
Dxd: Return of the Apex

I have returned, 10 years spent in a world filled with monsters at least triple my size, taking mutagens to hunt and survive in a harsh world. It's safe to say I'm more a monster than I am a hunter now, after slaying Nergi, a portal home opened and here I am...

TheRisingDemon · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
12 Chs

The first week (Minor time skip)

On my first day back, I spent 4 hours waiting for either my brother or father to return home, just to find out that neither of them would be returning to the house any time soon, My brother lived in the dorms of Kuoh academy while my Father was away on a business trip. Apparently, my brother came every few days to check up on Moka and make sure she was ok before heading back to the academy.

Speaking of the academy, I will be transferring into it on Monday next week, I'm a little excited to experience something truly Human again after years of hunting. I do however find the situation surrounding the Academy to be dubious at best, I went to scope the place out as I handed in my transfer documents, all I can say is that it stank of Sexual temptation, I don't know who or what was filling the place with their scent but it was almost overpowering.

The meeting with the principal went well, well it did until the introduction of the school council president, she was one of the beings that smelt like temptation, one distinctive instinct erupted from deep within, my desire to dominate her, both in battle and in bed. As I glared into her eyes, a silent battle raged between us, lasting for the remainder of the meeting, ending when I left, kissing her cheek as I did.

The following two days were filled with minor events here and there, I scouted out the rest of the town, using a wide range of mutations to try and find the other powerful beings here, I found a large collective of black-winged angels in the church. One of them noticed me watching them, she looked at me with rage but before she could act I vanished, moving on to the next location.

Surprisingly a cave just outside of town stank of Dragons, from what I could gather, there were two of them travelling towards the town, one of them was heavily injured, their blood although hidden well was still visible to a well versed Hunter. Their tracks vanished near the Church, however, knowing that at least one of the Angels was aware of me, I didn't linger but kept them in the back of my mind.

I should probably talk about what I have about living arrangements before I forget again, I purchased a flat near the academy with the money I generated with Proxy. The flat was small with a living room/kitchen, a bedroom and a bathroom. I have a lot of money however if I started spending it stupidly, I would draw attention to myself and as I know next to nothing about the major players here, I will keep to the shadows as much as possible for now.

Today and yesterday I have spent attuning myself further with the vast amount of mutations that litter my being, I'm still not used to having the potential to heavily mutate my body with a single thought. The main issue I'm having with my mutations is that I currently have a low affinity with them all, proxy stated that affinity would be important as it would give me more control over individual mutations and their strength.

For example, Negigante grew spikes all over its body as it fought, these spikes would become invulnerable if not destroyed quickly, protecting its weaker areas. They could also be ejected from its body with terrifying speed, tearing through skin and armour. I can do this too although due to the low affinity, the spikes take way longer to grow and move slower and with less force when ejected.

There are many ways to increase my affinity quickly, two of which I can do rather easily, number one, devour the monster's spirits that roam within my spirit world, this would drastically increase my affinity with their mutagens at the cost of my remaining Humanity. The second option is to convert more people with the monster pieces as they gain affinity, as the king so do I.

For example, if my queen was fond of the Lunastra mutagen, using its supernova abilities, I would also gain proficiency with said abilities, which is really useful if I give away all of the pieces, creating a personal levelling factory of 9-12 people.

Anyways, time to sleep, I have one more day to prepare for the academy, this final day I will spend with my cat companion, Raj needs some attention every now and again. Walking into the kitchen, I grab a slab of Salmon and begin preparing it as I would in my previous world, making what other people would call 'weird' cuts into the fish, and sealing flavouring in it.

The look on my small companion's face makes it all worth it, however, his smile caused a similar one to spread across my own face as I watched him eat...

(End of Chapter)

Well then, let's explain some things, shall we?

1. What are the Mutations and how does the MC get them?

Well, the mutations are gained through an ability called 'Devour', specifically if the ability is used on a still-beating heart. The mutations are a group of abilities that are connected to the heart/soul that was devoured, for example, Nergi's spikes and wings would be connected to the Negi mutation. While Anjanaths leg strength, 'Fire breath' and raw physical power would be connected to the Anjananth Mutation.

Some Mutations will have a special bond with one another but that will be serious spoiler territory so no more information than that.

2. How strong is the mc?

Currently, physically he is low tier ultimate class, his body has been refined with 10 years of fighting beasts at a minimum 3x bigger than himself. If you add his mutations in as they currently are, he goes towards middle to high tier ultimate class. As he gains affinity with his mutations, his strength will explode upwards as a result.

3. Why does the Mc not have a name yet?

Well, he does, you are just not aware of it yet, no particular reason why just not been added yet.

4. Will this be a harem story?

Read the tags.

As for how many girls will be in it? I'm not too sure yet, only a few are confirmed to be in it in my mind with a few not from the dxd world in there too.

5. Is this AU?

Yes, however parts of the main plot will remain.

6. Make recommendations for the 'Monster' peerage, a chance for reader input.



Knight x2

Bishop x2

Pawn x4

Thanks for reading!

TheRisingDemoncreators' thoughts