
DxD: Re-Life

Waking up in a void. Check. Meeting a shady omnipotent entity. Check. Getting abilities beyond understanding. Check. Sent back to the same world in which you died. Check. Since everything is checked out, why don't you check it out yourself?

Shadow_Grace · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
3 Chs

The Three Shots [Prologue]

[Unknown's POV]

I'm dead. I know I'm dead because I can't feel anything. I can't see anything. I can't hear anything. I can't even think.

I'm just... here. Why is this place so black? It's so... empty. So plain. So bland.

I don't know what to think. I don't know what to do. I'm just... lost. But I don't know how.

I'm just... here.

I miss my mom and dad.

I miss Matsuda, Motohama, and Irina.

I don't want to be here. I want to go home.


What's that? A glowing orb? It looks pretty.

I'm not sure what happened. One moment I was in that empty void, and the next I was sitting in this strange place. I don't know where I am. I'm sitting on a stool in a strange place. There's a table in front of me with a bunch of statues on it. I don't know what the statues are for, but they look interesting with their bizarre shapes.

I look around, but I don't see anyone else. Now I'm starting to feel really anxious. I don't know where I am or how I got here.

"Oh? A newcomer?" A voice calls out from behind the counter.

It is a wispy, shadowy figure; it seems featureless and appears to lack a physical body. Two glowing red eyes gleam out of its shadowy head. I stare for a moment, my ghostly, apparition-esque body flickering slightly in the homely feeling of this strange place.

"Welcome, boy, welcome to my little hideaway in the endless abyss of the void." The shadow monster greets

Suddenly that shadowy monster morphs into a woman; no, it would be a sin to call her that; I have never seen anything like this in the twelve years of my life. Till now, the most beautiful people I saw were my mom and Irina's mom, but this woman—I don't know if beautiful is the right word for her.

I didn't know what to say, but I also knew that it was rude to be silent. While I was in this dilemma, my eyes suddenly fell on the wall behind us.

The wall is strange. It appears to have far more bottles than it really should, all constantly shifting and churning; it's like I'm looking at something I can't comprehend.

What was stranger was the bottle itself.

They remind me of the strange drink my father used to drink during holidays. He called it sake, if I remember correctly. It made him sick, and his face would turn red and horny. He would always go and touch my mother's butt after drinking it, and she would always slap him when he did that, not to mention the loud noises during those nights.

Tch! Bad memories.

"You catch on quick. It's a fourth-dimensional storage space. And, no. The content of the bottles isn't sake; it's rather fancier. Are you perhaps interested?"

Oh. So she can read my mind.

"I can indeed." Then she nods. "So, what can I get for you, cute little boy?"

What... is this place? I mentally question myself as I look around slowly.

"For you, the only ticket out of this void." she answered.


"For starters, you should understand that you are dead."

I am dead. Yes, I was. A giant rat, but it had scorpion-like legs? It was a monster! It killed me! Just thinking about the abomination gave me shivers.

"Yes. It was indeed an abomination, but the more correct word would be a stray devil. But enough with that; let's not spoil the mood any further. Let's start things on a positive note. How about I send you back to your world?"


"It's quite simple. I'll give you a drink. Drinking it will give you some powers, and then I will send you back." She explains. 

"You have three legitimate options. The very first. I give you a single shot, and you transform into a part of something. You are given a random set of abilities connected to a single subject, which can range from elements to making you a warlord. I won't tell you what you have, and you'll have to figure it out for yourself. Then there's the double barrel shot. I choose two colors, and I fill a shot glass 50/50. You acquire some of each power, and I'll tell you the name of your combined power, after which you'll be compelled to figure it out."

She took a little pause before continuing.

"The Rainbow Shot is now the final option. I'll make you a drink in four different colors. This is certainly the riskiest option because some skills rely on other powers, but in exchange for this randomness, I will give you the name of every ability you will receive and will throw you a big, hefty surprise that you will undoubtedly enjoy."

The final one has the potential to be either extremely good or extremely horrible.

"That's the gist of it, yeah." The figure nods.

The first two options appear to be quite basic, but the rainbow shot appears to be more dangerous. Some of the powers may be dependent on other powers, so if I receive one that I can't utilize, it's a dead end. On the other side, the rainbow shot has the potential to be outstanding.

I could gain an array of awesome anime-style powers, which would be fantastic. I suppose I'll go for the rainbow shot. It is the most dangerous option, but it also has the greatest potential return!

I mean, what could possibly go wrong? I might get a bunch of useless powers and have to find out how to use them, or I might not be able to use them at all. Even if something happens, I'll be able to return to my reality.

But if I get a bunch of superpowers, I'll rip that monster apart first!

"So, rainbow shot it is. Alright then."

She shrugged nonchalantly, but the grin on her face was unmistakable. My head begins to hurt as she turns around and reaches for the wall.

"Oh, I'd suggest not watching this."

I agreed to her suggestion because, despite being dead, the headache I felt was very real and felt worse than death.

After a short moment, she tells me to turn back around.

I look down to see a small shot glass sitting before me; it is a deep, vibrant gold with dusts of white, blue, and pink.

I reach down slowly and gently grasp the glass.

I drank the entire thing in one sip.

I immediately felt a bit nauseated, but that was it. If I had to explain, then I would say that it was akin to having motion sickness, but that was strange considering neither I was moving nor I had a body for that to happen.

Even though I didn't feel any different internally or virtually, I noticed that an aura of gold mixed with blue, red, and pink surrounded me. I look up at the woman, who has a glowing, impish smile.

"I was right after all; you are indeed different than your parallels."

I stare blankly at her. What she said didn't make any sense to me. No real thoughts formed in my head.

"Right. I should tell you the name of your ability quickly before you wake up in your new body. Considering your previous body is mutilated beyond saving."

"Essence of Game, Essence of Mage, Essence of Limit, and Essence of Seducer."

The woman said that suddenly everything vanished as I found myself in the void of infinite emptiness, but this time I wasn't alone because this lady was standing with me, and for the first time I got the full look of her figure, buxom and curvaceous; this woman is truly a work of art, and those bazooka-like oppai's.

Perv Oldie was correct: Oppais are among the best creations ever.

"Ha, eye digging my chest? Remember how you nearly passed out when you caught a peek at my partly true form? Lucky for you, being ethereal means you won't wet yourself." Her tone is filled with a mix of amusement and an arrogant chuckle.

Well, she got me there.

"You're a funny boy; I like you a lot. I would have kept you to myself, but it would not have been ideal, so it appears that our time has come to part ways for the time being. Now, before you leave, as I promised, I'll give you a big surprise that you'll enjoy, so here you are!" She spoke up.

I stumble back as lances of pain erupt through me. It seems like acid is being spilled all over my body, and spikes are being forced into my mind. My consciousness gradually faded as the pain became too much for me to bear.

"You didn't tell me who you are, lady?" With the last of my strength, I forced myself to ask. 

"Many call me the Great Old One, but you can call me Cthulhu. Farewell, Issei Hyoudou."