
The First Day of School

(Harsh Pov)

*Alarm x3*


Waking up with the alarm ringing in your head is shit. Even more shitty is not waking up when you deliberately set up 5 alarms last night to wake up on time.

"Arghh..." Kicking the blankets off the bed, I started waking up. It's good that I left the curtains open last night, at least the morning sunlight shining in my eyes is helping my lazy ass.

I stretched while lying on the bed to add some energy to my body.

Cursing myself for having such a bad sleep schedule, I got up from my bed and stumbled into the bathroom with heavy footsteps.

As I splashed my face with cold water, dispelling the last sleepiness from my body, I thought about how I used to sleep late and couldn't wake up on time, resulting in a bad schedule; and now after sleeping early using my powers, the beautiful dreams didn't want me to wake up early. 

Although I have been in this world for nearly 17 years now, it looks like this bad habit isn't going anywhere. Maybe when I no longer need to sleep? But that seems impossible with my dream manipulation.

Sitting on the toilet seat, I thought of how today was going to go. It's my first day in class at Kuoh Academy, let's see if there is someone I know in my class.

Getting into the shower, with the warm water flowing down my body, the ache lingering in my muscles reminded me of all the physical activity I did in my dream yesterday... 

I wonder how the Vice President of the student council would react if she saw me again today? Despite being the Queen of the sister of a Satan, she isn't really that powerful, only needing 3 minutes of conversation to allow me to get into her head and manipulate her dreams.

She really has some issues with Sitri with the way she behaved... Maybe some underlying desire to dominate her King? She doesn't look to be lesbian though. Maybe she just likes being on the ordering side for once...

Fuck, I'm getting hard thinking about it. Think of your death to distract the lower head.

It was in my last life, the day I turned 20 was also the day I died. 

Pretty shitty death if you ask me. Getting into a car accident while going to a hotel where I was going to lose my virginity with a good friend after a few drinks. Maybe more than a friend, but I didn't really see it going anywhere.

Not because of any fault on her side, but because I used to be pretty insecure about all this relationship stuff.

Dying once teaches you how to let go of all the 'rules' or 'morals' society puts on you. And these things are also subjective. To someone born in the old times, killing someone would be easy to defend themselves. But to someone in the 21st century, there would be things like guilt and nervousness.

Not that it is bad, but it can be pretty limiting in the thought process.

Or maybe this is just some excuse I came up with to do whatever I want, who knows?

Such as using my Dream Manipulation power to manipulate others' dreams, changing their personality, and preferences, bringing out their inner desires, and making them like me would be morally wrong in whatever year you're born in.

Still, I do that without any guilt or anything. Maybe something is wrong with me after dying once, or maybe I've always been a sociopath like this. Or maybe this is my power affecting me, making me think that manipulating dreams and other stuff is normal?

Whatever it is, I honestly don't care. I feel good about it, so I do it.

That got a bit cynical for morning thoughts. These types of thoughts should be done at night.

Getting out of the shower and drying myself up, I wore my new high school uniform. A good thing this school does is send your uniforms and books to your home after taking your measurements. No need to run around buying stuff from here and there like back home.

Speaking of home, I wonder how everyone is doing? It was fortunate for me to be reborn into the child body of my parallel self, at least there was no body dysmorphia and not recognizing myself in the mirror other than some age and height problems.

Having my parents and family also helped me a lot to get used to this new world. It was the comfort that my family was still there, even with the unfamiliar world that helped me get grounded and think about the future.

Getting first grade in the class, having a large network of friends, learning instruments, languages, dances, and some fighting skills are probably just a part of what I did after regaining my memories at 4 years of age.

Although at first, I didn't know it was an anime world, I just thought it was a parallel world, but when you randomly get the powers to manipulate people's dreams after you went to a temple to pray, you have to check everything about yourself and the world around you.

Though checking what world you are in isn't really easy stuff when the only clues you have are Dream Manipulation powers and that mythology is real. One of the reasons for my international travels all over the world since I was a teenager.

Travel to England to check if this is Harry Potter world, or to America to see if this is some Marvel or DC setting (which now that I think about it probably wasn't the case due to there not being any Stark or Wayne Industries). 

Areas like the Buddhist temples of China, the temples and architecture across the whole of India, and places like the Vatican in Italy were also fun to travel. 

It's good that I persuaded my parents to give me some money, which they gave me easily because this time I'm the better child, not my younger brother, and invested early in stocks and bitcoin, and now we're financially independent. 

This time there's no need to sell the land, heh.

A good thing about my new life is that in my new body, I can learn things fast, and now I'm fluent in most of the famous languages.

Traveling to many countries also broadened my outlook and experience and helped me develop my powers steadily.

Still, you can't really expect me to identify what anime I was in, as there are too many of those. To be honest, at first I thought I was reborn in the Earth of isekai anime like Konosuba or Re:Zero, and I'd have to die once again to get to meet these people with powers like me.

Glad that I saw magicians and priests doing magic and their prayers, which I guess I'm becoming more and more attuned to, and the offer for exchange students to Kuoh Academy in the school also helped identify the world.

DXD, DevilxDragon, Draconic Dues, whatever you call it. It is a pervy anime with a normal herbivore Japanese male protagonist. The difference in this one would be that he's a big pervert.

Having a harem and still not doing anything, I guess this is the entry-level requirement for every Japanese MC.

At least I can now confidently stand in front of these types of protagonists and insult them for being virgins. Heh.

Although it might look like I was just sitting in one place and monologuing, in reality, I had already left for school and could see it just around the corner of my eye.

Around me, students were walking and talking to each other, most of them already having formed cliques from the previous year. Maybe I should call my friends back home tonight, haven't talked to them since I came here... which is like a week.

Yeah, let's have a video call later, maybe some game or two to be more comfortable.

Walking through the gates, I couldn't help but notice that girls were in the majority of this school. While in the anime, they opened co-ed schooling the year the protagonist joined the school, in reality, they opened it around two years before. I researched this before joining.

Adjusting the strap of my backpack, as I walked toward the main building, ready to meet my new teacher and get my schedule. Among the crowd of students, I spotted a familiar acquaintance.

"Good morning, Shinra-san." Tsubaki Shinra, the one I was talking about earlier. She had given me a tour of the school yesterday, which gave us a chance to have a good talk by ourselves.

I greeted her with a nod and a smile, which she returned, her face looking nothing out of the ordinary. Still, I could notice the nervousness in her demeanor, as she fidgeted with the frames of her glasses with her fingers, one of the most common telltale signs of discomfort.

"Good morning," she replied, her voice tinged with a small amount of uncertainty showing that she wasn't as comfortable talking to me as yesterday. "Are you ready for your first day of classes?"

Although she asked it curiously, something about her demeanor told me that she wanted this conversation to be over quickly. 

Of course, I know the reason.

Anyone would feel uncomfortable interacting with someone who fucked you raw and took your virginity in your dreams while you both tease your superior who is tied up to a chess board.

Very weird and specific kink, Tsubaki.

"Absolutely," I responded with an honest and shy smile, hoping to put her at ease. Such a contrasting smile with my imposing appearance usually helps me make people comfortable with me. "I'm looking forward to my new school experience. And yourself? Are you ready to take on your role as the student council vice president?"

Tsubaki's answer was hesitant, but she nodded, looking much more relaxed, "Yes, I am."

"If you need any help, as the vice president it is my duty to help the students. So, please don't hesitate to come in me- I mean, please don't hesitate to come to me if you have any problems."

I could see her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as soon as the words left her lips, and I couldn't help but chuckle at her slip of tongue. Looks like the dream left a bigger impression than I thought.

Still, I quickly composed myself, not wanting to make her feel like I was making fun of her.

"Of course, Tsubaki-san," I replied with a simple smile, hoping to ease her awkwardness. "I'll keep that in mind. And don't worry, I'm sure you'll do a great job as vice president."

Tsubaki nodded gratefully, the awkwardness fading off as we continued our conversation. "You should head to your classroom, the introductory class is going to start soon, and everyone has to get ready for the assembly later."

"Alright, thanks for the heads up." With a nod of thanks, I turned to head toward the staff room to meet up with the head teacher. "Would you like to walk with me?"

Tsubaki hesitated for a moment, as if surprised by my offer. After a brief thought, she shook her head, though with a smile tugging at her lips. "I'm sorry, but I have to meet up with and give a tour to the other two international students today. I believe you'll have to go without me today."

"No problem at all," I nodded with a smile. "I'll see you around then."

With that, I gave her a small wave and continued toward the staff room. While walking, I couldn't help but think about our conversation. It was certainly interesting and felt like a good start to the day. I wonder who the other two international students are?

Arriving at the staff room, I took a deep breath and pushed the door open, ready to meet up with my new teacher.

Entering the staff room, I did a quick scan of the room and headed towards a teacher I recognized as my homeroom instructor. Tsubaki made us contact each other yesterday during the tour, to familiarize me with the faculty.

"Good morning, Yamanaka-san" I greeted the teacher who was going to be responsible for our class, getting ready to get the instructions for the day.

"Oh hello, good morning, Harsh-kun right? Our new student from overseas." He said, recognizing me from yesterday.

"Just call me by my name, sir. I came to get my instructions for the day."

The teacher, Yamanaka Sosuke, such a heavyweight name, nodded with a friendly smile. "Of course, Harsh. Welcome to Kuoh Academy. I'm glad to host you as your teacher this year."

He motioned for me to take a seat, while he got up to gather some papers.

"Today we'll be having the introduction class first, which happens at the start of every semester. Also, this is your schedule." Mr. Yamanaka explained, handing me a stack of papers.

I took the paper, nodding to show that I understood. "Thank you. I appreciate it."

"Ah, I hope you will stand outside the classroom for a while after the class starts, so that I can call you in and introduce you as the new student, if that's alright with you?" 

"Of course, sensei. I can wait outside the classroom." I said, feeling a bit weird about this anime-eske introduction.

Yamanaka chuckled while giving me a rundown, "It's a tradition here at Kuoh Academy to ensure that new students feel welcome and are integrated into the class from the very beginning."

I nodded, I could understand tradition, even if I suspect it was likely Rias Gremory who wanted this to become like this to make it similar to animes.

Or this could be common in Japan, I haven't had time to study the culture of this country yet.

"I understand." With a customary smile and a nod, I did my goodbyes and exited the staff room with my new schedule for the year, lost in thought about the school.

I wandered around like this thinking of different things, waiting for the bell to ring, signaling the start of the class.

After a while, as I walked toward my classroom, with the stack of papers Yamanaka-sensei had given me already in my backpack, I wondered how many minutes would it take for my powers to work on a devil like Gremory?

To be on the safe side, I put a timer of 5 minutes on my watch as I stood outside the classroom, waiting for my signal to make an entrance. I could hear the chatter and laughter of students through the door, likely they were guessing who was going to be their new classmate.

Finally, after what felt like an hour, the teacher's voice came from inside the classroom. "Let's invite our new classmate into the class! Come in and introduce yourself Mr. new student."

A weird way of inviting in, but alright.

With a soft click of the door, I entered the classroom. I could hear different types of discussions about me, and took a deep breath to introduce myself.

"Hello, good morning, everyone... my name is--"


Author Note: We get our first view of the protagonist in this chapter. Comment and Tell me how the chapter went, and give some suggestions for the plot.

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