
DxD: true sorcerer

I DO NOT OWN HIGHSCHOOL DXD!!! ONLY MY OC BELONGS TO ME. A guy dies and find himself in chaos, the source of all **Atleast one chapters daily**

Ahmad_Kas · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
11 Chs


Waking up, I find Myself on the floor, looking around, I was still in the basement.

I start to examine my body and from what I see and feel the ritual was a great succes. I feel stronger and more flexible, I also ha two wings on my back and as a result my chest grew stronger with extra muscles for flight, the wings were on fire but the fire was rainbow in colour signifying that I am not inly a creature of fire but that of all elements, my skin feels as soft as cotton and as smooth as wool but as strong as steel, my eyesight improved by at least 5 times, and I can now see in the dark, under water. I can change how my eyes look from my normal golden eyes to golden draconic eyes. I try to hide my wings and they disappear into my back like the devils, fallen angels and angels.

With that out of the way I ask Raphael.

Alex:'how long was I out'

Raphael:" 5 hours, it's currently 6:28am"

With that I hurriedly wore my clothes and went back to my room in kuoh. In my room I check my status for better analysis of my transformation.


Name: Alexander Caelestis

Age: 10 yes

Race: Primordial Caelestis.

Title: Progenitor Of A Race; The First Caelestis.

Health: 100/100

Mana: 200/200

Vitality: 200

Strength: 200

Agility: 300

Intelligence: 400

Wisdom: 250

Health regen: 5%/sec

Mana regen: 5%/sec

Progenitor of a Race: the owner of this title is the creator of a race by his/her wishes.

-Gives the ability to command the Race created

The First Caelestis: the owner of this title is the first of his kind.

-Gives the ability to change any willing being To Caelestis.


After that I went ahead and took a shower, and it seems I don't need to groom my wings as the fire burns anything that it touches unless I wish otherwise, and those flames were actually known as primordial origin flames which are the best flames for forging. After my shower I wore simple casual clothes and went down for breakfast.

Alice was cooking in the kitchen when I came down stairs, so I went there.

Alex:"Good morning Alice" I said

Alice:" Good morning Alex, how was your night?" She asked.

Alex:" one of the best nights I had recently" I replied while thinking ' Should I turn her into a Caelestis?'. As having her know about the supernatural world would be beneficial in the long term and as my parents died because of the supernatural, I don't think I am safe at the moment.

Alice:" That's great Alex, but you have to go out once in a while, it will be good for your body" she said with apparent concern.

Alex:" sure, mayb walking around town next week is a good idea" I replied

Alice:" I will come along if you don't mind" she said while coming over to the dining table with our breakfast. We ate quietly and I went back to my room, it is time I start my magical cultivation.

I appeared in Alpha after teleporting over from my room, I went to the master bed room of my mansion in Alpha and sat on the bed.

Alex:'okay Raphael, watch over me and help out if I make a mistake'

Raphael:" Okay Alex, you can start"

I start by closing my eyes and trying to sense Mana in me, I felt it quickly and quite easily, after that I focus on Mana outside my body, when I felt the Mana in the surroundings, I was shocked, compared to my internal Mana it felt like comparing a river with an ocean, pushing all those thoughts aside, I focus on absorbing the Mana to my heart and filling and forming the first core, for the structure of the core I chose to use the structure of diamonds as it the hardest none magical natural substance in existence, when using primordial Mana to create it, it becomes a thousand times harder.

As I formed the core it synchronised with my heartbeats, with each beat of my heart it solidifies and I keep absorbing Mana in the atmosphere until it becomes stable to run on its own, now even if I don't cultivate it will passively grow on it's own but it will take years to reach its maximum capacity.

So after examining the core for any defects I continue my meditation till ot was time for lunch. At my current progress it will take me around 3 years to reach the peak of the first level, at that level I will be equivalent to an ultimate class devil, but it will be easier to grow as after forming all five cores they start to automatically absorb Mana and cultivate as I eat, breath, drink and even sleeping, if I regularly take births in the lakes of Primordial Mana It will be faster as my body will automatically absorb the Mana, that said I can't stay for too long in those lakes as my body is still weak to handle such levels of mana.

I stop meditating and went back to my room in kuoh to get ready for lunch.

Alex:' After lunch I should try using some basic tier 1 spells, it should give me an idea on the amount of mana each tier uses'

I went down stairs but couldn't find Alice in the dining room, peeking into the kitchen I found a note on the fridge from Alice stating that she will be for the whole day, and that my lunch is in the fridge, all I have to do is reheat it.


I am currently standing in the backyard of my mansion on Alpha, right outside the back yard I could see my infinite dungeon, but I won't enter right now as I am here to check my spells.before that I check my status.


Name: Alexander Caelestis

Age: 10 yes

Race: Primordial Caelestis.

Title: Progenitor Of A Race; The First Caelestis.

Health: 100/100

P.Mana: 500/500

Vitality: 200

Strength: 200

Agility: 300

Intelligence: 400

Wisdom: 250

Health regen: 5%/sec

Mana regen: 7%/sec


It seems that forming my core using Primordial Mana was a good choice as it not only increased my total Mana Capacity but also reduced Mana cost for spells by fifty times. Before I start my practice I gave Raphael a new task that will be important in the future management of my dimension.

Alex:' Raphael, I need you to design a system similar to that of the god of the bible but on a higher grade, you should be able to access all information about it in my knowledge category of runes and crafting, make it so that only Caelestis can Come to Alpha and Omega Without Hindrance, But also Create a few hundred tokens with my blood on them for people I trust or want to give a tour of Alpha and Omega. Also make it so that my race can fall from grace if they betray me but not like that of the Angels, those who betray me will be stripped of all their Caelestis Abilities and will become ordinary human, their Mana cores will be destroyed leaving them with only enough Mana as normal human mages. You should also put anything you think is necessary, of course after you ask me.'

Raphael:" Okay Alex, it will take approximately 3 years to completely make a design a system without glitches."

Alex:' okay, that should give me enough time to practice my crafting and magic enchantments to build the actual system. You can also take references from the Voice of the world from tensura. Oh, remake the magic used in naming beings in tensura it will be a great way to boost the strength of my subordinates and artifacts.'

Raphael:" okay"

According to the knowledge I have from yggdrasil, most tier one spells consume about 1 point of mana but can be strengthened by adding more mana. So let's start with the harmless spells.

Alex:" Create Water" I intoned and a magic circle appeared in front of my palm in an instant before using my mana to create a ball of crystal clear water. I go on and try a few Yggdrasil magic, I can use them with no problems and I don't have to worry about casting time or cool down as those were just game mechanics to make the game fair. After that I start to used magic from I am the sorcerer king to see the difference between the two and choose one as the base for creating a unique magic system for my race.

Alex:" I order thee as the minister of mana, protect me, shield" and a shield made of mana appeared in front of me it is sturdy and I feel that I can shape it any way I want. I try another spell for more references.

Alex:" I order thee as the minister of mana, close the wound heal" a green energy appears on my hand and it full of Vitality, the same as the previous spells it can be more powerful with more mana and because I am using primordial Mana I feel like it is already stronger than it is supposed to be.

time skip next chapter

Ahmad_Kascreators' thoughts