
Chapter 5

I had 4 years left until the start of the show so I was going to start training kuroka to be part of my special team.

I created my own dragon pieces awhile back, now you won't become full dragon so you don't get the dragon body, but you do get the Half-human/Half-dragon body and a pair a wings whenever you need to fly.

since my dragon pieces are of dragons and are made by a dragon god you can become stronger then normal plus they have better strength measurements instead of the devil pieces. like my knight pieces makes you faster then devil knight pieces. Plus my dragon pieces give you perfect energy control.

I gave kuroka the option of becoming my dragon bishop and she agreed right away, said she didn't want to be a devil.

For the first year we once again just worked on training Combat, she may be a bishop but I didn't want her to have any weeknesses. after half of year she got eternal arms mastership.

Then we started working on magic, I taught her all magic from dxd and negima and she was a genius, mastering them real fast this also includes rune magic and Psychokinesis. she learned it all within one and a half years.

On the third year I taught her movement techniques such as shudo and koku shundo then we moved on to spacial manipulation. in the show she was good at it and since I'm the dragon god of space I taught her how to use space. For the rest of the third year I taught her spacial manipulation, she was real good.

And on the fourth and final year I taught her senjutsu, youjutsu, touki, and stealth. now I wasn't very good at these except for stealth so I just got one of my strongest nekomata to teach her and she completely mastered them.

Now let's switch over to vali, I never stopped teaching him.

on the first year, I made him stay within his balance breaker as long as he could, and I even added some specialised runes within divine dividing. they should help with stabilizing the power the steals from others and even store some away for when he needs it.

On the second year we worked on his juggernaut drive. I helped him get ride of the past users so they could not influence him in anyway and I help him master fighting as a dragon, he got real good.

On the third year I continued to teach him magic of different kinds, he mastered Norse, devil, human, vampire, and dragon magic pretty easily, I had to start teaching him magic from negima.

The forth year though I started teaching him some side things, like tracking, stealth, and rune magic. it took him a lot more time with rune magic.

And since the main storyline is about to start I would like one more member of my team before that.

I stand up and raise my left hand. A huge green magic circle with an hourglass within shows up, I power it with both my own and the power of the time stone and I stop time within the dxd world and my dimension.

with my right hand a dark blue magical circle appears with a dragon head within. I power it with both my own and the power of the space stone before opening a door through space to the naruto universe.

I stepped through and I appeared within a huge forest. The I used light magic to turn invisible before flying up and watching the events of the world with my own eyes.

when shisui Uchiha fell off the cliff and died I retrieved his body and then teleported across the elemental nations to place that wasn't used by any village. I layed shisui down started using magic to heal his body. I bought him a new pair of sharingan except these were eternal mangekyo sharingan. I then used my Dragonic knight peice to revive him. when he started to open his eyes they were already in sharingan mode except they were gold. he started to look around then saw me.

"well welcome back to the living shisui." shiro

"who are you." shisui stayed vigilant.

My eyed turned into my dragon eyes. Rose red with silver centers,I then bowed a little per usual in introductions.

"I'm Kaneshiro the dragon god of Space and Time. I'm putting together a team to help me. I like to travel throughout dimensions and it gets boring sometimes."shiro

"If I don't join would I be able to go free." shisui said raising an eyebrow.

I immediately put on a sad face.

"I'm afraid not, time is a fragile thing, and if I brought you back to life to change time it very well could destroy your very world as we know it. as it is right now your village and world ends up working everything out and even establishes peace with the other villages but if I were to let you live you would try to save the uchiha clan and that could very well destroy all of the hidden Leaf village." shiro

shisui has mixed reactions to this both sad and happy for his village.

"what about itachi what happens to him." shisui

"Itachi kills his own clan then he ends up as a rogue shinobi and works for a criminal orginization that hunts down the tailed beast. he dies to his own brother who takes his eye so they may be upgraded to the last level. I plan on giving Itachi the same offer I'm giving you after he plays his part in history." shiro

shisui looked deeply sadend by his friends fate but also happy I was giving him the same offer.

"very well I'll join." shisui

"grant we should start training you for the future then." shiro

I created a house there and started training shisui.

For the first few weeks I gave shisui books about the dxd world and everything he needed to know.

After that we started to work on mastering his sharingan. His eternal mangekyo upgraded his kotoamatsukami so that he can use at as long as he has energy, there is no more recharge time and since he was reborn as a half dragon his eyes got another upgrade. he could do use any sharingan techniques as long as he new of them. I taught him amaterasu, tsukuyomi, and kamui. he mastered them all including perfect susanoo. though he does use kamui to go see how the village is doing but he never interfered with them.

After he mastered them I made him use his sharingan to remember every fighting style of all the races from dxd and I made him remember how to fight with different fighting style and weapons. because of his sharingan he only took 2 weeks to get eternal arms mastership.

After he master eternal arms mastership I started teaching him magic. I taught him all magic from Negima and dxd and Rune magic. he wasn't a genius at magic but he did manage to master everything I taught him after 5 years.

Then I started teaching him movement techniques he was excited, he loved the body flicker jutsu so he liked movement techniques. he was a genius at them it only took him 2 months to master both soru and geppo, then 4 months to master both shundo and koku shundo.

Then I taught him about his Dragonic ability's. he already mastered his strength a long time ago so we moved on to somthing else. I taught him to turn on and off his dragon eyes. they increase perception so when he added both his dragon eyed and sharingan it looked like a dragon eye with 3 comas floating around the center. it increased his perception to in insain level to make it look like the world stoped moving though it was still moving just real slowly. when I taught him about his dragon wings he loved them, he loved flying. his wings where normal dragon wings only his had blood red scales. then I taught him about his Half-human/Half-dragon form. when he used it he grew a tail and blood red scales all over his body. he fingers and feet grew claws and his attack, defense and speed increased largely. it only took 2 more months to master this then it was time to head home with shisui.