
dying light. (full redo)

a soldier forced to live in the world of dying light.... why do the night hunters seem more interested in him? but of course, how is he suppose to help the tower when rias men keep making trouble? by slaughtering them all.

Scathach_ · วิดีโอเกม
12 Chs

chapter 2 (we do a bit of stealing )

(at this point I'm changing his safe house. Mainly because I want him to rob Rais. Funny stuff will happen. Trust me)

Jack felt his face and noticed he still had his mask. Or rather, the old one he used in his time in the military.

That at least was a good thing, since it concealed his facial features and the only recognizable thing was Jack's eyes.

Jack sat on the roof just.. observing everything. He didn't know where he was, but he was beginning to scope out his enemies.

Well, the armed guard over Yander, but also the undead. The armed guards weren't much of a threat from what Jack could tell.

But these... Bitters...walkers? Zombies were. Jack watched them from the safety of the rooftop, and when night time came he saw many things.

For one a good distance away there was a glowing zombie feeding at the moment. And Jack also saw the more deadly type of enemy... The volatiles.

Jack had begun doing some minor experiments as days went by. Sometimes he threw a throwing knife to see the durability of the volatiles or looked for food.

While scouting Jack began doing some recon on where the armed people stayed. Their security was... Honestly kinda lax, so he assumed these guys were a powerful faction within this city.

So during the night, when he had the darkness advantage he snuck in.

He had observed enough to know that guards changed every thirty minutes. So he was going to make use of that information.

He lay in the bushes and camouflaged himself, and when one of the guards on patrol came near Jack snuck up and choked him out before dragging him to the bushes.

Jack then proceeded to strip the man and put a gag and tied his hands together.

Jack's clothes slipped off quite as easily as he put on his newly acquired clothing. At least this guy had a better mask (he kept his old one under.

Jack picked up the rifle and then followed the formation of the guards. At this time though Jack was memorizing the layout of the base and where the main loot was.

When their guard shift ended Jack followed the men into the main compound and observed everything. He saw a decent amount of airdrops and supplies.

Jack observed his newfound enemies, after all, you always want to keep an eye out for them. He noticed while most of the people were civilians, they could handle the guns they had.

As Jack sat in the corner, he saw how they dragged a woman into a room where they held other survivors. He could only assume that they were either going to be forced into the... Gang or whatever you want to call this.

While the room was out of the way, Jack could tell that area was guarded by only one guard. He could deal with that.

Normally he wouldn't get involved, but there was also a kid, so he was going to have to.

So using the bushes as cover Jack waited and struck. He slit the guard's throat and dragged him into the bushes, completely obscuring the man's body. They would find it in the morning though.

Jack opened the door to where the woman and child were. He took off his gas mask and put a finger to his mouth.

The woman's eyes widened and luckily she was gagged because she most definitely would have screamed. The kid meanwhile was tougher, looking Jack dead in his eyes with hate.

Jack cut their bindings and took them (while dealing with one of the guards at the gate) to the nearest exit.

Jack let them hop up and waited till they were out of site. All of a sudden behind him he felt the barrel of a gun against his occipital.

"Put your hands up," the voice of the man said.

While Jack was holding his hands up he made his move. He forced the barrel of the gun away just as the man fired.

Jack headbutted the man causing him to let go of the gun. Jack threw the supplies he stole over the fence and was gone.

Jack made it back to his safe house. The only reason they found out was because they found the first body (surprisingly).

Since it was daytime the kid and woman were safe somewhere and no longer his problem.

Now Jack had a real weapon though. So he began inspecting his gun and axe he got from that place. He only had two magazines, so 30 shots each.

Jack was going to keep these in emergencies, and only that.

Oh, Jack had no idea he had In Store because of his stunt today. But he will find out soon.

(End of chapter)

Who do you guys want the MC to be?



Or savior? (As in leader of his faction and people.)