
DXD: Master Shooter(up for adoption)

What a life, a normal person, dying as they did a good dead. His last breath was taken in consideration of others. A compassionate person. “What bullshit!!” Someone shouted, the normal person, he was simply walking from school to his house when he accidentally tripped one a rock. His falling body pushed a kid out of the way of a car which then proceeded to turn him into mincemeat. Sure he loved fame, and love, but what is the use of it when you’re dead, you can’t. he was going to whine some more when he was suddenly approaching with an offer he couldn’t refuse. (This is a fanfic, that means I do not own Highschool DxD, I do not own any mentioned franchises. I do this for fu. and to get my head off other things. )

DaoistLvbLz6 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
18 Chs

Chapter 1

"Bullshit!!!" He shouted, a man was in the void. He grabbed his head with both of his hands and screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Fucking he'll!!!" He continued, he wanted out, immediately, but he had no choice in the matter. He had to stay. He was an average boy, walking down the streets when he tripped over a pebble. He tried to regain balance, but that instead turned into him turning a bit and he pushed a boy. Turns out, a car was right behind the boy, he pushed the boy out of the way, but the car made mincemeat out of him.

Next thing he knew, he was in this void. All by himself and naked. He was not extroverted, but he definitely not an introvert either, so he needed social interaction at least once a month. Or at least a phone or computer to keep him busy, if he had that, no social interaction needed, thing is, he had nothing. Just his bare body exposed to the world if there was one out there.

The cold air of the void filled his body and his skin was chilled and very much shivering at this moment. He'd rather someone kill him than to be here, after all, he doesn't even know how long he has been here, he could have been here a day and not know, he could have been here a year and not know, his memories were getting very fuzzy by this point.

He wanted to scream at someone, but no one was here to listen to him. He wanted to punch someone, but there was nothing to punch. He wanted to vent, but he had no one to vent to.

He just drifted here, doing nothing, fully conscious, having all of his senses, yet he could not see anything, nothing by the void. He could hear his own voice, but he wasn't even sure if it was just in his mind or not. He could taste his saliva but it could just be the after taste and what he was forcing himself to think. He could smell, but nothing would trigger his smell. Nothing, he was just there, fully aware yet unable to do anything about it.

He could only suffer, for the strong do as they wish and the weak suffer what they must. This was a rule that the government tried to hide, but this is even true in his old society. Not sure which one it was or what it was called, but he just knew it.

Even if not known openly he knew it existed.

"I want out!!" He vented once again, knowing full well no one would listen to him. But it turns out someone did.

[ New Game ]

[ Y ] [ N ]

For a moment he was stunned, he was one hundred percent sure no one would interacted with him. He was sure they would just leave him here, but soon a creepy grin appeared on his face.

"Yes." He said, as he did the system screen changed.

[ Choose your Race ]

[ Human ] [ ? ] [ ? ] [ ? ]

"Could you explain the options?" The man asked, hoping the system he received was somewhat sentient.

[ Race: Human

Humans are weak and fragile beings that somehow dominated the world. They may be weak but they sure are persistent and have a wide range of abilities.

Stat Value

1 vitality = 10 hp

1 Wisdom = 10 mp

Racial Benefits

+15% EXP gain


[ Race: ?

A low tier race. Even lower than humans.


[ Race: ?

A low tier race. Even lower than humans.


[ Race: ?

A somewhat decent race above humans.


"So this is going to be a lottery game, or a guaranteed. A double or nothing. Or I can just take what I can have. I'll pass, I will take human." The man said, yawning.

[ Choose your class ]

[ Fighter ]

[ Ranger ]

[ Mage ]

[ Production ]

A fighter will be a melee user, or fist user. The classic class someone in a novel would choose. They had strength, and either agility or defense.

The ranger is a more rare class, they attack from behind and from afar. They also often have a decent strength as well as precision.

Mage, a class similar to the ranger, the difference is that often they are weak at the beginning. But they have a wide variety of abilities, always having a solution for every problem.

A productive class is the most varied class. With many abilities and powers. Capable of creating anything to deal with almost anything so long as they have time and money, something he might not have on hand.

No way it is going to be production, they are like Batman, give him time and money and he can counter everything, but he might not have time or money, easy late game but terrible early game.

Fighter is not his type, he prefers to stay safe than to charge into danger. Even if he has good health, most of the time they needed to give up agility for that.

Mage, they are often the type to need help early game, and even if it was similar to Ranger, they needed a lot of time to study and hope it goes well, so money, and he doesn't think he will have that.

"I choose the ranger class." He said, the screen changed again.

[ Random talent chosen ]

"Let's hope it is useful." He was very happy with this, if it is a talent then chances are it will be useful one way or another.

[ Talent: Sharp Shooter level 1

One of the best talents for a classic ranger. Most top ranking rangers need a sharpshooter talent if they wish to get far.


Genius of the hour: A perk that slows down time for the user for five seconds. During that time, all abilities of the sharpshooter talent increases by five levels. Cooldown: twelve hours.

Well trained: A perk that allows the user to have a good feel of any ranger weapon.

Thousand Mile eyes: A perk that enchants the user's eyes.


"This is very good, a talent that helps my class and by a lot as well. This is one of the best talents I could probably ever have." He said to himself. He was ready to change his way of attack according to his talent but it seems he doesn't have to do that.

[ Random Trait chosen ]

[ Cyclops: A trait that makes one eye blind while enchanting the other eye by three times. The eye that goes blind is random. ]

'A decent trait, good for long ranged shooters, I think, I am not sure about this one. But my eye sight should be much better.' He thought. He wasn't too sure about this, he isn't sure if losing an eye is bad for a sharp shooter if his other eye is enchanted.

[ Random World Chosen ]

[ Have Fun ]

The system said before he started to dissipate into the void. He had a good smile as he started to disappear.