
DxD: The Tale Of Adrian Lucifer

Everyone heared about Vali Lucifer, the white dragon emperor, Rezivim Livan Lucifer, the canceler of sacred gears, and of course the original Lucifer, the first and most powerful angel and archangel that after rebelling against God became the first devil and devil king... But what about Adrian Lucifer? What about the the other desendent of Lucifer that since the day he was born made the entier supernatural world to stand on their toes (whether they knew it or not...) What about HIM?! Well here is HIS story... HIS TALE....

LuciferDFallN1 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
12 Chs

ch. 3 the UmU Empress

again congrats to Azur_Xcillion... I will figure how to add Krul into the story later (maybe I will intreduce her as another Tepes who got her all life all fucked up though to hiw racist vampires are...)

oh and can someone tell me how am I the biggest contributor (the one who gives the most power stones?) when I never gave a single stone...

also I decided to kind of remake the power system - the 'ranks' stayes the same it's just that the classes beyond ultimate will be more fanon traditional... for exemple: for devil the next class after ultimate is satan class, and being at that class means that their power is that of a 'low rank god' level i.e a satan class devil (right after ultimate) is comparable IN POWER to 'low class' diety... for more details check the power system chapter in the aluxery volume...



<Rhaella pov>

my name is Rhaella Lucifuge, I am the current heiress of the Lucifuge clan, the leader of the 'six houses of Lucifer', the six extra devil clans created using the blood of Satan Lucifer and as such we are all count as unofficial desendents of the Lucifer bloodline... an unofficial branch families...

my life so far have like what the life of any high ranking devil princess would be like - aince childhood I was educated in all regards to politics manners and my place in the devil race hierarchy, as a Lucifuge and as the heiress on top of that, my 'place' in our race's hierachy was what you expect - as the heiress of an extra devil clan, and what's more a clan which serves under the leader of the 4 Satans and the one which lead 5 others, I was viewed to be far superior to all noble devils from the 72 pillars, and second only to the Satans and their desendents...

another thing that happened was my engment to the Lucifer clan's second prince, the second son of Lucifer and Lilith, Adrian Desmond Lucifer...

[A/N: I only now realized that all of the 4 og satans' direct desendent had second name... so now Adrian has one as well...]

I wasn't suprised in the least that I was engaged in a young age, after all through those acts clanss maintained their pure blood status and though engaging their members to other members of their clan would lead to a 'greater purity' of the bloodline in the next generations, such an act can also lead to dangerous side effects... the greatest exemple being the Gremory clan who do to such acts lost their bloodline abilities and because of such, and their 'familial' approach towards the devils which serve them rather than the 'superior' approach that all other clans takes, they are looked down upon...

in reality the only reason why those red head fools have yet to lose all their power is because they are still holding the rank of duke, the 4th highest rank within the 72 pillars nobility system, and a big amount of wealth... but even all of that many clans still don't prefer to let their members marry into such clan and uselly it's weaker clans that get married into the Gremory clan while members of their own clan uselly get married into clans' of such status...

in other words: trying to push the blood purity TOO far and going against 'devil seciety's common sense' is a very BAD idea... now enough with that, back to me, things didn't turn out as bad as I thought they would after all even though I am the offical heiress heiress for my clan while he is only a candidate for his, his status as the son of my clan's master as well as a canidate to the throne of Satan Lucifer far out class my status as the Lucifuge heiress... and even though all of that he still treated me far better than he needed and even after 'that'...

and here we are today, with me being head over heels in love with him and he... well I don't know what he thinks of me but I hope for the best... hell I even made my peace with the idea of not being his one and only woman... though I did held my ground when it came to who will be his main wife something he saw right through me to bother me and as such he promised me my rightful place but not without 'punishing' me for being so 'naughty'... well it's not like I am not enjoying it...

anyway it's been many years since then and now I caught him leaving his family castle and when I inquired to where he is going I nearly got a heart attack... the human world! and what's more Europe! so I started argueing with him about it and not only I had lost the argument (though he did had a point in his argument...) but I also got 'punished'! Satans he is so mean!

well, this is how my first trip to the human world came into being and out of all the places we cpuld go to Adrian decided he wnated to see who is the current 'emperor' of the 'roman empire', honestly I personally find the whole matter as laughable... what emperor? what empire? jsut one high class is all that it would take to bring them to ruin! ultimate class at most! but my line of thoughts was cut short when I heard a female voice calling out to us saying "hey you two! what are you doing here?!" and when I looked what I saw nearly made go back to my 'old habits'...

she was a beautiful young lady with golden blonde hair combed into a tight bun, light green eyes and quite the impressive set of 'assets' she wore a red and golden dress with white transpert parts here and there and golden armor like high heels, she was all around beautiful and what's more she looked so young... to say the truth though her 'body structure' she looked quite young, 14~15 year old if I had to guess


"exuse me miss but who are you" I inquired politely all the while trying to stop the blood vessels in my nose from exploding and have a massive nose bleed

and then she asked in a shocked face "do you truly don't know who I am?" 'I have a bad feeling about it' I thought to myself as I had a feeling that, that little girl is more important than I think and with that thought in mind I turned towards Adrian with a 'question' look as if to ask if he knows who she is... and when I looked at his face I could swear that for a moment he looked at her with complete shook though he soon schooled his reaction...

I then heard Adrian saying "forgive us my lady, it's just we come fron quite the far place and that's why we don't recognise you... would you mind telling us your name" and after saying that I could see the girl getting a bit smug, well that was to be expected after all, like his older brother he inhirted more than just immense power from his father as he also inhirted his arrogance and while not as dominating as his father it still present...

but other than that he also inhirted his mother's, Lilith's, silver tounge and way with words that he can use to always keep things in his favor... after all much like the 1st woman who easily made the angels who chased her, God's loyal sons, to question their commands... that by itself she made her so dangerous that even Lucifer himself decided to seduce her for the sake of ensuring that she an her dangerous ability will always be on his side rather than agianst him...

I was soon snapped back inti reality from my train of thoughts when I heard her saying "well I guess there is no harm in intreducing my self, I am the 5th emperor of the all mighty Roman empire, Nero Claudios Caeser Augustus Gremanicus" to put it simply I was shooked! that little GIRL is the EMPEROR?! what the hell?! wasn't the emperor supposed to be an old fat man?! than why is the emperor a cute little girl?! and while I had a mental breakdown Adrian came to the rescue

"it's a pleasure meeting you emperor Nero, though I must say... never in my wildest dreams I have ever imagined that the ruler of the Roman empire would be such a beautiful lady..." Adrian stated and as anyone could expect hearing such praises from someone as handsome as him made the she-emperor to gain quite the blush...

she soon recollected herself and sayed "why of course, and besides it's only to be expected I will be beautiful! after all I am the incarnation of Venus herself! UmU UmU!"

<Adrian's pov>

'uh my heart! to think that not only the 'emperor' is a beautiful girl but whats more she is the UmU herself!' I thought to myself

I then comment on her statement "now now calling yourself the incarnation of Venus will simply won't do... after all not even Venus cluld rival your beauty"

'hmm while I may come out as a simp I don't care! if it's a sbaer face than it's okay to simp to her!' I thought to myself while mentally nodding with my head in conviction

and though I was deep in my thoughts I still manged to see catch the red saber turning assuming a blush as red as her imperial clothes and flustered... 'HOW CUTE!' I practicly screamed inside my head

<time skip>

it's been a couple of years since me and Rhaella met Nero and to say the truth the 3 of us grow closer than any if us ever expected... but then again the two of us and her did had many things in common for exemple both me and her shared a passion for art and music and also LOVED ranting about the political headaches the two of us had to face, her as the emperor of the Roman empire who in reality is more of a glorified puppet on strings that dance to whatever melody her bitch of a mother plays, and me as the officialy appointed crown prince and heir of the Lucifer clan...

and yes the two of us grown close enough to reveal our secrets... those being me and Rhaella being devils, something she accepted rather easily but then again growing under a mother who saw her as nothing but political tool as evident by how she even poisoned her, her own daughter, just for the sake of controling her...

[A/N: I am not sure if it's historically corrected but I am half sure that's part of her fate's backstory which would kind of make sense knowing fate and it's treatment if saber faces...]

of course that was the secret she revealed and while I already had my guess that something like that was happening it didn't really stopped me from being extremely furious and showing it all over my face...

luckily Rhaella manged to come me down though being extremely furious as well, and can you really balme her? during those years we spent together the two girls grow as extremely close to one another that by this point they were like long lost sisters who finally reunited after being seprated for years... something that didn't really suprised me as they were quite similar in a sense - both of them are only childs who sense childhood were 'shaped' so they could serve a 'purpose greater than one self'...

maybe that's why I devolped romantic feelings for Nero over the years... but I choose to not act on them for multiple reasons... mainly because I didn't wanted to hurt Rhaella as even though I know she won't 'mind it' due to devil culture and due to her being raised as a Lucifuge, whose 'sole purpose' in life should be serving the Lucifer clan, I didn't wanted to be like those jackass MCs who treat their girls as if they are just 'living on-a-holes' without any feelings that won't mind anything as long as their 'beloved' fuck them senseless...

other than that I didn't wanted to lose Nero, who other than seeing in a romatic light I also came to view as a true friend, something I didn't had up until now since my reincarnation due to my position... and I feared that if I were to try to make any move on her she would hate me for hurting Rhaella or worst than that think I only getten closer to her so I could inside her pants...

luckily my beautiful wife to be realized even before me that I am in love with Nero and that I am conflicted with my feelings... so that's why she did one of the best things she could do for me in such case... she gave me her premonition, well to be precise she said that she doesn't care how many women I end up having as long as I keep up my promise to her of her being my 'first wife' and even more importantly, that no matter how many women I end up in a relationship with that I will always do my best to give them as much attention as they would need in return for being willing to 'share' something I full heartedly excepted and agreed too otherwise ai would the same as 'those' assholes...

of course that wasn't the end of it as though I did received Rhaella's okay, I still needed to get Nero okay... hell I needed to know if she even see me in any romantic light...

though to my great luck and happiness she did and whats more she was also okay with sharing me and already gotten the okay from Rhaella and was just waiting for me to confess, something that my naughty silver haired attendent apparently been the orchestrate of as a form of 'revenge' for all the 'punishments' I gave her...

anyway with all of that being dealt with I had the pleasure of enjoying the company of now not one but two beautiful women in both outdoor and in as to my great delight my goldem haired empress didn't mind in the least about joining me and her 'sister' in our 'nightly activities' and whats more she was more bold than the silver haired which was exiting in it's own unique way...

though it seemed like I was enjoying myself too much as one of the MOST important things regarding the blonde's life had accidentally slipped my mind... and that was one mistake that even many years later I could never bring myself to forgiving myself for...


well I cut this chapter here cause for 1 it's long as fuck! (only a few words short of 2.5k) and also because I have school tomorrow and it's already so fucking late...

I will try to release the next chapter in the next 3 days or in this Saturday... whatever happens first...

oh I am also going to add some little things in the already existing chapters as to better suit the new power system I have in mind... (just some few words here and there... nothing major...)