A dragon is feared all throughout history. A being that symbolizes strength and power. Yet they can also be defeated. And one change that seemed to be safe is all it takes to turn the world upside down. The birth of a king that was supposed to lead a life of anguish, hatred, and betrayal received a different fate. Chaining down dragons that would wreak havoc upon the world. And he has returned after centuries of slumber in his sanctuary as a warden of dragons.
Mordred was currently face to face with the sister of the current heir of the Pendragon family. She is about Meredith's age and her blonde hair is curly, coupled with her big, blue eyes. Mordred thought that she looked quite cute.
"You want me to teach you some magic?" He reiterated her reason for calling him and Le Fay nodded with a determined expression.
"Yes, my big brother is going to be a swordsman. So I want to assist him by being a successful mage. And it says here that you're a dragon. I heard that dragons are incredibly good at magic." Le Fay remembered the books she read in their library.
"Your reason is quite honorable, a pricey wish in order to support your family." Mordred nodded at her motivation and he could feel that she wasn't lying.
"So you accept?" Le Fay's eyes shone and he thought about it. 'I don't really want or need to involve myself with the Pendragons. They're basically strangers by now.'
The blonde girl got nervous and he shrugged. "Well, it will be my pleasure to teach you. But I have a condition." He raised a finger and she gulped.
Listening intently, Le Fay focused on him. "I want to know what exactly is the personality of your brother. If I deem him to be useless, then I will not grant your request."
"Ohh... So I just have to tell you what he's like right?" She innocently tilted her head and Mordred decided to go with that.
'I can just put some recorders here and there.' Mordred of course would check her brother's personality and how he carries himself without bias.
"Big brother Arthur is very serious about his studies. He even helps me even though he has a lot on his plate." Le Fay started telling her brother's story.
'Arthur huh? I guess they cling really well to their heritage that is long gone by now.' Mordred thought that was quite amusing.
He then started to control the shadows. Scathach also trains their tight hold over their mana. Their reserves were frankly ridiculous due to the qualitative changes they received.
Ise is the only one with a low amount of magic. But she still has more than their other friends by a large margin.
Morded planted bugs and spells that would record everything in the Pendragon house.
After he completed planting them, he stopped Le Fay who was still talking. Currently speaking about her brother's dedication to being a master swordsman.
'Honestly, Arthur is more fit to be a knight. He is focusing too much on his skills. Being a king doesn't necessarily mean that you have to be the best at fighting.' Mordred was already evaluating him.
"Oh, okay. Please tell me your decision later, sir dragon." Le Fay smiled at him excitedly and Mordred put a hand on his chest.
'Hmmm, is this the power of little sisters? Wait, I have a question to ask mom later.' Mordred disappeared in a magic circle and he returned to their home.
"Valerie? What are you doing?" Mordred tilted his head at the scene in front of him.
The dhampir was cycling her mana with the others through a golden chalice.
"Ohh, Tiamat told me to slowly influence everyone's soul so they will never be taken off guard by dragon slaying weapons." Valerie explained with a smile.
"Oh, you recovered enough to do that? If you're overexerting yourself, it's fine to not do it." Mordred patted her on the back with concern.
"I can do it, besides... You guys saved me, I would probably be insane by now if you didn't take me away from there." Valerie was determined.
"Okay, be careful though. And mom, I have a question for you." Mordred turned to Tiamat.
"If I marry you later and you give birth, will it be my sibling? I met a descendant of my father. Or a fake one at least, because as far as I know, Arthur didn't have any more children. And the historical Mordred didn't have kids." Mordred was curious for the answer.
Tiamat choked on her spit and she coughed violently. "T-that's definitely a good question..." She suddenly glared at Cleria and Masaomi, they were the adults there that he had contact with frequently.
"Don't look at us like that! We didn't teach him anything like that!" Masaomi immediately denied and Cleria nodded while breaking into a cold sweat.
"W-where did you learn that sweetie? Do you even know where babies come from?" Tiamat's smile twitched
"Don't patronize me mom, I read a lot about it. I know that we have to make sweet, sweet love to make babies." Mordred huffed at her and Tiamat froze.
"Who taught you that?" She squinted her eyes because that was definitely something that he won't say.
"Teacher of course. He told me that I have to put my baby batter inside of you. But I don't know what that is yet. Teacher said that I'm a bit too young to make it." Mordred explained and Tiamat growled.
'Odin-sama, forgive your pious student. I was unable to stop Mordred. Rest in peace.' Ise prayed for Odin and the old man suddenly felt a chill in his spine.
"Wha? I felt like someone's out there to get me... Maybe it's one of Loki's curses. Guhahaha! The brat doesn't know when to quit." Odin returned to his magazines of gravure idols.
"Is that so? I think I will visit Asgard. What was that? God provides and man will plan another's demise? Whatever that bullshit was." Tiamat contacted Serafall because she would be causing some collateral damage.
Mordred waved goodbye. "Dang it. I didn't get an answer. I guess I can ask master about it." He shrugged and left Valerie to do her own thing.
"I think Odin will get killed nya." Kuroka chuckled. "That pervert deserves it." Shirone huffed and the others also nodded.
"Corrupting Mordred like that, he's really impressionable. So he got influenced by that guy easily." Vali thought that they should beat him up later.
"Y-yeah, old man Odin is a pervert. I didn't see that coming at all. Mom's calling me! Gottagobye!" Ise started sweating so she made a tactical retreat.
"She's in on it!" Dulio pointed out and Lavinia wished she wouldn't get in trouble. 'Good job Ise, leading Mordred to the right path. Odin will definitely teach him an onee-san's appeal.' Lavinia approved.
After a few days, Mordred collected enough data about Arthur and he called Le Fay for another meeting.
He arrived in her room and Le Fay looked at her expectantly.
"Sir dragon, are you going to be my teacher in magic?" Le Fay was giving him the puppy dog eyes and Mordred nodded.
'This Arthur fellow is definitely a person that won't misuse Le Fay's knowledge of magic. He is proud, but he isn't arrogant. He even treats their servants nicely.' Mordred saw enough of his behavior to approve her request.
"Really!? Yatta!" Le Fay bounced around, he could see her childish innocence and Mordred looked at her softly.
'This is it, children should be like that.' He thought of ways on how to implement his plan and magic school like Grauzauberer or the golden dawn that teaches everyone regardless of their talents would be a nice start.
Magic and sacred gears will be the only weapons that humans can use against the supernatural.
They can train their bodies to the utmost limit, but races with a lot of mana will naturally be stronger due to their bodies being infused with their larger mana pools.
"Okay, read these for now. I hope you are ready for boring and benign calculations Le Fay. Magic is like that, it's a code that uses your mana to conjure spells." Mordred gave her a pile of books that he used to read and she nodded.
He was satisfied with her eagerness. "Another task that you would need to do, is a healthy body will improve your mana pool. Even the skinniest of mages will be sturdier than normal humans." Mordred started explaining the intricacies of mana.
"Is it because of their magic? Does it strengthen them passively?" Le Fay tilted her head and Mordred smiled.
'Hmm, I can get used to this.' He thought she was quite cute, especially with her chubby cheeks.
"I believe that you'll be a great mage if you continue being this smart." He ruffled her hair and Le Fay giggled.
Mordred taught her for about an hour and she soaked everything he taught her like a sponge.
"Well, you definitely have potential Le Fay. I will look forward to your future as a mage." Mordred petted her head because she seemed to like it.
"Okay, sir dragon! You taught me a lot, thank you very much for your tutelage! Ah... I don't know what to pay you with... Can I even afford it? This is my allowance that I saved up." Le Fay grabbed a piggy bank and she shook it.
Mordred chuckled and he honestly forgot about that. "How about this, when I establish a mage association. You will teach for me? Like how I taught you." He pinched her chubby cheeks and Le Fay nodded.
"Un! I'll be the best mage there is. And I'll produce the best mages in your association." Le Fay beamed at him.
'Akh, is this the power of little sisters?' He then thought that he could understand Serafall a bit.
Mordred then went to the Sitri household. So he could pitch ideas with Sona about the mage association he wanted to establish.
Her dream was to make a high quality school for low class devils. He thought that what they wanted to do was quite similar.
"Hey young Mordred, here to visit Sona?" The lady of the Sitri house greeted him with a smile. Sona and their group of friends were shaping up to be the future of their houses after they made friends with him.
"Yes, I actually wanted to talk to her about something." Mordred nodded at her and he was led to Sona.
"Hey So-tan, I have a little something that will definitely pique your interest." Mordred greeted her with a hug and she blushed at his nickname for her.
"Can you stop calling me that Mordred? Nee-sama is bad enough, but you're also doing it." She thought that he only called her like that while Serafall was around to indulge her, but it seems that she is wrong.
"Why? Isn't it fine? Close friends have nicknames for each other. Anyways, what I'm here about is that I want to establish a mage association that will slowly spread magic and the supernatural to normal humans. Help them be aware, you know?" Mordred started pitching his idea.
"Really? You want to do something similar to me?" Sona lit up at that and she forgot about her nickname.
They began brainstorming and Mordred got some ideas from her.
Teaching a lot of people would definitely bring in sacred gear wielders. The problem with Yahweh's reincarnation system for his sacred gears. Is that the majority of it lands on unsuspecting humans.
'I wonder how many sacred gears are passed on with the possessor being none the wiser.' Mordred got excited at the prospect of having many sacred gear wielders that will be willing to form a new faction.
They would need to keep it under wraps. And spies are definitely something they have to worry about, but it was a start.
And for the glaring problem for the supernatural which is a fortunate accident to humans. Is that they are inherently weak. And normal sacred gears would make the wielders a high class combatant at best.
Humans are fragile and strong at the same time. He had to snort at that. It is true that an exceptional Longinus wielder will beat a skilled sacred gear user due to the massive difference in powers.
But humans have strength in numbers. And they are extremely good at remembering slights against them. So they can really hold a grudge.
Being informed of the threat that is the supernatural that can screw them over at any time will give rise to a movement that can snowball if Mordred plays his cards right.
'Hmm, we can also regulate the usage of sacred gears. Heaven should be doing that, but I don't mind taking over Yahweh's job.' Mordred smirked.
"Ahh, I forgot So-tan. Can I cop a feel of your butt? Ise reacted weirdly earlier when I touched it without telling her first. So I asked first." Mordred tilted his head and Sona choked on her spit.
Thanks for reading everyone, a bit late. So have an extra.