
My beautiful/bratty fiancé

"Well, my closet is certainly unique."

Riser looked through the wardrobe possibilities, which appeared to be random street punk costumes, however, he had to admit the previous Riser had some style, but meh! His personal preferences won't be met with this.

So he dressed in a plain white shirt, black slacks, and brown shoes—simple and classy.

He made his way to the Phenex mansion's grand ballroom, where the invited guests were gathered. As he entered, he saw his parents and younger sister sitting on the plush couches, with his peerage standing behind them.

And opposite them stood someone who took him completely by surprise; their beauty took him completely by surprise. The first was a middle-aged woman who was certainly an S-class MILF in Riser's book; she had flaxen hair and huge breasts and was dressed in a velvet-coloured gown that hugged her curves rather nicely. A younger girl next to her looked exactly like the older woman except for their hair and eye colours, which were both red and teal respectively. The younger girl's curves were fantastic but not as great as the older woman's.

"Greetings, father and mother. I apologise, I was a little late to arrive because I was occupied with some other work," Riser stated respectfully as he bowed towards his parents, which clearly startled the Phenex couple. Lord Phenex's eyes opened in surprise, but he soon composed himself and nodded, glancing at his son with a strange glint in his eye.

'What is this lad up to now?' The notion crossed Lord Phenex's mind as he forced himself to ignore his curiosity and focus on their guests.

"Other work? More like screwing some random woman down the road. At least be honest, Riser Phenex."

Woah! that was quite a snide remark directed at him, made by none other than his betrothed, Rias Gremory. When Riser turned back, he saw Rias looking at him with a smug expression that seemed to say, "Trash."

"Rias, don't be harsh; we've already addressed this, and I apologise for her behaviour, Riser Phenex," the elder lady stated, bowing slightly before Riser with a bland expression; her apologies appeared to be nothing more than a formality, which is understandable. In spite of her efforts to keep it under wraps, he could feel the demonic power emanating from her.

Due to his advanced level of demonic power manipulation, he was able to sense that. She could easily surpass his father and mother in terms of raw power who were ultimate-class devils.

Bael women are absolutely terrifying.

"What's wrong in calling trash, trash? In fact, he is worse than trash, a cockroach belonging to the gutter," Rias didn't stop her snarky comments and continued to insult Riser, while the said guy calmly stared at her without any signs of anger.

"Venelana Gremory, I'm pretty sure you and your daughter aren't here for some chit-chat or here to insult my son, so please get to the purpose of your visit already," Lady Phenex said with a hint of anger in her voice.

After a long time of maintaining a neutral expression, Venelana Gremory broke into a genuine, contrite grin as she addressed the Phenex couple. She then went on to say what she needed to say,

"I am sorry to bother you with this question, but would it be possible to push back the date of the wedding? I know this is a crucial agreement between my husband and Lord Phenex, but you have to realise that Rias is still young and not yet mature enough for the marriage. As a matter of fact, I would like to postpone the wedding until Rias reaches the age of twenty. I am sorry for the inconvenience."

'She's buying time for her daughter to grow, which is understandable, but will she use it or just laze around?' Riser couldn't help but ponder the question.

'Will Rias really use this time to become strong and make the most of it?' He found it hard to believe that this pampered girl would put in the effort to become powerful, but who was he to complain? Riser did not comment since he does not have anything to say in opposition to it.

It was more or less beneficial for him, he intended to have Rias for himself, there is no way he would accept the humiliation of letting Rias go to that perverted boy since he is a devil, he has inherited the sins of the devil, pride being his top most sin didn't help much either, but he will not be taking the same course as cannon Riser.

He knew that Rias is an otaku, and she usually liked "shining knight in armour" kind of boys, so all he had to do is. he had to be one.

And convenience her.

it's not a very difficult task, Rias is still naive, her opinion of him is merely on the rumours, which are fake.

Riser Phenex is an asshole, yes! But he is not a rapist, in fact, he is still a virgin, he is still 17 years old, while Rias is 16, and his parents had forbidden him to have intercourse with a woman until he marries, Phenex clans have some strict rules on having sex, which is understandable, as it is a ritual done to maintain high fertility of their clan.

Moreover, even though it may sound stupid, his peerage members ended up as a woman is merely a coincidence, and Riser bragged about this as they are his harem, which is just to gain some public attention, nothing less nothing more.

Riser is a soft-hearted man, he did all these arrogant things to bring up his facade as a devil, as his true nature would cause damage to the reputation of his clan, as Phenex people are seen as powerful, mighty and arrogant.

He couldn't help but shake his head, this was truly a pity, from now on he had goals, and he would fucking grind on them to achieve them.

"I accept," Riser said calmly for the first time, looking at Rias and Venelana Gremory. Lord Phenex wanted to interfere; however, Riser merely raised his hands towards him and silenced him. This gesture didn't go unnoticed by Venelana, who blinked her eyes curiously.

"Lady Venelana Gremory, I understand your concern for your daughter as a mother; you must be thinking it would be quite a disgrace for her to be married to rumoured 'scum' like me." Riser spoke, looking towards Venelana, with a sharp tone.

"Your concerns are very much understandable. To give you my word as a proud member of Phenex, if Rias is married to me, I will keep her happy till her dying breath. This is a word from me, Riser Phenex, the third son of the Phenex clan, and we Phenex always keep our word." Riser spoke humbly as he gave a polite bow towards Venelana.

Venelana herself was surprised at Riser's speech, much less his shocked parents. What Riser basically said meant that he asked permission to court Rias rather than simply forcing Rias to marry him, which was very much, unlike their arrogant son.

Truly, the current Riser isn't anything like their loud-mouthed, stupidly arrogant son.

"Rise, you bastard! What's the meaning of this?" Rias screamed venomously; however, her embarrassing blush wasn't missed by Riser, who merely smiled at her outrage.

"All I ask is a chance to disprove the rumours; we all live in our own imposed worlds, and misunderstanding is a very common occurrence in this type of scenario, so..."

Riser stood up and went near where Rias was seated, kneeled his single leg before her, and stared at the turquoise eyes affectionately, which momentarily stunned the crimson-haired girl as a beautiful atomic blush bloomed across her exquisite face.

Riser calmly got hold of her dainty hands, which almost caused her to jerk up, but Riser soon enough softly rubbed the underside of the hands soothingly, making her comfortable with his hold on her.

"Rias, will you give me a chance to prove myself? To prove that I'm worthy of your love, worthy of standing by you for eternity, worthy of being your other half? All I ask is a single chance to prove my love for you, Rias. Is it too much to ask?"

He asked tenderly as his oceanic-coloured eyes started looking deeply at her turquoise. Rias trembled at his grip, which slightly tightened around her hands—not enough to make her uncomfortable, but enough to feel the warmth emanating from him.

Rias would be lying to say she just wanted to slap him and leave far away from him; she desperately tried to suppress this new exotic feeling that slowly bubbled deep inside her. For the first time in her life, she truly felt conflicted and scared that she might actually fall for this warmth.

The moment he held her hands, she felt repulsive and disgusted. But as their eyes met, she slowly felt her disgust wash away; he didn't look at her lustfully like a piece of meat, and neither was he looking at her with a scheming eye. Rias knew he was looking for her—her as Rias, not Rias of Gremory or Nor Rias; the crimson ruin princess.

He was asking her. A chance... A chance he deserved...!?

Rias looked at his eyes of never-ending blue and his sincere expression. Though she would never openly agree, her rage slightly calmed at his current appearance of sincerity, which looked rather cute compared to his usual boisterous and arrogant expression.

'Wait, what was I thinking? I thought he was cute!' Rias thought with a blush as he shook her head, mumbling incoherently, which wasn't heard by anyone, luckily for her.

Rias stood up from the seat while pulling her hands from Riser's grip and walked outside.

But as she was about to open the gate, she stopped.

"Weekend. Lilith Plaza. Morning. 10."

"Don't misunderstand this; it's not like I like you or anything!"

Rias left the room without looking back, despite the fact that her words would have appeared arrogant. Especially since she didn't even look back, which would have been considered disrespectful, but Riser knew why she didn't look back. He didn't get a full view as she was hiding her burning face, but he did notice her deep red ear tips.

She is quite a cutie. Isn't she?

'Oh! So you play that way, huh?

Riser smirked at the thought of having a tsundere fiancé.


Honestly, I didn't think I would continue this... But here I am continuing it... Life is strange...

BruhGodKingcreators' thoughts