

You want me to do what?" Naruto blinked in confusion.

"Cuck a guy! Trust me it's just what you need!" Azazel told the young man, a grin forming on his face.


"Look kid, you came to me because you were bored so I'm giving you the answer to your problems. Steal a guy's girlfriend, fiancée, wife, childhood crush, anything really." The Fallen Angel giggled.

"That's really your idea of fun?" Naruto asked, still a bit dumbfounded.

Azazel nodded, "I love women, and I love fucking women. It's naturally what I did when I fell from Heaven. Unfortunately, I couldn't get all the women I wanted because they were in a relationship, right?"

"Right?" Naruto nodded in agreement.

"Wrong, boy! Who gives a shit if they're with someone? Not me, not when I knew I would give them a better dicking than whoever they were seeing."

"What if you got caught?"

"Doesn't matter! What exactly are they gonna do? Besides, fuck her long enough and if you tell her you're gonna fuck her in front of her oblivious significant other she'll beg you to do it. That was my favourite part."

Naruto stared at Azazel.

The Fallen cleared his throat, "Naturally you shouldn't go for someone's woman if they're stronger than you. I personally wouldn't go for a God's woman, I don't exactly wanna die yet."

"Even if I did decide to do this, I wouldn't know how to start. It's not like it's easy." Naruto shrugged.

Azazel laughed, "Maybe not where you're from but you'll have a lot less trouble here. People here are obsessed with power, consciously and subconsciously they're attracted to it and they crave it. You have that, plus you're a pretty boy so if you get to know a girl enough you'll be golden."

"You're actually insane."

"Maybe you'll actually meet a girl who's into it and will help you."

"Like that's gonna happen." Naruto snickered.

"Probably true." Azazel shrugged, "Anyway, you've got nothing to lose. We both know you're stuck here with no way back, why not make the most of it?"

Azazel pulled out some papers from his desk, "I've enrolled you in Kuoh Academy—."

"There's no way I'm going to—."

"Shuuuuuuush, just do as I say... There's this boy who's got a nice girlfriend, Rias Gremory."

"The Lucifer's sister?"

"The very same. Anyway, the boy's name is Issei Hyoudou and he wants a harem..." Azazel trailed off, trying not to burst out laughing, "So who better to cuck than the pervy guy who wants multiple women in his life?"

"Is he even likely to get a harem?" Naruto asked.

"In a normal situation he would be pretty likely to succeed. He's got a powerful Sacred Gear so that naturally attracts people to him."

"Hmmm, so you want me to steal his girlfriend?"

"Sure do, as well as any potential girls he wants. He's probably got a list of them."

"Alright... Like you said, nothing to lose." Naruto grabbed the papers to attend the school, less reluctant than when Azazel first suggested his idea of fun.

"While you're at it, try to do it with some other women if you're feeling confident. Baby steps though." Azazel grinned before Naruto left.

Kuoh Academy, a month later...

Naruto walked around the hallways surrounded by girls clamoring for his attention, and a few feet behind Issei and Rias who were happily holding hands.

He had been a bit surprised to see how popular he had become in the first few days that he started attending Kuoh Academy. Azazel had told him it was because he looked very exotic.

Speaking of the man, he was also nice enough to place him in the same classroom as Rias and give him a house next to Issei.

"It's always best when you're cucking a guy who hates your guts and is jealous of you." Azazel had told him.

Fortunately for him, he didn't have to do much for that. Issei was a very simple minded guy. Easy to anger and jealousy.

He could feel Issei's dislike for him from the moment he arrived. Less work for him is what he thought.

As soon as he had established himself as the most popular and sought after guy (tied with Kiba) he began to do his work.

Learn everything about Issei and Rias.

It was probably one of the easiest things he's ever done.

On the surface level and to everyone who didn't know them well enough they would think that they were the perfect couple.

Naruto, naturally, knew better.

Because as much as Issei was perverted, he was also a pussy. While everything else about their relationship was good, they lacked a sex life.

He knew that Rias pretended to be fine with how things were with her boyfriend but he could tell that frustrated her. He didn't need to know Rias for long to figure that out, especially because she gave Issei many opportunities to go to the next level with her.

He knew that this information was great but he didn't actually hit the jackpot until a few days later when he was relaxing on the roof of the school.

The next day...

Naruto was sitting on the rooftop of the school, he often found himself relaxing there whenever he could.

Rias also did the same, granted she didn't know that he was also there.

He didn't mind of course, Rias never made a noise while she was there. He supposed that even someone like Rias who loves getting attention also needed to be away from others, her boyfriend included.

"What was it that Azazel told me about the people of this world? Ah right, power attracts everyone. Might as well give it a shot." Naruto shrugged as he began concentrating chakra.

Just enough to alert Rias and interest her.

Almost instantly Rias looked around the roof for the source of the power, she walked around for a bit before she noticed Naruto in a meditating position.

"Naruto...? This is you?"

He looked at the Devil's eyes and saw something that he'd never seen on her before. A certain sparkle in her eyes.

Curiosity? Lust? Perhaps a bit of both.

"Rias, I didn't realize you were here." He smiled at her.

"You know Senjutsu?" She looked somewhat bewildered, "Aren't you a human?"

"Yes to both."

Her pupils dilated and she licked her lips, "Interesting... I've never heard of a human who could use chakra."

Her smile grew as he let out more of his power for her to take in.

He watched her close her eyes and nod to herself.

"A human? You mean to say you aren't human?" He asked in mock-shock.

"That's correct. I am a Devil." She said proudly.

"Makes sense, I did always think you were supernaturally pretty."

"Haha, thank you... Say, what would you say to becoming part of my peerage? Do you know what a peerage is?"

"I do."

"And? What do you think? Does that interest you?" Rias asked eagerly.

He hummed, "Hmmmm, can I get back to you on that later?"

Rias nodded rapidly, "Of course! Of course! Don't feel pressured to answer quickly."

Naruto nodded, he was a bit surprised that Rias was still keeping her composure around him. The more power he was letting out, the more excited she looked.

It was actually amusing.

"I'll see you later, Rias." Naruto smiled as he placed his hand on her shoulder for a second before walking away.

Rias waited until he left the roof before she let out a shudder, "I need that power to be mine~..."

Naruto had gone back to his daily school routine, the only difference is that Rias and the rest of her peerage were watching him a lot more.

He assumed it was because she had told them that they might be getting a new member soon.

Honestly, he was getting a kick out of how much more desperate Rias was becoming as she waited for his answer over the next few days.

It seemed that her patience was wearing out, since she approached him with Issei by her side. A scowl on his face.

He could learn a thing or two about hiding the jealousy and disdain he felt towards him.

"So, have you decided yet? Naruto?" Rias asked, excited.

"Hmmm, can you give me a bit more time? It's a big decision to make after all."

Rias' smile deflated a bit, and Issei's scowl deepened as he noticed.

"Forget about it, it's obvious he doesn't wanna join. This asshole just wants to waste your time." Issei rolled his eyes.

"Issei! Don't say those things!" Rias smacked his shoulder.

Naruto frowned, "Oh? Where did this bravado come from suddenly, Issei?"

The Red Dragon Emperor flinched.

Naruto laughed inwardly, "Vali will be very disappointed when he meets his supposed rival."

"Bravado? Listen, I don't know who you think you are but I'm tired of you disrespecting my girlfriend by making her waste her time chasing after you to join the peerage." He jabbed his finger at Naruto's chest.

"Issei, enough!" Rias admonished him.

At least it seemed like it, but when her eyes met his he knew she wanted to see what he would do.

"Hmmm, I think you're a bit stressed. How about a spar? A good fight always leaves me in a good mood afterwards."

Issei grinned cockily, "Gladly."

Naruto saw Rias' lips curve into a small smile.

"Obviously you can't fight here so—." Rias began but was quickly interrupted.

"Don't worry." Naruto waved her off, "This'll be quick."

"You bet it will."

Naruto smiled as Issei's armor encased him, "Cool armor."

Issei didn't say anything, the only answer he got was the pervert clenching his fists.

Rias stepped back a bit with a smile, "You may begin at any time."

Naruto gave her a thumbs up before putting his hands into his pockets, a bored expression taking over his face.

Just as he predicted, that angered Issei.

Naruto rolled his eyes as the reincarnated Devil rushed him, throwing a flurry of slow punches. To him anyway.

It was honestly kinda pathetic, especially compared to Vali.

He looked over at Rias, who was watching with great interest. And he briefly wondered what she would end up liking better.

Should he end the fight as quickly as possible to show off his strength compared to Issei or would she prefer seeing her boyfriend being humiliated.

He supposed it didn't really matter in the end, so he decided to stop wasting his own time.

With a yawn, he sidestepped Issei's right hook before sweeping the back of his leg before finishing him off with a stomp to his chest and breaking his armor.

Rias stood there in shock, her entire body shaking in excitement that she had a chance to have such a powerful man be a part of her peerage.

"That was fun, I recommend you work on your speed and punch a bit more Issei." Naruto smiled at Rias before walking away.

"I need him in my peerage."

The next few days were probably the most fun he's had since arriving at Kuoh.

Rias' approach intensified, and he was a bit surprised that she had started showing off more of her body around him.

She always seemed to want to talk to him in class for no particular reason.

She would often press her chest to his arm or back while working on assignments with him.

While switching classes she would walk in front of him, making sure she would strut her ass as much as she could.

While going up the stairs she would walk in front of him, her skirt slightly higher than normal so that he could get a view of her racy underwear and noticeable camel toe.

All the while he would keep exposing her to his power on a daily basis.

It wasn't until she had asked to go over to his house to work on an assignment, when it wasn't even necessary, that he knew he almost had her.

"Rias, come in! Make yourself at home."

The Gremory girl smiled as she stepped into his house, "Thanks for having me, Naruto."

"My pleasure!" He smiled as he led her to the living room where they would work on their assignment.

Not even five minutes passed before Rias could not stop glancing at him.

"Say, Naruto..."


"Do you not want to joint my peerage?" She looked at him curiously, "Most people would gladly take me up on my offer."

"I guess I'm not most people then, am I?" He smiled.

"I suppose not." She smiled back, "But seriously, what would it take to convince you?"

"I don't know." He shrugged, "What are you offering?"

Rias shuffled in her seat as Naruto stared right into her eyes, "As a Devil you would live for thousands of years, you'd gain more power... Women, Devil's can have harems and I'm sure you could definitely have one yourself."

Naruto hummed, "Why exactly do you want to go join your peerage that badly?"

Rias gulped, "I... I'm not going to lie, but your power is addicting. I love feeling it and I want to claim it for myself."

Naruto nodded and stood up, "Water?"

Rias blinked before nodding.

A few seconds later Naruto came back with two cups of water, "So you want to own me?" He set down the cups in front of her and stood behind her.

"N-No! I don't own my peerage members, they're all my family."

"Family, huh? I didn't know you tried to seduce your family." He gently grabbed onto her shoulders, pouring out his chakra steadily.

"S-Seduce? What do you mean?"

"Come on, Rias. I'm not stupid. You really think I haven't noticed everything you do at school? I gotta say, really love your underwear. Especially those black ones that show off your ass."


"And don't even get me started on what you're wearing right now. Showing an awful lot of cleavage to a friend aren't you? And those leggings? They look rather tight too." Naruto moved his hands to gently stroke her thighs.

Rias' breathing quickened in excitement.

"So, what exactly is it that you want, Rias?"

She looked back at him as he massaged the inside of her thighs.

"I w-want you~." She moaned.

"Can you tell me why?" He asked.

"Y-Your power turns me on, I've been having so much trouble controlling myself."

"Really? And what about Issei?" He asked, moving very top down to massage her hardening nipples.

"Not even close to what I'm feeling right now." She moaned.

"You want me to fuck you? Fuck you until you can't even scream anymore?" He sucked on her neck as he continued playing with her breasts.

"Please, I need it..." She mewled.

"What do you need?" He asked with a grin.

"I need your powerful cock to destroy my virgin pussy~."

Naruto grinned as he took her hand and led her to his room.

This was going to be a lot more fun than he first thought. He'd definitely have to thank Azazel afterwards.