

"Of course." Her Queen nodded before heading off.

Thankfully, Tsubaki didn't have to look hard since the school was currently on lunch break. So she had approached Rias and Issei and was told that Naruto was with her Queen on the roof.

"Naruto?" Tsubaki called out as she opened the door to the roof, "The student council president would like to have a word with you."

"Cool, lead the way." Naruto smiled, standing next to her.

The vice-president flinched, "When did you- Nevermind, follow me then."

The Student Council room…

Naruto followed Tsubaki in with a smile, considering how well things were working out for him. And if things were to continue then this day would get better.

"To what do I owe the pleasure, Sona?"

"Don't talk to the President like you're friends with her." A sneer came from the side of the room.

"Don't speak for me, Saji." Sona frowned.


Naruto smiled in amusement at how submissive the boy seemed to be to his King.

"I called you here to indulge my curiosity." Sona started, "I know that Rias has been trying to get you into her peerage but try as I might I still can't fathom why."

"Ah, so you want to know if I'd be a good steal from Rias?"

Sona coughed in embarrassment, "I suppose so, yes."

Naruto hummed in consideration, "I could show you, yeah. Not around these many people though."

Sona gestured to her peerage to leave the room.


"Out." Sona looked at Saji, calmly in the eyes and he relented.

Naruto waited until he and Sona were alone before speaking up, "I'm curious, are you two together? Because I can tell who wears the pants in the relationship." He joked.

"No, nothing like that. I am aware of Saji's feelings for him but it's not something I plan on reciprocating."

Naruto nodded as he slowly let out his power, "Understandable, forgive my assumption but it seemed you had a similar dynamic to that of Rias and Issei."

Sona blinked, taking a second to regain her senses, "Um, how do you mean?"

"Well, Rias definitely has Issei whipped just like your own Pawn."

"I wouldn't call him whipped…" Sona began focusing more on the allure of the power emanating from him.

Naruto crossed his arms, "In fact, I'm actually surprised that Rias is into Issei… Which makes me curious, what are you looking for in a man?" He leaned closer.

Sona stiffened, "I'm… I want a smart man." She gulped, "Strong too."

Naruto nodded as he leaned back on the chair, "That seems to be a recurring thing. Supernatural beings seek out strong partners."

"Yes, that is true. Although some more than others." Sona adjusted her glasses, "I'm starting to see why Rias is so interested in you. You seem to be letting out more of your strength the longer we talk."

"Yeah, it wouldn't do you any good if I let everything out at once."

Sona's eyes widened, curiosity filling her mind, "Oh? Care to elaborate?"

"It could make you weak in your knees. If I let out too much too fast."

Sona shifted in her seat, her hand moving to clench her thighs, "Is that so?"

Naruto nodded, "And who knows what might happen if I let everything out at once."

That was a lie. Azazel had actually made him test that out.

It seemed to vary on how strong the woman was. On a Fallen woman with a single pair of wings, simply exposing her to Sage mode had made her cum herself. While a stronger Fallen woman had fallen to her knees and gotten damp.

So he had a fairly good idea on what would happen. Although, he knew it was definitely not a good idea to test that out with his SOSPM.

"Say, would you mind showing me your abilities during the weekend? I'd like to know exactly what you are capable of. I know a good place where you wouldn't have to worry about destroying anything or being seen…" Sona did her best to not sound mildly aroused.

It was amusing, he exposed her roughly to the same amount of power that he initially did with Rias and she was already showing signs of being affected.

That also reminded him of Akeno. Rias didn't tell him that her Queen had been watching them fuck for about the past week but he didn't mind. In fact, he was thinking of getting to his house after Rias just to see if she would sneak her friend inside of his room's closet.

That would be hot.