
DXD: Rical Phenex ( Gamer Gacha ) SFW

Safe For Work version of my dxd SI fanfic Reborn in DxD as Rical Phenex the fourth son of Lord and Lady Phenex with a quest and gacha system. Will contain multiverse traveling and summoning of peerage members from other worlds. Patreon.com/purecrow *I DO NOT OWN HIGH SCHOOL DXD OR ANY OF THE CHARACTERS WITHIN THE SERIES EXCEPT FOR MY MC AND POTENTIAL FUTURE OC'S, ALSO NONE OF THE ARTWORK SHOWN OR USED IS MINE.* *WARNING: implied sexual situations

PureCrow · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
18 Chs

010 Meeting Ajuka Again 

010 Meeting Ajuka Again

I leaned down against the soft bench, letting the soft padding reshape itself against my weight. The supple leather feels like clouds beneath my skin. Above me, a bright beam of light attempting to blind me. To my right, I hear steps coming closer. The steps stop next to me.

"I'm just going to take a little; it will only sting a bit." I hear Ajuka's voice to my right.

"A little of wha…." Feeling a pinch on my right arm as ajuka drew blood.

I always hated needles, so this was not a fun experience. I wondered why I even agreed to be Ajuka's test subject. I wondered if Ajuka would have let me go peacefully if I had just said no and walked away. Would he have just done the tests by force, would I have remembered, would Ajuka have erased my memories. I only know Ajuka from the novels I had read in my previous life, and even then, he rarely was talked about too much.

Had I too quickly agreed, might I have been manipulated somehow. It would not have been too hard for someone like Ajuka to make me more agreeable through magic. I can only hope that the Gamer ability blocks all information of its existence. Something to look into in the future.

I will have to look into some form of occlumency or something similar if I plan to keep my mind to myself in the future. If I can't find anything in this world, I'll have to look at other worlds.

The pinching and prodding continued for an hour as Ajuka ran every test he could think of.

"Okay, I have run all the tests I can with the equipment I have here. So far, I can see that your healing abilities have not weakened at all." So says Ajuka as he pages through some notes on a clipboard.

"Now, we will have to run some tests on your elemental abilities to see why the flame has changed to a black blue." I guess he will now find out about my flames' parasitic effect.

"Okay, what do you want me to start with, wind or Hellfire Manipulation?" I am glad that I spent the last week learning how to manipulate my demonic energy, I have not gotten very far, but I can now at least use teleportation circles and use my elemental magic.

"Let us start with wind manipulation so that we can get it over with."

"Okay, no problem."

I start to manipulate the demonic energy in my body, slowly moving in up my arm creating a small ball of rotating wind in my hand. The ball looks like a Rasengan if only it had the power as well.

In Ajuka's hand is a silver metal device shaped like a speed gun. The device lets out a pale green light, slowly scanning over the wind ball in my hand.

"There does not seem to be any difference in the wind that you are manipulating. So let's move on to your hellfire."

I wordlessly release the wind ball I was manipulating. Once again, I slowly move the demonic energy through my arms to my hand, taking a full five seconds for the flame to manifest on my hand. A beautiful flame consisting of a black center with bright blue flames surrounding the black. Ajuka starts to scan the flames in my hand.

Ajuka scrunches up his eyes and starts to fiddle with the dials on the handle of the scanning device. This continues for a few minutes. Ajuka's eyes become smaller and smaller as he works through whatever the scanner tells him.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"My device can not pick up any reading from your flames. It says there is nothing there, but I can see it with my eyes." On Ajuka's hand appears a magic circle that is too detailed to be a normal magic circle. This must be Ajuka's famous Kankara Formula. Ajuka's eyebrows continue to scrunch up. Clearly, Ajuka is getting more and more annoyed, and finally, Ajuka's eyes widen in disbelief.

"I can not find your flames even with my magic, curios."

"What does that mean?"

"It means I can not control your flames. To control any form of magic, I need to locate it and then understand it with my Kankara Formula. It would seem your flame seems to have inherited the demonic parasite's ability to hide from all detection. Your flame releases absolutely no energy besides light, and I can't even pick that up with the scans, only my eyes. All the energy seems to be contained within your flame itself." Ajuka says in disbelief.

"Would you not be able to control it from sight alone?" I ask, trying to find all my abilities weaknesses.

"It doesn't work like that. Let me put it this way. If you had a remote control toy in front of you, If I removed the signal receiver from the toy, would you be able to use the remote to control the toy?"

"No. No, I would not be able to."

Instead of being annoyed or angry that his ability did not work, Ajuka seemed excited. I wonder why. I give it a week before he figures out how to control my flames.

"If digital instruments don't work, we will have to go old school with physical tools." Ajuka moves over to a metal cupboard and starts scratching inside, looking for something. Seeming to have found it, Ajuka returns carrying a thin and long metal pole with a cylindrical gage on one end.

"A thermometer?"

"This is an industrial thermometer I used when I tried out blacksmithing. I will stick this thermometer into the flames to see if they still produce heat." Ajuka directly sticks one end into the flames above my hand, and 1,100 °C (≈2,012 °F) appears in black and white on a small screen on the end of the device in Ajuka's hand.

"Not very hot. It is only as hot as a candle." (It seems to be a bit hot for a candle, but that's what google is telling me.)

"This is as hot as I can go."

"Don't worry about it. As your demonic power grows, so will the temperature of your flame with it."

I knew this, having the instructor already instructing me on demonic energy earlier in the week.


"Demonic power is split into three categories. Power, reserves, and control.

Power is how strong and dense your spell will be; for example, if you produced a ball of flames above your hand, power will dictate how hot that flame will be. You with me so far." Says Sabastion, who has taken it upon himself to instruct me on how to use my demonic energy. Honestly, I just think he is tired of teleporting me to wherever I want to go. It's a pity the maids don't have permission to teleport on the mansion grounds, besides specially designated areas.

"Yes, thank you for helping with this."

"It is my pleasure, young master. Let us move on to reserves; reserves dictate how long a spell can last and how large the spell can be. Once again, let us use a ball of flame as an example. The higher your reserves, the longer you can keep that ball of flames alive and how large you can make it."

"Control is simply how good you are at manipulating demonic energy. With better control, you will be able to use more complex spells and skills without failing. Now let us get some practice in."

-Flashback end-

My whole week was spent with Sabastion on the training grounds learning to manipulate my demonic energy.

"You okay?" Asks Ajuka.

"I'm fine just thinking about something."

"Okay, well, I have all the data I need for now. I should be able to figure out more from your blood." Ajuka says.

"Great." I say as I cut the energy supply to the flames in my hand. I wonder if he will find out about my flames' parasitic effect from my blood.

"Let us use the Evil Bead now so we can get that over with."

"Finally, I have been waiting for this all week. What do I need to do." I take out the `Demonic heart bead and hand it over to Ajuka.

"Just lay back down on the bench. When I insert this into your chest, it will immediately merge with your heart. This process will automatically put you to sleep so that you don't feel the discomfort of the change." So says Ajuka as he gestures back to the examination chair I was sitting on earlier.

I lie down again on the bench feeling the soft leather. Ajuka comes over and places the Demonic Heart Bead on my chest, and I feel him pushing demonic energy into the bead. As he is doing this, I feel myself slowly falling asleep.

"You are finally awake."

I awoke, feeling groggy. "How long have I been asleep?" I ask.

"About four hours."

"I don't feel any deferent."

"You are not supposed to feel any stronger. Your body's strength will increase with your demonic power. The higher your demonic power, the stronger your body will be.

"In about a week, I want you to come back here so that we can make sure that everything is working smoothly, and I'll also have a report ready for you on your mutation."

"Okay, Then ill see you in a week. I ought to return home before my parents get suspicious."

"What did you tell your parents you were doing?"

"They think I am still in my room, They left this morning for some business in the Capital, and I told the staff I was tired and not to bother me for the day."

"Till next time," I say as a teleport out of the house.


This story is AU, so go with it if anything different from Canon.

The more power stones I receive, the more I'll be motivated to write.

Have some ideas about my story? Comment on it and let me know.