
Live & Learn [1]


AN: I'm using google docs now to write these chapters, so if anything is different you know why.

The two substances eventually mixed together and I now needed to properly analyze it to understand what had happened.

I took the solution and placed it under a microscope, using a high-power magnification to get the best look possible.

I could see two different types of cells, one had black cytoplasm and the other had a beige coloring, Azazel's and myselfs' respectively.

Upon interaction...nothing happened. Well I shouldn't be surprised considering that's just not how cells work, but I had a hunch that the cells of a Fallen Angel would function differently, in terms of interaction that is.

My objective should be to replace the nucleus of my cells, which is where one's genetic information is held, with that of Azazel's.

This is where one's skill becomes paramount, what I'm going to do is create basically a whole bank of cells, which contain the nucleus of a Fallen Angel's in this case Azazel's, and have all the other components come from me.

However here's the catch, it's going to basically act as a bacteria or virus, yes the two are different but both correspond with the concept of infection.

Once I put a good chunk of them into my body, they will look for one of my body cells, duplicate themselves, and then proceed to destroy my cell, and take its place. This is what I'm going to call, progressive mutation.

The reason for giving it the properties of bacteria is because I don't want to manually create each individual cell, after all a human has trillions of them.

Would this process be dangerous? Well that depends. The key here is getting the dosage right, too little and the antibodies from my immune system would end up destroying them, but put too much and the mutation would be too rapid for my body to handle.

And when I said skill would be paramount, there was a good reason for this. One of the many splendors of Grigori's technology includes nanomachines, specifically the ones dedicated to engineering.

Obviously I can't just use a tweezer and take the nucleus from Azazel's cells and put it into mine, which is why with the help of microscopic robots, I'm going to remotely do it.

Naturally I will need to review the potency of the bacteria I end up creating before I calculate how many artificial cells I will actually need—but with luck that number shouldn't exceed a thousand, I can imagine the process will be quite exhausting.

I'm aware that the mutation itself, where my skeletal structure will undergo changes, may end up bringing me harm—but in this scenario I just don't see a risk free route that I can take. Then again, that's a given when you're doing something that hasn't been done before.

All in the name of science I suppose—or something along those lines.

I've been reading on cell structure, the nature of bacteria and studying the composition of Azazel's cells for the past week. Trying my best to get as much data as possible before I go through with the construction of artificial cells.

And all I can say—is that it's actually going better than I intended. Though most of it can be credited to Azazel chiming in and helping me with understanding the anatomy of Fallen Angels.

Preferably I would have done this on my own, however my progress was simply too slow. And in a little less than two months I'm going to have to be subjected to Valia's judgment if I want to be her training partner.

Originally I really didn't care that much as I believed that I just wasn't going to be a match for Valia whatsoever, and as a matter of fact that still holds true from my point of view.

However once I'm able to grasp how big the gap is between us I'll be able to use that in order to push myself—pressure and stress can be good in moderate amounts, now granted I'm talking about Valia here so "moderate" is a huge underestimate, but the point is it will give me motivation.

I love research, that will forever be a fact, and it will continue to be my number one priority. But even science cannot make up for a lack of battle experience. And once again—my only experience comes from a literal raccoon, it's quite pathetic and I'm aware of that.

Anyhow—I've been monologuing for long enough, it's time to attend to more present matters. I've apparently been summoned to Azazel's office, and according to Nakajima, it's "urgent".

I walked by the gym once again, and there was still no sound coming from there, odd—Valia being the battle maniac she is, she should be in there on a daily basis, and considering her temperament I doubt the twins have it in them to refuse.

I knocked on Azazel's door and heard a voice from the other end.

"Come in" I walked inside and took notice of Azazel's unusually stern expression—I suppose it really was urgent.

"You said it was important?" I sat down on the chair opposite to his desk and grabbed an apple to munch on.

"How far have you come with the Crow Project?" Odd to hear considering he can see everything that goes on but I answered regardless.

"Surprisingly—really well, I'm already about to begin the creation of the Crow Cells (yes that's what I decided to call them), I'm guessing you have an issue with the procedure itself or something?" When it comes to things like these we argue quite a bit, but with my master diplomat skills I manage to prevail most of the time.

I say most of the time because when it comes to Valia I'm basically a helpless sheep—life can be cruel.

"Haha—I already know how pointless it is trying to convince you at this point, although it concerns me, it's not why I called you here" Azazel seemed to be genuinely stressed out, which made me worry as well.

"Listen, I'll repeat this quite often, because I need you to take this as seriously as possible—when or if you succeed with this whole project, you can tell absolutely no-one, not even Valia"

His voice was stern and commanding—and I understood his worry, if word got out that there was a race that could reincarnate others without the use of an [Evil Piece System] it would cause outrage, but why is Azazel being so adamant about it?

Ah—it's because I'm a child, he probably thinks that I might get haughty and start bragging about it. I can't fault him though, at the end of a day one can view me as a very intelligent child, but a child nevertheless.

"Trust me—I don't have any plans on rambling about it, but I have to ask, if I do end up becoming a Fallen, won't people already take notice?"

Fallen Angel's do not have their own [Evil Piece System] so the natural conclusion from the perspective of others would be that I found a way around it.

"Who do you think I am? I've already taken that into consideration" he slid an armband with Grigori's emblem on it.

"Once you begin pumping yourself with the Crow Cells, put this on beforehand, the exact moment traces of [Light Magic] begin coursing through your veins it will hide it, can I trust you to not take it off? No matter the situation"

Again—his concern is warranted, but would it kill him to have a little more faith in me? Though he is allowing me to pump myself with artificial cells so I guess I'm just being petty.

I slid the armband on and looked at him reassuringly. "I promise"

"Good—now with that out of the way, considering your progress with the Crow Project it's time for me to give you these" he took out a briefcase and delicately handled it as if it was a diamond.

"These are the Nanosurgeons you are going to be using" Perfect, I've been training with the practice versions of them for quite a while now—I reached out to grab the suitcase when Azazel suddenly brought it back towards him.

"I hope you know that these cost more than everything in your lab combined—you better not damage them, if there's so much as a scra-" I cut him off abruptly.

"Don't worry, as you know I already had Nakajima test me with the dummies and he said I got a 10/10, I can handle these" he glared at me, and handed over the briefcase reluctantly.

"I'm aware, just wanted to make sure"

"Ah, I almost forgot—I've been meaning to ask what's up with Valia, I haven't seen her in the gym at all recently, which we both know is rather out of character"

"She's taken her first combat mission, personally I'd rather she not go at such a young age, but stubbornness is something the both of you seem to have in common"

"O-hoh, I wonder where we get it from?" I teased.

His groan clearly expressed his frustration, but he's the one who went ahead and adopted two Sacred Gear user's—what did he expect?

I exited his office making my way back to my lab as I hummed excitedly. I now had the opportunity to use a Nanomachine for the first time, Armstrong would be proud.

I swiped my card against the smart lock and entered into my workspace, I opened the briefcase and was greeted by an assortment of tubules, the naked eye couldn't see them—but within its contents were roughly 5 nanomachines each.

You might think it's little but each of them are designed to carry out intrinsic operations, for this one I'll only actually need one of them—and according to the repeated warnings of both Azazel and Nakajima they're all ridiculously expensive.

To use them you began by placing the vial horizontally upon the surface you wanted to operate on—in this case it was where I kept the substance that contained the cells of both me and Azazel.

You had to operate them under a microscope or other magnifying apparatus as otherwise they would be impossible to see.

I opened the vial and checked the remote to make sure everything was working accordingly.

I slowly brought the nanomachine above Azazel's cell—and began to cut out the nuclei with extreme precision. Once that was done I gently placed it aside making sure I didn't damage its structure and did the same to my cell.

I placed Azazel's nucleus where mine was meant to be and allowed it to take its place, it took roughly thirty seconds for it to assimilate.

I directed the nanomachine back into the vial and closed the lid, I brought a different vial out and opened it.

This one had a microscopic syringe attached to it—its job was to give the artificial cell the ability to spread, just as I said, like a bacteria.

Warm and moist environments are favorable towards the multiplication of bacteria, which in this case is going to be my body—how fun am I right?

And just like that, I had finished one cell—just one. According to Azazel's calculations I needed to make five thousand of these…can't wait…

Originally it was meant to be only five-hundred but Azazel went crazy and started scolding me like a madman for making the potency way too high, not even my master diplomatic capabilities could stop him, I guess it was just that serious.

He forced me to reduce it by ten times—which is why I had to create such an absurd amount. I poured myself the first of many cups of coffee and got to work.