
Chapter 156 : The Past!!!

Shigune was at a loss of words for the lack of wariness and then she thought rich people huh...

She didn't know why but it fitted them, that's the impression she got...

Shigune : Anyway let's go somewhere to talk about...

As things turned out to be as such, they followed her or actually guided her in the clubroom where they usually hold their meeting concerning the supernatural...

There, Kiba, Issei and Asia were sitting on the couch with Asia being on the lap of Issei which absurdly got up and blushed when they came in...

She didn't mind Kiba as she spent a lot of time with him as well but the others were too much...

As everyone had their sits ignoring the flustered Asia they waited till the girl sitting on the cough start speaking...

Shigune : Let me introduce myself first...

Shigune : My name is Shigune Nanadaru... Current Member of the team the Dog God Of The Fallen...

Shigune : For starters... Haoh let me jolt your memories...

Shigune : As you know... There are Sacred Gears correct??

Seeing that they nodded to her questions and even Haoh wasn't surprised, no in fact he was more surprised that the guy he possessed had the same name as him...

Shigune : During our years in the Ryoukou Academy, which was about 4-5 years ago we were innocent students...

Shigune : Not caring about anything and only looked at how to throw colour in our childhood lives and make memories...

Shigune : At that time at the end of our first year, a trip was planned and all of us were excited to go see unknown things...

Shigune : Only instead of unknowns and exciting things what came to everyone in the Academy was a nightmare...

Haoh : An accident happened right??

Shigune : Umn... An organization that was called The Utsusemi Agency being formed at that time by the outcast members of the Five Principal Clans planned their revenge.

Shigune : And in order to overcome and seek revenge against the Five Great Families, they decided to use a source of power, which differs from their clans, the Four Fiends...

Haoh : The Four Fiends??

Shigune : Similarly to the Two Heavenly Dragons, for many atrocities they got sealed in sacred gears.

Shigune : This soon led to formulating the Four Fiends Project with the Independent-Avatar Sacred Gears as their base.

Shigune : To that end, the group targeted Ryoukou High School's first-year students with the required Sacred Gears, but all of them were absent during that trip forcing the group to change their original plans.

Shigune : And instead used the kidnapped students by implanting Utsusemi into the students... For a better analogy, it would be like giving a human Devil Powers without reincarnated him into one...

Haoh : They had created hybrids??

Shigune : Yes, and used them to hunt the actual possessors of the Four Fiends.

Shigune : At that time a few students had managed to miss the trip due to various reasons...

Shigune : Hyousuke Koga - Kouki Samejima - Natsume Minagawa - Shigune Nanadaru...

Shigune : These are the names of the students possessing the Four Fiends, that missed the trip at that time...

Shigune : Along with them, you and Tobio Ikuse had missed the trip because the former meaning you got hit by a truck while the latter had caught a fever...

Haoh : Wait, then you missing the trip back then was because??

Shigune : With the exception of Koga, every one of the above mentioned came to see how both of you were doing...

Shigune : We visited Tobio first and then came to you in the hospital but we were told you were out cold and didn't know when you were going to wake up...

Haoh : Ugh... Akari???

Akari : She is telling the truth at least up to the point you got hit by a truck and from what i can tell you woke up 10 days later...

STB : (0/10) - DxD : (0/10)

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