
chapter 4

exorcists were staying.

"Eeep!" Irina shrieked as she covered her naked body.

"Woah! Sorry about that! Didn't realize you slept naked..." He coughed awkwardly as he covered his eyes, "Although, you didn't even have any luggage so now that I think about it, I really should've expected that."

He waited for a few seconds in silence before he decided to peak through his hands. Irina was franticly trying to dress herself up but Xenovia didn't seem to particularly care that he had seen their nude state.

"It's fine Irina, Naruto is a taken man remember?"


"Speaking about that, my girlfriends comes over on the weekends so—."

"Oh no! She won't get mad at you, will she?" Irina looked worried.

"No, nothing like that. She knows you're both staying here so I just wanted to tell you two not to let her get to you. She really likes to... tease people."

"That's totally fine! We don't mind."

"Yeah, I don't think you'll be saying that once she actually starts..." He mumbled, "Anyway, she's already here. So you should get dressed, Xenovia. Unless you want to get groped."

"Hiya darling~! Oh, what do we have here? Already. getting the exorcists naked? You really do move fast." Akeno grinned as she walked up behind him.

Xenovia frowned, "This Devil is your girlfriend?"

"She sure is, so I'd like to ask all three of you to not be antagonistic to one another while you're in my house. I really don't want to feel any animosity coming from anyone here, it really kills the vibe in the house."

"As thanks for your hospitality, we will refrain from any unwarranted and unnecessary looks or comments." Irina reassured him.

"Great! I also wanted to let you girls know that Azazel is able to delay Kokabiel's plans for a few days. So you'll have plenty of time to prepare properly and to relax. Wouldn't want you to go and fight without being properly prepared."

"Well said." Irina nodded in agreement.

"So, who's ready for breakfast?"appearances?"

Akeno made a bunch of incoherent sounds and Naruto nodded, "I think so too. A better reason as to why we should send this to her, get her wound up for our next session."

Akeno groaned impatiently as she waited for Naruto to go back to fucking her.

Naruto tisked, "Don't you know patience is a virtue? Just for that I'm not fucking your pussy."

Akeno moaned in frustration.

"Relax, I'll be using your mouth instead and will be kind enough to use a vibrator too."

He told her as he lined up his cock to her mouth, "Naturally, we're starting with the lowest setting."

Akeno shifted in place, trying to get more pleasure by rubbing herself as she licked the head of her boyfriend's member.

"I'm sure you can take it all in." Naruto grinned as he began throat fucking his girlfriend, "We're gonna turn up the intensity down there too."

He grinned as he felt Akeno thrash in pleasure below him, gagging on his cock simultaneously as he pulled on the nipple clamps.

Unfortunately, his fun was interrupted when a magic circle appeared in his room.

"Naruto, Azazel told me you wanted to speak—."

"Vali, must you teleport straight into my room? Can't you see I'm busy?" Naruto rolled his eyes as he got off Akeno and put his pants and shirt on.

"Yes, I see that now." Vali looked at the panting girl before turning his attention back to the blond, "Anyway, what is it that you want?"

"Right, I want you to come back to Kuoh in a few days so you can mentally humiliate your rival."

"The Red Dragon Emperor?" Vali smiled in excitement, "Will I get to fight him?"

"No, he's too weak for that." Naruto told him as he lazily played with Akeno's folds, "I just want you there to remind him of how pathetic he is."

Vali frowned, "That's no fun. If my rival is too weak to fight me right now then what will I do? You're more than enough to kill him."

"Hmm, there must be something I can do for you in exchange? Obviously I plan to humiliate Kokabiel but I also want you to give Issei a little scare."

"Actually, there is one thing now that I think about it... Get Kuroka off my back, she keeps bothering me about having my babies and it makes me consider killing her sometimes."

"You got a deal. You can take a look at the Red Dragon from the window by the way."

Vali raised a brow as he looked at his rival across the street, "He looks pathetic... How disappointing."

"He is indeed. Alright, you can leave now." Naruto smirked, "Akeno here wanted to be brought to the edge of cumming before I leave her unsatisfied."

"I don't need to know what you get up to when you have sex, Naruto." Vali said in annoyance before disappearing.

"Well, hope you have fun for the rest of the day. I think I'm going to go out with the exorcists and show them around and maybe if you're lucky Rias will come and relieve you... Or torture you a bit more, who knows?" He shrugged before making his way to the door.

Naruto paused as he noticed the door was more open than how Akeno had left it, "Looks like we had an audience, I wonder which of the two it was..."

He closed the door before making his way to the living room where he heard the sound of the television, "Right, do you two want to go out or would you prefer to stay inside all day?"

"Go out!" Irina shouted, "Umm, I'm not really one for being locked inside all day."

Naruto grinned, "Oh yeah, I totally get you. Say, do you want to go visit Issei and his family now?"

"Wouldn't his girlfriend be there...?" Irina asked.

He shrugged, "We won't know unless we go."

That was a lie. He knew she was going to be there, considering he texted her to go over to Issei's.

"Yeah, that'd be nice. Do you mind, Xenovia?"

"I don't really care, if you want to visit his family go for it." She shrugged.

"Great! Wait for me a moment so I can go get changed." Naruto told them before making his way back to his room.

Akeno looked up at him in confusion.

"Just here to make a clone to go over to Issei's since I personally want to take care of other business." Naruto made the hand sign and nudged his clone away, "You know what to do."

Akeno looked intrigued and he nodded, "Yes I know you're curious so I'll tell you a little bit. I've been getting a bit impatient these last few days so I've decided that today I'm going to have double the fun, if all goes well... Time to get to work."