
DxD: God of the Bible

What if an ordinary mortal was reincarnated as the Biblical God after sealing the Trihexa. ______________ No harem, maybe romance, but I don't think so. op MC, God MC

eternal_angel12 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
12 Chs

Chapter 7: Feast of the Gods

"Are you ready to die, Albion?!" Ddraig grinned madly. The dragon's mouth was wide open, and the surrounding Devils were fleeing in fear.

Because of the early start of the civil war, between Ddraig and Albion had fallen between the war of the Anti-Satan Faction and the Satan Faction.

The Devils from both Factions also ceased their fighting and fled in fear. Since Ddraig and Albion began their duel, the battlefield had descended into complete chaos and devastation.

"Hahaha!! Red Lizard!! Don't make me laugh! Remember, I'm exactly one round ahead of you!!" Albion shouted proudly. His voice echoed throughout the battlefield.

Watching the two dragons from afar, Zekram Bael cursed with pure rage. "Damned lizards!!"

Upon hearing Albion's words, Ddraig shouted angrily, "White Lizard!! You won because you cheated!!"

"No, I didn't!!"

"Yes, you did!!"

"No, I didn't!!!!"

Ddraig and Albion began arguing like children. Albion shouted in anger, "Your brain is so empty, it doesn't even contain a 0!!"

Ddraig responded angrily, "Ahh Albion! You are so stupid that even Leonardo da Vinci couldn't draw Mona Lisa with a model like you!!"

"What did you say!!! Human-brained!!" Albion and Ddraig engaged in verbal sparring. Even the Devils observing from afar were astonished. They all had the same thought in their minds: "Are these dragons stupid?"

Unfortunately, before the Devils could contemplate further, Ddraig and Albion resumed their battle.

Ddraig attacked with flames as magnificent as Uriel's. Albion immediately used his ability. "[Divide]!!"

Albion utilized his newly created ability. He absorbed the power of the Fire wave coming from Ddraig, and the Fire wave disappeared in the air before hitting Albion.

Ddraig's eyes widened slightly, but he quickly replaced it with a smirk. "Ahh Albion, so you've developed a new ability!!"

Albion smiled proudly. His newly created ability was very powerful.

Before Albion could become even more proud, Ddraig began using his newly developed ability. "[Boost]!!"

Albion's eyes widened in astonishment. He looked at the Fire wave coming towards him with more power. He immediately used his ability. "[Divide]!"

The power of Ddraig's attack diminished, but it still came at him strongly. Albion quickly erected a barrier. Ddraig's devastating flames collided with the barrier, leaving cracks in its wake.

Ddraig laughed uproariously. "Hahahahha!! Albion!! You seem scared facing my mighty power!!"

"Who's scared, Red Lizard!!" Albion retorted angrily.

Ddraig and Albion forgot about fighting and continued their verbal sparring. They paid no attention to the observing Devils. Some foolish demons tried to confront the dragons, but they were incinerated by Ddraig's flames.

"Albion, this will be my victory!!" Ddraig flew towards Albion and attempted to bite his neck with his sharp teeth. But Albion swiftly bent his neck and struck Ddraig's stomach with his claws.

Ddraig quickly created a barrier of fire and escaped the attack. He retreated and looked down at Albion from above. "Luck saved you again, Albion!!"

Albion narrowed his eyes. Then he sent spears of water towards Ddraig. Ddraig dodged the attacks and sent fireballs towards Albion.

Albion blocked the fireballs with double-layered barriers. Some of the randomly sent fireballs hit the observing Devils in the battle.

Seeing the casualties among the observers, Zekram Bael turned to his commanders and said, "Withdraw the troops. We're suffering more losses because of these stupid Lizards."

The commander nodded and left.

As Albion and Ddraig began fighting with all their might, the entire Underworld could feel the auras of the two Dragons.

Even Yahweh, observing Albion and Ddraig from afar, had to admit that these Dragons were powerful.

Dragons are born powerful enough to easily kill a High-class demon. Their bodies are born tougher than steel. They possess an abundance of Mana.

But Yahweh had more criticisms than praises. In Yahweh's eyes, the two Dragons were engaging in reckless attacks and not utilizing their powers properly. This was disappointing for Yahweh.

"Moreover, why are these Dragons so foolish." Yahweh watched the battles of Ddraig and Albion throughout. This Dragons were very stupid.

Instead of fighting, they were hurling shameful insults at each other. Yahweh could see the potential in the two Dragons. With proper training, they could compete with Gods like Indra, even if they didn't reach the level of Ophis and Great Red.

Yahweh smiled. "Both of you can develop your potential in your Longinus."

Yahweh sensed a presence outside the Throne room. It was Ophis. The small gothic girl entered without caring about Yahweh's permission.

Yahweh stood up to greet Ophis. Ophis looked at Yahweh with emotionless eyes. "Pat my head."

Yahweh obliged and patted Ophis's head. It had become routine. Ophis came to the Throne room for two reasons: either if the infinite cookie maker was broken, or if she wanted Yahweh to pat her head.

Ophis had introduced herself to almost all the angels since she arrived in Heaven. Yes, now she could introduce herself like an ordinary person.

Yahweh was sure that Gabriel and Ophis had explored every corner of Heaven. Since Ophis came, Gabriel had done almost everything.

Yahweh remembered Michael's encounter with Ophis and smiled. Michael looked like he was having a heart attack. Fortunately, all the angels quickly got used to Ophis's presence.

Ophis's cuteness also played a part in this. Wherever she went, all the angels greeted her.

Yahweh snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Ophis. "What's wrong, Ophis?"

Ophis looked at him for a while. Then she handed him the infinite cookie-making device that had been engulfed in flames.

Yahweh sighed at the sight of the device. Ophis was very greedy. This was the 11th time. Still, she injected her divine power into the device and fixed it immediately.

Ophis raised her head. They stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity. After what felt like an eternity, Ophis said in her emotionless voice, "Thank you."

Then Ophis disappeared. Yahweh smiled slightly. It seemed like Ophis had learned a lot from his daughter, Gabriel.

Yahweh realized it was time to leave. He had two Dragons to kill.

Yahweh disappeared from the Throne room. The room fell silent once again.


Ddraig looked at the lightning ball coming towards him. He hardened his body in meaning and swiftly dodged the attack.

The lightning ball hit the ground, exploding and turning the entire area into ash.

Albion and Ddraig, now serious, mercilessly attacked each other. The two British Dragons continued their fierce battle. The intensity of their fight was such that every living thing within a 10-kilometer radius had perished.

Ddraig escaped Albion's attack and moved away. Both Ddraig and Albion bore wounds on their bodies. They both breathed heavily. Ddraig smiled faintly through the difficulty. "White lizard!! After defeating you, I will take your precious treasures!! Hahaha!!!"

Albion's eyes opened with pure hatred. For a dragon, its hoard was more valuable than life itself. He shouted with pure fury. "Red Lizard!! How dare you!!"

Despite their injured bodies, Albion and Ddraig engaged in banter once again. Shortly after, Albion rose into the air and smirked arrogantly. "Fool, do you think you can defeat me!!"

Before Ddraig could respond, a holy aura filled the area. The Underground world trembled as it felt the presence of Yahweh. The eyes of Ddraig and Albion grew serious.

Sensing the power of the God of the Bible, Albion and Ddraig looked at Yahweh with a hint of fear. After gathering all his courage, Ddraig spoke with a proud voice. "You! How dare you interrupt our duel!!"

Yahweh clasped his hands behind his back, displaying a calm and holy demeanor. A gentle breeze ruffled his cloak.

Yahweh appeared like an authoritative king, radiating majesty from his entire being.

Yahweh smiled gently, but his eyes sparkled with deadly intent. "I've come here to kill you."

Albion and Ddraig stood there in astonishment. They were awed by the arrogance of the God of the Bible. It took real courage to say this to two Heavenly Dragons.

"What audacity! Even if you are the God of the Bible, we are not easy opponents." Albion said sternly.

"Ddraig, how about we take a break from our duel and deal with Him for a while?" Albion looked at Ddraig and suggested.

Ddraig nodded arrogantly. "I accept."

Ddraig rose into the air. Then he unleashed a massive wave of fire towards Yahweh.

Yahweh blocked it with a barrier. Meanwhile, Albion sent spears made of water towards Yahweh.

Yahweh created spears of holy power, larger than those created by Albion. He then sent them back. The spears, created with holy power, easily vaporized the water-made spears.

Upon seeing the Holy Spear approaching him, Albion immediately used his ability. "[Divine] [Divine] [Divine]."

The Holy Spears shrank and lost some of their power. However, they were still powerful enough to harm Albion.

Albion created dozens of barriers. Although the Holy Spears shattered six of the barriers, they lacked enough power and disappeared into thin air.

Ddraig created dozens of spears made of fire in the air. Then he used his ability [Boost]. The power of the fire spears doubled.

Then he launched them at Yahweh.

Yahweh created twenty double-layered barriers. The fire spears struck the barriers.

Unfortunately, only eight barriers were destroyed.

As Ddraig and Albion stood there disappointed, Yahweh remained calm in the sky, as if not fighting at all.

Yahweh looked at the Dragons. He asked calmly, "Is that all?"

Hearing Yahweh's mockery, Albion and Ddraig seethed with anger, but their exhausted bodies couldn't move.

Yahweh looked at the weary Dragons. He felt it was time to finish this. He opened his hands and proclaimed in a majestic voice, "I will show you true power!"

As soon as Yahweh proclaimed, thousands of golden energy fluctuations formed around Albion and Ddraig. From the energy fluctuations emerged all kinds of holy swords, Dragon slayers, staffs, and other creations of Yahweh.

Albion and Ddraig stared in pure horror at the Golden Energy fluctuations. Ddraig cried out in pure horror. "Damn it. All these weapons are holy swords, Dragon slayers!!"

Yahweh ignored the expressions of horror on Albion and Ddraig's faces and lowered his hand, causing all the weapons to fly towards the Dragons like bullets.

Thousands of holy swords, Dragon slayers, staffs, and axes flew towards Albion and Ddraig.

The dragons looked at the weapons coming towards them with empty eyes. All they could do was wait helplessly for death.


After Yahweh killed Albion and Ddraig, the entire Supernatural world soon learned about it. His effortless killing of the two dragons, the launching of thousands of holy swords, staffs, and Dragon Slayers like bullets had caused great shock and fear.

Now, in Asgard, the father of the Gods, Odin, and all the other Norse Gods were seated around a round table.

The chattering gods fell silent at Odin's voice. "More powerful than the God of the Bible. Killing two Heavenly Dragons effortlessly..."

Odin looked at the gods with a serious gaze. If Odin were to truly wage war, there would be nothing anyone could do.

Some of the gods were shocked to hear Odin's words, some remained silent, but their eyes showed curiosity and dread. After a moment of silence, Odin began to speak again. "For now, we will send an emissary. My decision is final. The Scandinavian realm will suffer greatly in a war against Heaven."

Odin had to accept this, even if he didn't want to. The God of the Bible was the oldest deity, older than Ophis and Great Red. He had billions of angels at his command, serving him with countless spells at his disposal.

Odin still vividly remembered the time when the God of the Bible had destroyed all the grandeur built by the Egyptian Gods at the height of their power.

The same applied to the Olympus Gods. Although Olympus had spread their beliefs throughout Europe, they had gained terrifying power. They were invincible, but they fell before the God of the Bible.

Odin couldn't recall a single battle that the God of the Bible had lost. He had won them all. The most terrifying part was that he had done it almost effortlessly.

Odin scanned his eyes among the gods. He decided to send his beloved son, Baldur, as the envoy. Then, his gaze calmly settled on Baldur. "Baldur, go to Heaven with a group of representatives."

Odin stood up and walked away. Then he said, "Tell the God of the Bible that I wish to invite him to the feast of the Gods."

"As you command, Father." Baldur stood up and replied gently.

"Now you may go." The gods continued to leave at Odin's command. The only issue was that Loki looked a bit strange. He didn't resemble the Loki who would shout "war" at every meeting.

Odin found this odd. It was impossible for Loki to change so drastically in a day. But before Odin could dwell on it further, his dear wife, Frigg, arrived. "Odin, I've never seen you so worried before."

Frigg stroked Odin's cheek. She was worried about her husband. Odin looked into his wife's beautiful eyes. "Don't worry, Frigg. Everything will be alright."

Frigg trusted her husband. Then she smiled gently. "Remember, I won the last round?"

Odin's serious expression broke, and he put on a passionate look. "Hohoho, would you like to try again?"

Frigg leaped onto her husband's lips, and together with Odin, they headed towards their bedrooms.


Yahweh looked at the newly created Longinuses in the Throne room. He had ascended to his Throne after killing Albion and Ddraig.

Sitting on his Throne after transforming Albion and Ddraig into Longinuses, Yahweh now turned his attention to the Gods, having already brought the demons into line. After the Gods came the fallen angels.

Yahweh smiled. Things were progressing faster than expected. After 500 years, once the events of the Canon came to pass, his influence would be solidified over all the Gods.

Now, with everything ready, he could begin his plans, but he sensed a problem. His eyes widened in surprise as he felt one of his angels falling.

Yahweh abruptly rose from his Throne and teleported to the Sixth Heaven.

Upon appearing beside Michael, who stood anxiously, Yahweh asked, "Michael, what's happening?!!"

Michael looked down, his hands trembling with excitement and fear. "F-Father, there's a problem with She!"

Yahweh immediately entered the room indicated by Michael. One of his angels' screams filled the entire room. It was Selaphiel, the angel who conveyed humans' prayers to God.

Gabriel and Ophis stood beside Selaphiel. Even Azrael looked worried, not knowing what was happening. As soon as Yahweh entered, Azrael kneeled before his father. "Father, please help Selaphiel!"

Yahweh nodded. He immediately took Selaphiel's hand and eased her pain with his divine power. Selaphiel, relieved of her pain, felt ashamed and fearful upon seeing her father. She tried to get up but fell back onto the bed due to the pain. "F-Father, I have sinned. I have brought shame upon you!"

Yahweh placed his hand on Selaphiel's head and comforted his beautiful daughter. "Don't worry, Selaphiel. Tell me what happened. I'm not angry with you."

Selaphiel hesitated for a moment, then began to speak. "Father, I-I was with a human. Please, have mercy on him. It's all my fault, I shouldn't have fallen into sin."

Yahweh looked at his daughter's ten wings. His eyes were serious. If she had fallen into lust, her wings would have already turned black. But her wings were gradually darkening.

With a wave of his hand, Yahweh restored Selaphiel's wings to white. In a calm voice, he said, "Selaphiel, if you had been with a man out of lust, you would have fallen."

Selaphiel didn't understand what her father meant. Yahweh continued, "You haven't fallen because you both loved each other with pure love, Selaphiel."

"Why is Selaphiel in pain?" Gabriel, the most beautiful woman in Heaven, spoke up, her eyes filled with concern.

Most of the angels in Heaven didn't know what happened after relationships. All they knew was marriage or love. That's why Gabriel asked.

Yahweh chuckled lightly. "It seems Selaphiel is pregnant. And it's a boy."

After Yahweh explained, all the angels in the room opened their mouths in astonishment. Selaphiel put her hand on her belly and caressed it with pure love. "Father, does this mean I'm becoming a mother?"

Yahweh smiled and stroked Selaphiel's head. "Yes, my daughter. You're becoming a mother, and I'm becoming a grandfather."

Gabriel's eyes widened with excitement. "Am I becoming an aunt!?"

Yahweh chuckled. He looked at Gabriel. "Yes, you are."

Ophis, who had always remained silent, looked at Selaphiel's belly and said, "I want to become a grandfather."

There was silence for a while. Then Gabriel took Ophis's hands and held them excitedly. "No, Ophis. You can be a grandmother."

"No, I want to be a grandfather." Ophis said emotionlessly.

"No, you're a woman. You can be a grandmother!" Gabriel and Ophis argued about this for a while longer.

Watching Gabriel and Ophis, Yahweh smiled. Even Azrael, who always had a monotone face, was smiling.

Yahweh looked at Selaphiel. He placed his hand on her belly, gently channeling his divine power and safely delivered the child from Selaphiel's body.

Selaphiel stood calmly. Thanks to Yahweh's divine power, she felt no pain.

After a while, Yahweh took out the child and wrapped him in cloth. Then he took him in his hands.

Selaphiel looked at her child with excitement. She lifted her tired body and looked at her father. "Father, can I see my son once?"

Yahweh handed the baby boy to Selaphiel. Yahwe, lost in deep thoughts Selaphiel while loving her child.

Because he was the Miracle Child, he had strong biology. From the moment he was born, his eyes were clear, and he could move as well as 8-month-old babies.

Gabriel approached Selaphiel. She looked at the Miracle Child with admiration. "He's so cute, can I hold him for a bit?"

Selaphiel nodded and handed her child to Gabriel. Ophis also looked at the child with curiosity.

After a while, Yahweh took his grandson. He smiled. "From now on, your name will be Ezekiel."

Ezekiel giggled with excitement.

Yahweh looked at his grandson and smiled. Then he handed the child to Azrael, who was looking at the child with curiosity and love. "I need to take care of something."

Before leaving, Yahweh turned back. "Also, explain to Michael what happened."

Azrael nodded. "Okay, Father."

Then Yahweh teleported to the room where the system of God was located.


Yahweh, who came into God's system, looked at the system of God, which seemed to have come from the future. Then he reached out his right hand and activated God's system.

After the system was activated, all the rules appeared in Yahweh's mind.

Yahweh began to gradually remove the rules he found unnecessary. Especially, he changed the rule about angels falling if they engage with another race.

The new rules were as follows:

1. Angels fall when they betray their creator. (old rule)

2. Angels can marry and have children with any race as long as they have mutual pure love. (New rule)

3. Angels can now eat and drink whatever they want as long as they do not harm their bodies. (Wine, cigarettes, etc. But drugs are prohibited.)

After changing over 100 rules, Yahweh sighed. The original creator had really restricted his angelic creations.

Yahweh knew that the biology angels possessed was very powerful. So he allowed things like cigarettes and alcohol because angels wouldn't experience any addiction or drunkenness.

After a while, Yahweh returned to the Sixth Heaven.

Gabriel, Azrael, Ophis, Michael, and Selaphiel were standing around him grandson Ezekiel, playing with the child.

After feeling Yahweh's arrival, Gabriel looked at his father and said, "Father, I feel more at peace now. Why?"

"Because I've changed the rules. You have more flexible rules now." Gabriel and the others' eyes widened. They shone with happiness.

After talking for a while longer, Yahweh felt that one of his angels wanted to see him. He went outside and a six-winged angel knelt respectfully. "Father, Odin's son wishes to convey a message to you."

Yahweh lifted his only eyebrow. Then he accepted and teleported to the human world to see Baldur.

After Yahweh arrived, he saw Baldur and a dozen Valkyries. Baldur immediately bowed slightly, showing respect to the God of higher rank.

"Odin's son Baldur. What brings you here?" Yahweh said with a sacred voice.

Baldur stood straight and handed over the letter sent by his father.

Yahweh took the elegant envelope and began to read. After a while, he looked at Baldur. "We will attend."

Baldur nodded. Then he withdrew with the Valkyries.

Yahweh's eyes became serious. Then he teleported back to Heaven. The feast of the gods was scheduled for this evening. He glanced at Michael and the others still playing with Ezekiel.

After a while, they looked at Yahweh, who was seated on his throne with serious eyes. Michael stepped forward and asked in a serious tone, "Father, is there a problem?"

"No, Michael. There is no problem," Yahweh said calmly. Then he continued speaking, "Michael, tonight we are going to Asgard. It seems they are hosting a feast called 'Feast of the Gods.'"

Gabriel looked at her father with some concern. "Father, everything will be alright, won't it?"

Yahweh smiled. "No, there won't be any problem."

"Now, Michael, you have until evening. Then we will teleport to Asgard," Yahweh said, and after that, they all nodded their heads and left.

Yahweh sat on his throne and pondered. Politics in the world of demons was not like politics elsewhere. Even weak gods could rise to significant positions if they were good enough at politics.

Yahweh narrowed his eyes and thought about the gods at the feast. Then he closed his eyes to rest.


In Asgard, the Gods were conversing with each other.

Zeus, Athena, and Apollo had come from the Olympus Gods. Zeus appeared stern and authoritarian, while Athena was wise and calm. Apollo exuded cheerful vibes.

From the Egyptian Pantheon, Ra and Osiris had arrived, dressed in traditional attire. Ra seemed as destructive as the sun itself, while Osiris emitted a wise and gentle aura.

From the Norse Pantheon, Odin, Thor, and Baldur were wandering around to greet the guests. Odin appeared calm, Thor instilled fear in everyone, and Baldur charmed everyone with his politeness.

From the Hindu Pantheon, there were Brahma and Vishnu. Brahma emitted an aura like that of a wise man, while Vishnu appeared as a beautiful and cheerful woman.

Quetzalcoatl had come from the Aztec Pantheon, with a cheerful personality.

And finally, the Shinto Gods had arrived. Izanagi and Amaterasu were among them. Izanagi resembled a grandfatherly figure, and by his side was Amaterasu, who had a serious personality and disliked war.

Some Gods from the Great Pantheons had accepted the invitation to the feast, while others, both good and bad, had not.

Two individuals were notably absent: Shiva and Yahweh. Shiva was actually present but was often overlooked due to his ordinary appearance. He didn't mind and waited for Yahweh to arrive.

Some Gods approached Odin to complain, but Odin merely scratched his head and assured them of Yahweh's eventual arrival.

After a while, a large blue portal opened. Athena, slightly behind Zeus, squinted her eyes and exclaimed with astonishment, "Incredible! This is the fragmentation of space and time!"

Listening to Athena, the other Gods pondered in amazement. Fragmenting space and time was no easy feat.

Watching from afar, Shiva clenched his fists with excitement for battle, his blood boiling after years.

Eventually, Yahweh emerged from the portal. As soon as Yahweh's feet touched the ground, the entire hall fell under pressure. The lesser Gods could barely breathe, and even the major Gods were astonished by the intensity of Yahweh's aura alone.

Yahweh ceased the overwhelming aura. Michael stood right behind Yahweh with a gentle expression.

Yahweh scanned through the Gods and then looked at Shiva, who was seated. Yahweh's expression softened as he spoke, "You must be Shiva?"

Shiva rose from his seat, causing astonishment among the other Gods. Except for Odin and the Hindu Gods, all were amazed. No one had expected this seemingly ordinary young man to be the fearsome God of Destruction, Shiva.

Shiva leaped forward and threw a punch towards Yahweh.

Yahweh chuckled lightly and created a powerful 40-layered barrier. While it seemed formidable, it was like a thin wall before a God like Shiva.

Shiva struck the barrier, creating cracks, but it held firm.

Yahweh remained still. Behind him, golden energy surged, and swords began to materialize. Hundreds of weapons, replicas of Excalibur, appeared.

Even Shiva was slightly surprised, but he quickly smiled with excitement for battle.

The other Gods were on the verge of fainting. Each of those weapons could rival a high-tier demon.

"This is unbelievable! What can we really do against these two monsters?" a random God exclaimed. None of the arrogant Gods from the other Pantheons spoke up because they were genuinely thinking the same.

Yahweh flicked his hand, causing the swords to be launched like bullets.

Shiva narrowed his eyes and skillfully dodged the swords using his innate abilities, then threw the swords back at Yahweh.

Even Michael was taken aback and retreated.

Yahweh admired Shiva. Despite not using any magical powers, Shiva skillfully maneuvered, surprising even Yahweh.

Yahweh stopped the swords he had sent and then unleashed hundreds more, firing them like bullets.

With a fierce smile of battle, Shiva deflected hundreds of swords with one of the swords he had seized.

As the banquet hall began to crumble and suffer damage, Odin quickly intervened. "Hohoho, may I request that you continue your battle elsewhere?"

Yahweh and Shiva halted. As much as they wanted to fight, it seemed like the hall could collapse at any moment.

Odin slammed his staff, and the damaged hall was restored.

"That was a good warm-up," Shiva said cheerfully as he approached Yahweh. It had been hundreds of years since he had warmed up like this.

Yahweh smiled. He had already given the Gods a glimpse of his power, so he chuckled, "Yes, I'll see you in Heaven next time."

As Yahweh and Shiva conversed, many Gods were nearly shedding tears. The already formidable Heaven seemed to have formed a friendship with one of the main Gods of the Hindu Pantheon.

The Olympus and Hindu Gods smiled with amusement. Olympus had already formed a partial alliance with Heaven.

The Hindu Gods would benefit from Shiva's closeness to the God of Heaven.

Meanwhile, Ra and the other Egyptian Gods were concerned about their former enemies' newfound strength. After all, they had once betrayed the God of the Bible in a deal.

Many head Gods had now set a goal in their minds: "Establish good relations with Heaven."

Yahweh soon resumed discussions with other Gods. Four hours later, all the Gods began to disperse and leave.

Yahweh bid farewell to Shiva, then returned to Heaven with Michael.

[Author's Note: After this section, there will be a jump in time of 60 years. Damn, this is the longest section I've written. I await your support. It's a source of motivation for me.]