
DxD: Beast Master

Waking up as a 6 years old who is about to be trained to become a church exorcist after taking a nap wasn't exactly how I imagined my day to go. But hey, look at the bright side, I will be able to do crazy magic stuff and become rather strongest ever. Yeah right I'm so fucked. ‐‐-------------------‐‐----------------------------------------------------------- ‐‐-------------------‐‐----------------------------------------------------------- *Disclaimer: No harem, If you recognize anything here then I probably don't own it, I only own my OCs and all the credits go back to their owners for the ideas, characters and the like. Also, no Harem. This will be a power fantasy story, about how the mc will try to become stronger and stronger, using all means he can. He has no type of goal or anything, no ' I will live my life to its fullest' or ' I will live without regrets'. I suck ass at talking to people IRL so you can expect interactions to be awkward, weird if they even happen cause I will be trying to minimise them. This story isn't actually a real story, it's more of an outlet for me to write about all the crazy stuff in my head, about the lore and possible power ups for a person. So again, be warned, that this story is more like a summary or diary about the events with minimal interactions. Discord link: https://discord.gg/hQPmj4WZ

Shub_Niggurath · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
38 Chs

Ch26: Three factions conference

AN: Welp, I guess even I can't hold myself. As i already told you all, I planned to not update this whole month, but I just couldn't hold myself with all the ideas that keep coming and coming, so that's that I guess. Enjoy the chapter


(3rd pov)

(Location: Japan: Kuoh city)

In a luxurious meeting room inside of Kuoh Academy, the representatives of the 3 factions were holding a meeting between all of them for the first time since the death of God and Satans.

As for the participants, from the devil side, there is the Satan of foreign affairs Serafall Leviathen, accompanied by her little sister Sona Sitri and said sister's queen piece, Tsubaki Shinra. The other devil representative is the Satan of domestic affairs Sirzechs Lucifer, accompanied by his Queen piece Grafyia Lucifage, his little sister Rias Gremory and the entirety of her peerage.

On the Fallen angel's side, there are only the Governor of fallen angels himself, Azazel the scapegoat, and the Vanishing Dragon Emperor Vali.

The angels who were the last to arrive, an unusual thing noticed by all the upper echelon, were the Archangel Micheal, accompanied by the 3 reincarnated angels Irina, Xenovia and Jeanne.

Weirdly enough, Micheal didn't take a seat on the table like the other leaders, but instead just stood there.

" Hey Micheal, what's this all about? Do heaven have a problem with this meeting?" asked Azazel, still keeping his laid back attitude despite him actually being somewhat concerned as he had pushed too much for this peace talk to happen, even being ready to sacrifice a cadre in the process, not that he actually expected for the warmonger to kill himself.

He initially planned to have Vali take him into Cocytus where he will be imprisoned, but still alive, in case war ever broke out so that they can still have him join.

" Nothing like that, we are just waiting for our leader" answered Micheal, further confusing everyone present.

" That would be me" said a new voice as a light, similar to Micheal and the angels teleportation one albeit brighter, manifested in the room, which made all Devils in the room feel a sensation akin to ants crawling on their skins, the Fallen angel just sat there with eyes wide and mouth hung open while all the reincarnated angels went down on their knees with Micheal just bowing his head.

What appeared from the light was a young man, seemingly in his twenties, with white hair and golden eyes, wearing an ouffit unlike Micheal's, being closer to a modern suit if anything. But the most noticeable thing was the giant pair of ethereal like wings with the double halo above his head. Said young man just waved with his at the kneeling angels to stand up before saying.

" Greetings everyone, my name is Samuel Willis, Angel of the Abyss and the new leader of the Heaven faction, it's a pleasure to meet you" hearing this, the others quickly got back their bearings as the newly introduced leader of heavens took the seat meant for the representative of Heaven.

" Hoooh, a new angel? Moreover the Abyss? So he was the angel raised 10 years ago? And the new leader? Is he perhaps Father's replacement, but that can't be, you all wouldn't just let someone take his place like that" said Azazel, curiously looking at the so called angel of Abyss, although he had to press down the pang of unease he felt when he looked at his golden eyes that seemed to see all of creation, which reminded him too much of his father.

The older Devils didn't say anything, just watching and waiting for the answer, while the younger ones and their slaves just looked confused and quite scared, trying to stick close to their respective masters.

" As we are here to try and set piece, I suppose it's courtesy to explain. Indeed, I was a human in the service of the church. Because of some details that can be discussed later, I was offered the chance to participate in a special ritual, by the Seraph Council, to turn me into a true angel, the aftermath of which where what you all felt 10 years ago" explained Samuel before saying.

" But all this can be further explained later, for now we should focus back on the original topic, don't we?" as he asked, the Devils where the one to respond as Sirzechs said.

" Indeed, while this certainly an important topic, it isn't the reason for our meeting today. And so, to start with the it, I would like to introduce my younger sister, Rias Gremory and her family" after him, it was Serafall who began and said.

" And this is my little So-tan and her queen! Make sure to treat her well!" hearing her sister's embarrassing introduction, it took everything Sona had to not run away or hide her face in her hands, which proved to be more difficult as she heard the chuckles from the different people in the room.

" Now that everyone has arrived, I'll say the preconditions for the meeting. The people here acknowledge the most important event and Forbidden subject, the non-existence of God" Sirzechs explained, seeing no one raising any objections he said.

" Then acknowledging that, let's continue the conversation"

" First, let me apologise, I should have been strict on monitoring Kokabiel. I'm sorry" Azazel apologised ahead of time, although he did not appear to be serious in this regards. Sirzechs just nodded his head before saying.

" Sona and Rias, can you share your reports of the latest attacks of Kokabiel?" To which Sona gave her followed by Rias. Before Sirzechs could ask, Azazel just sighed and said.

" The actions of Kokabiel were independent and nor from Grigori, by the time I had proof of his betrayal he was already here in Kuoh Town, and so I sent down an agent to make sure nothing goes out of control, the reports of how that went were already handed so I don't have much to add after all"

" Speakimg of those reports, I find the most concerning thing is Kokabiel's seemingly explosive strength, even with a full powered Excalibur, I very much doubt he would have enough power to achieve what he did" interjected Samuel as the other leaders also nodded before Azazel answered.

" From what we got, his increase in power wasn't due to the sword, which I apologise for by the way. It still remains a mystery how he gained that much power" to this, Samuel just told him to not worry about before Micheal questioned Azazel.

" Then what are the intentions behind your recent actions? Especially the fact that you were gathering sacred gear holders." But Azazel simply laughed it off quite relaxed, simply stating the fact he was preparing for the future ahead as well as researching the sacred gear itself, he even mentioned sharing his findings with the other 2 factions.

" I am happy with the way the world is , there is no need for me to look for war. I enjoy my time spent on researching sacred gears..." Azazel said nonchalantly.

But the 4 people talking still felt it hard to believe in him, which he simply shrugged off before suddenly turning quite serious and saying.

" Then let's make peace. That's is the end goal of this meeting after all"

" Yes, it is of importance we make peace, as the last great war nearly reduced our races to extinction, not to talk about the civil war we Devils went in" Sirzechs mentioned.

" We also have lost plenty of things in that war, like God who was our pillar" continued Samuel. Hearing this, Azazel just looked at the unmoving Micheal and said.

" To think Micheal I knew who was all God this God that would accept something like that being said near him, and by an angel no less..." to this remark, Micheal looked at Azazel sternly and answered.

" We have lost a lot of things and there is no use pinning on what is gone. As for what Lord Samuel said, we seraphs came to an agreement to entrust our species and future with him, so his words represent us all, and we won't question any of them unless absolutely necessary" After which, it was Serafall who asked about the new Angel's reincarnation system. To her inquiry, Samuel just explained the basic layout and then asked Azazel a question he was curious about.

" Azazel, on the topic of reincarnation, with all this time and resources, I won't put it above you to be able to create a similar system." hearing this Azazel looked somewhat troubled before sighing and answering.

" You'd be correct with that assessment, although from my personal experience and by my judgement on the state of Grigori, I decided it is for the best that I don't create such a thing"

After more discussion, Issei brought up the topic of fallen angels that attacked him and the city, Raynare and Kokabiel which soon turned into an argument as Issei was having none of it.

" Yeah yeah, even if I apologise now it will already be too late. Bur before we can declare peace, we have to hear the opinions of the world changing powers, Red Dragon Emperor Issei and White Dragon Emperor Vali" said Azazel. Hearing him Issei was suprised before asking why their opinions mattered.

" Hmm, the answer for that is quite simple. You see, in all history, from times even before the great war, the 3 factions have always been at odds with each other fighting, stealing, killing, weakening and plotting. All kind of subtle or hostile actions were taken into measure" explained Samuel, before continuing.

" In such a long time, the 3 factions only ever banded one together. It was towards the end of the great war, when the 2 heavenly dragons, Y Draig Goch and Albion Gwiber, in their endless fight, interrupted the war of the 3 factions. But because of their incredible strength, the 3 factions for the first time ever, decided to work together to slay the 2 god-like dragons" stopping a little bit to see that Issei is still following, Samuel then said.

" And so, with that in mind, and the fact that we have the weilder of 2 said dragons in our midst, it is indeed prudent to ask about your opinions about this alliance." After he said that, it was Sirzechs who began talking as he asked.

" So Red and White Dragon Emperors, we ask you this. What do you seek from this world?"

" I don't care as long as I have strong opponents to battle with" Vali answered nonchalantly.

Azazel looked at Issei, who as expected didn't understand the question until it was dumbed down to breasts, only then did he answer.

But before peace could be officially declared, the surroundings changed as some people stopped moving.

" This feeling, Balor? So the Dhampir's sacred gear?" Asked Azazel. Looking around, the people who didn't freeze were just Azazel, Vali, Samuel, Micheal, Sirzechs, Serafall and Grafyia. Although some individuals seem to be fighting the effect and will break out soon, like Issei's Boosted Gear and Kiba's holy demonic sword. The reincarnated angels also each seem to be holding powerful holy swords.

" Those swords, Durandal, the sword of destruction, once weilded by Roland, it is said to be able to cut through anything. Kusanagi no Tsurugi, the sword of the gathering clouds of heaven, a Shinto holy sword that was found in the dead body of the Evil dragon Yamato-no-Orochi. And finally Hauteclere, a holy sword weilded by Oliver, a friend of Roland, said to have the highest purification power among all holy swords." Said Azazel as he looked at the 3 girls who finally broke out from the time-stop influence.

" The church is really going all out with its recruits this generation" he murmured.

Standing up to look outside, Micheal saw there were human-like silhouettes that had arrived in the school and in the air. Looking closely, these mage-like guys dressed in black robes were firing all kinds of attacks on the barrier surrounding the meeting room.

There was a sound of confusion as Issei, Kiba and Rias were awoken from the time-freeze effect.

" Oh the red dragon has come back" Azazel said when he noticed them. Issei, who asked what happened was answered by Samuel.

" The reason you are safe is because of the dragon in your arm, and since you were touching Lucifer's sister she was also protected. The sword boy over there also is safe because of his balance breaker and the girls were protected by their holy swords" explained Samuel before he also stood up and followed Micheal to look outside.

" It seems we are under a terrorist attack, not suprising really. In any era where a power tried to firm peace with another power, there will also be a gathering of those who dislike it and try to disturb it" further explained Samuel as he looked at the human magic system that was supposedly created by Merlin, after observing Devils use their own. Although from just a look, he could see that it's foundation is the Kabbalah making it effectively useless against him or any devil, fallen angel or even pure angel versed in that art.

" From the power that each of them are emitting, I suppose they could be said to be close to a mid-class level devil." Said Azazel as he stopped his conversation with Sirzechs and Serafall.

" In short, it means that humans can use powers like those of Devils. Through, of course, it's more troublesome if a sacred gear weilder learns magic. Well, their attacks aren't capable of damaging this school building because of the barrier set by me, Sirzechs and Micheal is enveloping this place. Though thanks to that, we can't leave here." Said Azazel, summarising there current situation.

After which, it was decided that, with the help of Sirzechs power, Rias and Issei will be sent to help free Gasper and dispell his power, with one of the bracelets Azazel gave to Issei. With that, Azazel also sent Vali to deal with the magicians, as Samuel sent the 3 reincarnated girls to start mowing down their numbers.

" Azazel, continuing the talk from before" Sirzechs inquired to Azazel.

" What are you really trying to do by collecting sacred gears? You've even been collecting longinus weilders too, right? Do you intend to kill God even though he no longer exists?" Azazel shook his head at the question.

" It's to prepare. Not from your factions though, it's mainly the need for self defence. Rather, we're not preparing goe an attack from you" answered Azazek before he said.

" Khaos Brigade. I only confirmed the organisation's name and background recently, but my Vice Governor Shemhaza has also had his eyes on this suspiciously acting group from before that. They are a gathering dangerous menbers from all three big powers. There are also multiple human magician organizations in there, like The Wizards of Oz and Nilrem"

" Their goal is?" Asked Micheal.

" Destruction and Mayhem. Its that simple, you know. They don't like this world's peace. They're terrosts to put it simply."

Just as he was about to continue, they noticed 3 magical circles materialising in the room. And from it 3 people, 2 men and one women, appeared. The women was the one to talk first.

" Good day to you, current Maous Sirzechs Gremory and Serafall Sitri." Looking at the smirking Devils, Sirzechs responded.

" What are the old Satan Faction doing her? Katarea Leviathen, Creusery Admodeus and Shalba Beelzebub." To which they simply responded by saying.

" Chaos amd ruin to this world of course" after which they gathered their power and set a powerful explosion, which proceeded to rip apart the walls of the building.

As the 3 descendants of the original satans flied with their 10 wings, the dust settled revealing all the occupants of the room surrounded by a barrier made by the 3 leaders.

" The leaders of the 3 factions putting a barrier together? How patheric" said Shalba Beelzebub as he and the other 2 looked disdainful at the actions of the leaders.

" What are you exactly trying to achieve here? And has the old Satan fully joined in this Khaos Brigade?" Asked Serafall as she looked at all the newcomer Devils who started working together with the magicians.

" To do what this conference sought not to do. If God and the Maous are dead, then this world is perfect for a revolution. And so, we allied ourselves with Khwos Brigade, with Ophis as our leader, even if just a figure head, we will destroy this world to build a new one." Explained Katarea, shocking almost everyone before their expressions turned Grim except Azazel who said.

" Good heavens, and here I thought this was just big coup by the Devils, it turns out your goal is actually the whole world." Said Azazel before starting to laugh out loud as he continued.

" Like I've never heard this sort of things before, the person who says it always dies first. " Looking at the livid Satan descendants who started letting their auras out, Azazel let out his wings before saying.

" Well then, I think I will be taking one of them out, you see who to deal with"  just as he ascended into the sky, he had to block a neak attack from a sword as he was sent barrelling backwards.

" I think not, your opponent will be me for this event" said the attacker, who was flying with 10 black feathery wings and a demonic sword in his hands.

" Satannael huh, should've expected you here when it came to light its Khaos Brigade and the Wizards of Oz." Said Azazel as he looked at his once sworn brother in arm.

Seeing that Azazel was preoccupied, Samuel was the one to step forward as he said.

" I'll be taking care off the Asmodeus and Beelzebub descendants, I think I'll leave the Leviathen to the Leviathen" Saying so Samuel just pointed his hand at the 2 Devils before proceeding to materialise a Rune sequence that blasted said 2 Devils away.

Hearing him, Serafall just nodded before she flew over towards Katarea Leviathen to face her off. Seeing all the battles that are starting , Samuel was the first to take action, as his shadow grew and grew to cover the while ground.

" Why don't we give those pesky invaders something to do int the mean time." Saying so, countless soldiers made of shadows start emerging from the darkness that covered the earth, while at the same time numerous automata like entities with angel wings also started attacking the countless numbers of Magician's, Devils and even fallen angels who appeared.

Looking at the fights that started going off, Samuel just decided to expand the fight scene as a Dragon started materialising from his shadow, looking like serpent with numerous wings and stars around it.

The dragon, upon appearing, just seemed to glow as it proceeded to let a wave of power rush over the whole space enclosed in the barrier with its roar. Soon everyone felt the difference as the space they were in seemed to change and turn into an alternate dimension instead of just the school ground they were occupying.

" With this, everyone can go all out without fear of anything" explained Samuel before looking at Shalba and Creusery Admodeus who finally appeared after the attack he delivered.

" Now for you 2 clowns, I have something to deal with you" and with that 2 mo stars proceeded to appear. A giant lion made of lightning and Bicorn-like creature with purple fire mane and dark skin materialised behind him.

" REGULUS, MINIUM, deal with these 2 devils" ordered Samuel as the 2 monsters immediately took action and attacked causing catastrophic amounts of destruction to the surroundings.