
DXD: King of fairies

"From an abandoned baby to a king." Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership of any of the characters, plots, and events parodied in the story. All characters and all information related to Highschool DXD and any related works belong to their respective owners. This is simply a parody of a grand adventure with a different approach. All rights to the original plots, characters, and any elements related to such media belong to their respective owners.

Mirko22 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
70 Chs

Chapter [29]

Lying on the couch, Kaito sighed, feeling the exhaustion of the day finally catch up to him. He closed his eyes, hoping the night would bring much-needed rest for both of them. But before he could fall into a deep sleep, he heard light footsteps approaching.

Opening his eyes, he saw Asia standing beside the couch, holding a blanket. Her eyes were soft and filled with gratitude.

"Kaito, I couldn't sleep without thanking you again. You were so kind to me today. Please, accept this," Asia said, extending the blanket.

Kaito smiled, accepting the blanket. "Thank you, Asia. You should get some rest. Tomorrow will be a new day, and we'll find a solution for you."

Asia nodded but didn't move. "Kaito, can I ask you something? Can I... can I hold your hand for a moment? It calms me down."

Kaito was surprised by the request but nodded, extending his hand to Asia. She held it gently, sitting beside the couch. Her touch was comforting and brought a sense of peace he had never experienced before.

They stayed like that for a few minutes in silence until Asia finally released Kaito's hand, looking more at ease.

"Thank you, Kaito. Good night," she said, standing up slowly and returning to the room.

"Good night, Asia," Kaito replied, watching her leave.

As Asia returned to the room, Kaito felt an unusual tranquility fill his heart. He settled on the couch, pulling the blanket over himself. Finally, he closed his eyes, allowing sleep to envelop him.

The night passed quietly, without interruptions. When Kaito woke up the next morning, he felt refreshed. He got up from the couch, stretched, and went to the kitchen, where he found Miki preparing breakfast.

"Good morning, Mom," said Kaito, sitting at the table.

"Good morning, Kaito. How did you sleep?" asked Miki, smiling.

"I slept well, thanks. And Asia?" he asked, concerned about his new friend.

"She's still asleep. She seemed very tired," replied Miki.

Kaito looked at the door to his room where Asia was sleeping. "She was very tired yesterday, but I think she's better now. I'll go call her for breakfast."

Miki smiled, setting the dishes on the table. "That would be great. Let's make sure she feels welcome."

Kaito went to the room, knocking lightly on the door before entering. "Asia, are you awake?"

Asia opened her eyes slowly, blinking a few times before smiling at Kaito. "Good morning, Kaito. Yes, I'm awake."

Kaito smiled back, feeling relieved to see her more rested. "Good morning, Asia. My mom is making breakfast. Would you like to join us?"

Asia nodded, getting out of bed. "Yes, I would love to. Thank you."

They walked together to the kitchen, where Miki and Gorou were already seated at the table. "Good morning, Asia," said Miki, with a warm smile. "I hope you slept well."

"Good morning. Yes, I slept very well. Thank you," Asia replied, sitting at the table.

Breakfast was peaceful and pleasant, with everyone chatting and laughing. Kaito felt grateful to have such a welcoming family, especially for someone like Asia, who was far from home and in a difficult situation.

During breakfast, Miki looked at Gorou and said, "Gorou, I need money for the market today."

Gorou nodded, smiling. "Of course, dear. After breakfast, I'll leave the money on the table."

As they talked, Kaito noticed that Asia had a silly smile on her face. He looked at her, also smiling, which made Asia lower her head, embarrassed.

Kaito was about to say something when he felt the flyer vibrating in his pocket, indicating that someone was summoning him. He quickly finished his breakfast and stood up.

"I'm going for a run to stay in shape. I'll be back soon," said Kaito, trying to sound casual.

Asia looked at him with a sparkle in her eyes. "Can I come with you?"

Kaito gently shook his head. "It's better if you stay at home. When I get back, I'll go with you to the church."

Asia nodded, still smiling but with a touch of disappointment in her eyes. "Alright. Be careful."

Kaito said goodbye to his parents and Asia, heading out the door. Miki, noticing Asia's slight sadness, said, "Don't be sad, Asia. Kaito will be back soon."

Asia nodded, agreeing. "Yes, Mrs. Hyoudou. I know."

Miki smiled and made an invitation. "How about going to the market with me? It'll be good for you to distract yourself a little."

Asia accepted with a happy smile on her face. "I would love to. Thank you."

Kaito headed to a secluded alley, looking for a discreet place to activate the magic of the flyer. After making sure no one was around, he activated the magic and teleported to the location of the summoning.

Upon materializing, Kaito immediately recognized the place. It was the house where he had made the contract with Takashi to save his daughter, Sakura. However, the sight that awaited him was shocking. The house was completely destroyed, with walls collapsed and furniture overturned. The disorder and chaos were evident everywhere.

Kaito began to walk slowly through the house, trying to understand what had happened. When he reached one of the corridors, he saw a pool of blood on the floor. Kaito's heart raced, and he quickened his pace, following the blood trail until he found Takashi lying on the floor, severely injured and holding the summoning flyer with a trembling hand.

Takashi was on the brink of death, his breathing weak and irregular. His eyes were filled with pain and despair. "My daughter... Sakura..." he said, coughing up blood as he spoke.

Kaito understood the message immediately. He knew he needed to act quickly. With a sense of urgency, he ran down the corridor to the room where Sakura was supposed to be. Upon opening the door, Kaito was confronted with a horrific sight.

Sakura's body lay on the floor, brutally murdered. The room, which had once been a place of hope and recovery, was now stained with blood and surrounded by signs of a desperate struggle. The look of terror on Sakura's face was something Kaito would never forget. He felt a wave of shock and disbelief wash over him, his heart tight with pain and anger.

Kaito placed a hand over his mouth, feeling nausea rise in his throat. "What kind of monster would do this?" he murmured, his voice choked with emotion.

He closed the door to the room, trying to distance himself from the horrific scene. With a heavy heart, Kaito returned to where Takashi lay. The man was in his final moments, and Kaito knew there was little he could do to save him.

Kaito knelt beside Takashi, placing a hand on his head, struggling to believe what he had seen. He felt a mix of helplessness and fury, an overwhelming sense of loss. "I'm... so sorry, Takashi. I didn't arrive in time," Kaito said, his voice full of regret.

Takashi looked at Kaito with glazed eyes, still filled with pain. He tried to speak, but his strength was fading quickly.

Kaito remained kneeling beside Takashi's body for a moment, feeling powerless and consumed by sadness. He wondered who could have done something so monstrous and promised himself that he would find those responsible for that atrocity.

Slowly standing up, Kaito looked around the destroyed house, feeling the need to act, to do something to honor the memory of Takashi and Sakura. He knew he couldn't let this go unpunished and that somehow, he needed to find justice for the two.

Kaito activated his teleportation circle, feeling the magical energy envelop him as he prepared to transport himself to the Gremory mansion. In an instant, the scene of destruction around him disappeared, replaced by the familiar and luxurious environment of Rias's mansion.

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