the group leader, intervened. He gathered the team and announced, "Alright, everyone, we've met our quota for the day. Let's pack up and head back. Safety always comes first."

With Khan's directive, the team reluctantly left the chamber, leaving behind the enigmatic blue crystal for now. Adam couldn't help but wonder about the mysterious sensation he had experienced and what secrets the crystal might hold.