
Dxd True Dragon of Annihilation

A young teen "Fuck why do all fanfic about the Annihilation Maker involve other animes, none have even make a subspecies of it!" "Kid WATCH OUT" *BAM* "Ugh where am I" shaking my head I try look around and *Bong Bong Bong 'HOLY MOTHER OF TITS' I can't focus on anything else. "Hi there cutie" the massive ti-- massively holy women said "I read your memories before you died and I thought your right! None of the people who wrote about my world used the one OP thing to it's potential without other worlds" "Wait your world... Your the world of dxd" "Yep and that's why your going their but I'll give you three wishes from my world only so don't try to cheat on me okaaaaay" got it ______________ I DON'T OWN COVER, if the artist wants the cover down let me know, it should be fine i look up free dragon art sooooooo yeah yeah so here the synopsis, could just upload this so I took over my Naruto fan fiction updates will try to be at least 1 a week but we'll see how it goes

DaoistUxPrwu · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Boarding School?

*The next morning

Kagu: "yaaawwwnn... what time is it?" I mutter to myself. I look at the clock and find out its 11 O'clock "Luckily there is no preschool today I can't stand those little f-" "KAGUUUU!!"

Interrupting my little but of rambling my mom hadcalled out

"BE DOWN IN A MINUTE" I yell back while looking around for a pair of shorts and one of my hoodies, I find both and start to get change into my outfit for the day.

5 minutes later

(A/n like i don't get how girls take so long i have to be out of the house in a minute and i can get fully changed in that time maybe 2 minutes)

Heading down the stairs I can see into the kitchen and lord behold there's... my mother (what else did you think?) I head over to her "Hey mom what's up?" I question as she seems confused about something

Mom: "You got a letter this morning, but since I your young I opened it to figure out what's going on to explain it to you... but there was something I wasn't expecting" she explains 'could this be from the gremory house?' I silently debated. "You were randomly selected for a Boarding school, it would last until high school. But this is a school for training people to be elites"

Kagu: "So what's wrong it seems pretty good?" I question her due to not seeing the problem "I really don't want you to be away from us for so long but, I also don't want to rob you of this opportunity". "What's the name of the school anyways?" i ask out of curiosity because this should be from Rias but there is a chance it isn't. "Its called the Gremory House of Talent or as the letter says GHT"

(A/n GHT= green hulk titties)

Kagu: 'it's as I thought, but this is a perfect scenario, I can start getting proper training and meet the cute white kitty' (no I wont do anything to her now shes too young) "Mom can I go? This will be a great chance for me and i'll try to call every weekend" I say hoping she'll allow me to go, "If your that sure I guess I can't make you stay but every time you don't call will be the number of spanking when you get back!"

*A couple of months pass and it's now September

Kagu: "See you mom, stinky Issei" i call out yelling while making my way to a bus thats suppose to take me to GHT but is probably gonna be the gremory household. "Don't forget to call or face the consequences". Mom yelled back than followed by Issei saying "GOOD RIDDANCE STINKY"

The buss then takes off until it reaches a tunnel below and overpass than one its hidden in the dark it disappears

I step out of the buss and smell the fresh air "ahhh" then looking down from the purple sky I see a row of maids bowing saying "welcome Kagu-sama Rias is waiting for you indoors"

'This is it, my start, my new beginning,'


Hey sorry for the short chapter didn't really want to or know how to make it longer. Next chapter will definitely be a longer one, I'll ssay 1500+ words. It'll contain meeting the new peerage, Time skip, training log, ect...

If you havent please go back and vote on the last chapter whether or not kiba should be gender bent (over) into the harem, so fair I have Konekol,Ravel Phoenix, Akeno, dragon sacred gear lady, and I'm only planning for the to be 5 max maybe 8 anyways have a good evening im laying down