
DXD : Kraken

MC reincarnated into the DxD world and has a Sacred Gear. MC's purpose is to protect his family and have a happy life. If you don't like MC catching pokemon then you should skip this fanfic. If you hate Rias and devil then you should skip this fanfic… This is my first time writing a fanfic and I'm not good at English… Thanks

SSasuketamin · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
21 Chs

Chap 10 : Knifehand strike 1

After the 'war' between Rias and Ranko ended, Sasae was finally able to take a bath to have a great day.

He quickly showered clean and then put on a uniform before going to the kitchen. He went to the kitchen and saw four people waiting for him at the dining table.

"Good morning" he greeted casually as he grabbed a seat. Sasae tried to ignore the gazes from Rias and two sisters.

Although the atmosphere at the dining table was tense at the moment, his mother looked at him with a proud look on her face.

"Son, how is life now?" She asked cheerfully, "You have a beautiful girlfriend now." She then glanced towards Rias with an amused expression on her face.

Sasae just kept silent and started eating her food before answering.

"She's not my girlfriend, today I found her lost in my bed."

He clearly rejects false assumptions.

"Fufufu.." Mother grinned at him with a mischievous look on her face. "Tsundere."

Sasae decided to ignore her mother because answering back would only make matters worse. he also noticed, Gremory Senpai was now making an embarrassed expression while muttering repeatedly.

"Girlfriend… Sasae-kun's girlfriend."

After eating breakfast, Sasae got up from her seat and took the briefcase near her chair. Meanwhile, Ranko and Nari also immediately followed what Sasae did. Without wasting any more, they started walking towards the door to go to their school. despite not minding the presence of a certain brazen girl.

Rias also caught up with them and she made sure to maintain her pace with Sasae in walking to school.

"Hey wait" she ran after the three people from the Hatsuji family.

While walking to school, Rias mostly tries to get intimate with Sasae, but he makes sure not to let Rias do as he pleases as this might attract the attention of many people, especially those in the school. , because Rias is the most famous person there.

Rias frowned at Sasae as he repeatedly refused to let her hold his hand.

"Hey, let me hang on to you" she said while they were on their way to school. Sasae flicked her finger on Rias' forehead and said.

"No" he rejected her immediately.

Rias groaned and continued walking on the way to school with him as she puffed her cheeks slightly.

As the party approached the main gate, Sasae looked at Rias to tell her something.

"Rias-Senpai, I'm leaving now, so don't bother me anymore"

Then Sasae entered the gate without waiting for her to react. Leaving Rias just smiling brightly at him.


After separating from Ranko and Nari, Sasae as usual entered his classroom and without disturbing anyone, he sat at the last table in the corner.

The class went well that day , only a lot of students were talking about Kiba having a bruise on his face . All the girls cursed whoever did this. Meanwhile, all the male students silently thanked the person who caused the bruise on Kiba's face.

For Sasae, today was going well, at least Rias didn't bother him again.

Sasae stood beside Ranko in front of the school gate. They are waiting for their little sister so that the three can come home from school together.

"What's wrong, Nee-san?" Sasae turned her gaze in the direction that Ranko was looking at. There was a beautiful girl and an above average looking boy. Sasae immediately recognized who this male student was, after all, he was quite popular. He is none other than Issei, one of the three perverts.

"Isn't that Issei from second year? He is one of the three perverts. It's strange that such a pretty girl would start a conversation with him… I hope this stops him from bothering other girls." Ranko said.

"No… There's nothing wrong with this… That girl isn't an ordinary girl either… She is a fallen angel, maybe she was tasked with assassinating Issei. a Sacred Gear possessor like us." Sasae said.

"Eh? Really?, then we should help him. Even though he's a disgusting pervert he doesn't deserve to be killed just for possessing a Sacred Gear… Even though he's a pervert. "

"…From what they say they will meet this weekend…Whether we can help him or not will depend on his fate and luck… Anyway why is Nari taking so long? so ." Sasae mumbled and he started to feel uneasy that Nari was still nowhere to be found.

"Maybe Nari is busy with something..." Ranko said.

"… This is unusual… It's been 15 minutes. If she's busy, she'll tell us to go home first."

"You're right… Ah, that reminds me… During the break, I saw Nari talking to Tsubaki." Ranko said.

"Huh? You mean Tsubaki from the student council?."

" …Yes ."

After hearing Ranko's answer, Sasae began to feel more anxious with every passing second… Until he began to grit his teeth and looked straight at the student council with angry eyes.

This made Ranko extremely worried, they had lived together for over 10 years and this was the first time she had seen Sasae so angry.

"Motherfucker, these devils really want to piss me off."


At this time , at the office of the student council . Sona sighed as she finished signing another document, she looked at her watch and saw that it was 5pm 'Time sure goes by fast when doing these paperwork,' she thought as she turned and looked at the only human girl in the office.

"Nari-san, have you thought about my offer?" Sona said.

"I have been thinking about your offer. I agree to participate in your peerage . As long as you fulfill my requests." Nari said.

"Of course I will keep my promise. I will definitely help you to awaken your Sacred Gear and help to advance your power. I will also do my best to help your brother if he is in trouble." Sona said, then she looked towards the other members of her peerage.

Saji Genshirou a young man who has just joined her peerage as a 4-piece pawn, he has short blond hair and gray eyes, he is wearing the boy's uniform of Kuoh Academy, but with promotional blazer, his sleeves rolled up, he's currently trying to do paperwork with two girls trying to help him.

One of those girls is her Momo Hanakai Bishop, she is a young girl with white hair and blue eyes and is wearing the standard Academy girl's uniform.

The second girl is her Ruruko Nimura Pawn, she is a petite girl with brown hair tied in two ponytails and green eyes, her hair has a pair of green clips. tree and green striped socks.

Next is Tsubasa Yura, her Rock, she is a tall girl with shoulder length blue hair and matching eyes, she has the basic look of a tomboy and is currently helping his friend Reya Kusaka.

Her other Reya Kusaka Bishop, she is a slim girl with long brown hair braided into short braids and matching eyes, who also wears a blue headband.

And the last one is Tomoe Meguri, her Knight, she's a girl with shoulder length hair, auburn hair and brown eyes, her hair has side bangs and a protruding lock of hair. from the top of the head.

" Nari-san, lie down." Sona motioned for Nari to lie down so that she could prepare the ritual to reincarnate Nari as a devil.

At the same time, Tsubaki entered.

"Chairman, it looks like I just made it in time to-" Before Tsubaki could finish his sentence, the room suddenly shook, and the group felt a heavy pressure on them.

"W-what the hell" Saji mumbled while kneeling like the others, except for Sona, Tsubaki, the others barely stood.

'No, don't tell me! Damn it' Sona thought and turned to her queen.

"Tsubaki prepares to teleport." Tsubaki nodded, she placed her hand on the ground, the symbol of the Sitri clan appeared over the group and then they disappeared in the blue light. The only one who didn't teleport with them was Nari, who looked extremely confused by what just happened.


The group landed on the school grounds causing Sona to look at Tsubaki.

"What happened, this isn't where we should be" Sona said to Tsubaki, who looked confused.

"I don't know, Kaichou… there must have been a translation problem…I'll try again"

"I don't think so," said a dark voice. The group turned to see Hatsuji Sasae walking towards them, his red eyes glaring at them.

"Hatsuji Sasae, it sounds like you're really serious about what you're saying." Sona stood up releasing some power around her peerage members to keep them on their toes.

"I recommend you think about what you're about to get into," warned Sona, but that didn't affect Sasae in the slightest.

"Instead of worrying about me, you should worry about your life. Trying to seduce my sister into becoming your slave is enough for me to kill you." Sasae replied in a gloomy voice.

"If you think I'll let you touch my Kaichou, you're wrong!!!" Saji shouted as he ran back to Sasae causing Sona to widen her eyes.

"STOP!!!!!" she shouted but Saji couldn't control her emotions. He appeared in front of Sasae and threw a punch straight into the face of the man standing in front of him.

However, contrary to what Saji thought, even if he became a devil, the human in front of him would still be too strong.

Sasae caught Saji's punch with his hand, then he gripped Saji's fist tightly before he lifted Saji into the air.

"I'll start with one arm." Sasae muttered before he turned his wrist and caused Saji's wrist and all the bones on his arm to shatter.

"AHHHHHHH." Saji screamed in pain as all the bones on his arm were shattered.

He then slams Saji to the ground causing all of his ribs to break. This caused Saji to vomit a large amount of blood before he lost consciousness.

"Sona if you want your little dogs out of this then let me kill you and I promise their lives will be spared." Sasae made a suggestion that took the group by surprise.

"If you think we will allow our Kaichou to do that you are wrong." Ruuko shouted.

Sona was thinking deeply and biting her nails in frustration then looked at Sasae 'We can't beat him, he's definitely at a high level, even stronger than Rias and I.' While Sona was lost in her thoughts. Ruruko and Tsubasa rushed towards Sasae.

Ruruko threw a punch at Sasae and he easily blocked his left arm. While his right hand was raised, Sasae extended her hand before landing on Ruruko. At this moment, the edge of his hand was like a sharp sword.

"I will show you devils about human martial arts." Sasae's attack slashed Ruruko's hip, sending her flying and crashing into a nearby tree.

Then, Sasae noticed a shadow hovering above him causing him to look up and Tsubasa threw a kick towards him, Sasae raised his hand and blocked but the kick was stronger than he thought, sending him back. few meters back.

"It's not a bad kick, I guess that makes you Rock with that power" Sasae said make Tsubasa shock as her kick didn't hurt him even a single scratch 'What h -' was her thought before Sasae threw a kick towards her.

Tsubasa immediately raised her hand to try to parry the attack but things didn't turn out the way she had expected. Just as Sasae's kick was about to touch her hand, it changed direction.

And when Tsubasa noticed, a blur hit her head from above, knocking her out instantly.


Right now, Ranko and Rias, along with the other members of the paranormal research club, were observing everything that was going on.

Rias and the others wanted to help Sona but the pressure Sasae was giving off was too great for them to even move close to the battle.

Since they came here and witnessed everything, what scared them the most was the fact that Sasae hadn't even used her Sacred Gear.

"What the hell did he just do? His hand is like a sword." Kiba asked fearfully as he recalled how Sasae attacked Ruruku.

"It's a Knifehand strike… Also known as Shuto Uchi. " explained Ranko.

"What about the attack he used on Tsubasa?." Koneko asked.

"That is taekwondo…" Ranko said .

This made Rias and the others wince. Sasae only uses human martial arts and doesn't use Sacred Gear… He's implying that they're so weak and weak that he doesn't even use his full strength. This is like a slap in the face.

"You guys seem to underestimate Sasae-kun's martial arts… His Knifehand strike can even cut a building in half. "

I know some people will be upset when Mc beats up Sona's peerage… Let's take this as the beginning of their relationship. Slowly remove the misunderstanding and they will fuck each other like crazy.

SSasuketamincreators' thoughts