
DXD God of gods

Alex has always dreamed of isekai since he had never really liked this world , so when an opportunity arises he takes it and is reincarnated in DXD with the most op powers of tensura now we follow him on his adventurers to fuck up the protagonists and their harems. What did he wish for ... well read more to find out

KristoPherus · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
38 Chs



[ rewrite ]

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I can't believe what just happened to me , it seems like only yesterday that I was watching this anime and now am really in it and with super op powers at that , I feel tired mentally and physically so I'm gonna get some rest first I will deal with most problems tomorrow , the things I need to do are simple first the issue of information and second I need some land maybe create a pocket dimension if I want to start a faction , wtf I have alot to do but yet so little time. I closed my eyes and fell into slumber.

" good night Alice ". yeah can't forget my new partner.

" good night Alex " she replied.

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When I opened my eyes the sounds of busy streets and vehicles flooded my ears but also a nice smell of eggs and bacon . it was already morning and the sun was pretty high I sat up on the bed , stretched my back and looked around the room , when the door opened and a beautiful woman walked in carrying a trey off breakfast and I already had an idea on who it was but I had to be sure.

" Alice ". yeah that's the only one she could be and how she got a body I have no idea.

" good morning Alex , did you have a nice rest ". she asked.

" yeah , good morning Alice " I say while am still examining her . " hey how did you . . . hmm "

" well I just made a body double I thought I may as well as prepare you something breakfast " she says as she sets the trey by my side , yeah I forgot she has control over my skills and now a Manas she doesn't need my permission to use them but I don't remember having the body double Skill , whatever I will think about that later , I looked at the eggs , bacon and coffee then invite her to join me , she smiled and came to sit beside me , she just watched as I dug into the breakfast , ' delicious '. it was amazing and I haven't eaten for a million years.

" wow , this has got to be the best breakfast I have ever had ". I praised her and she gave me a bright smile.

" well only the best for you master . . . sorry ". she said.

" no need to apologise you can call me

however you like ". from what I observed she has the Grafia syndrome which makes them have a master fetish but I think I'm the one to blame because she got a personality based on my subconscious desires and I did like Grafia and her fetish so here's the result . this life isn't going to be easy as I thought.

After Breakfast we were sat in the couch so I asked Alice about the skills I didn't know and here's the run down.

[ ✓ Machine God Melvazoa : is a skill that allows the user to control technology from reshaping it to hacking as long as the world is like it is today the user can be considered omniscient.

✓ Ares God of War and Defence :

this is a combination of all resistances making the user almost invincible.

it also increases the user's power during battles and wars , also strengthens allies as the war progresses . . . ]

Walking on the now crowded streets which is different from last night's I can see different people all going by their normal day but I can also sense some supernatural entities from magicians to gods and devils all among the people some of them are hiding very well that not even gods can sense them but infront of me they are not trying at all whereas others not so much .

« hey Alice can this be a crossover between dxd and Percy Jackson ».

Why I ask , well that's because of some fanfics I read and also in dxd the pantheons of other religions are not explained in detail so never know.

{ they are similar yet different , in this verse the gods can take care of there children where as in the original they couldn't this is because of the devils who invented the evil pieces which led the gods to fear them recruiting their children and weakening their pantheon }

That . . makes sense but it also means monster and other stuff exist.

« ok , back to business Alice hack all the data bases and create identities for us make sure we aren't blood related or some perves will over step there boundaries and also create a bank account for us as for the back ground story your choice ». I spoke to her through telepathy.

{ yes master Alex }. she happily began to hack all the data out their even government facilities weren't safe man Melvazoa is broken in it's own rights but today's technology wasn't that developed anyway. { done }

As quick as ever , right now I have dirty secrets on all the governments and ministries out their and if I want I can destroy any of them . having so much power is thrilling . ok our identities are now set it's time to go and waste some ' borrowed ' money .

I first arrive at an estate firm since I want a pent house this will do but I'm ignored and some deepshit walks over to me according to the tag his the assistant manager now this is going to be interesting.

" hey , who told you children are allowed in here go find your parents or something ". deepshit says but I just ignore the fool and walk away which annoys him.

ds: " hey kid don't ignore me , security " he shouts , Cause I look young and don't have some fancy attire on which is quite annoying.

( I asked Alice to buy of this firm well I might not own all of it but 59% still makes me the largest share holder )

The guards come and grab me which I don't resist and as the fool who is grinning like an idiot is celebrating the manager walks in.

Manager : " hey what's , going on here ".

Ds: " sorry sir this boy was just disturbing the cust . . " before he can finish the manager slaps him and says.

Manager: " you are fired " leaving a confused deepshit then come to me making the guards leave me.

" I nice to meet you Mr. Alex sorry about the employee's behavior I will make sure it doesn't happen again ".

I look at the deepshit with a smirk on my face and say , " no worries , just some pests that are spoiling the business and will all be removed in no time ". " why don't you introduce me to the rest of the employees ".

Manager : " right away sir , ok listen up people I've got an important person here to day so listen up ". " this here is Mr. Alex Elshide the largest stock holder and chairman of the board of governments ". I wave at everyone and look at deepshit who has a priceless face on hahahahaha .

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ok I know this ain't the best chap but don't worry next chap is time skip.

KristoPheruscreators' thoughts