
DxD 4th Super Devil

I don't own any of the Canon characters of Highschool DxD .

DeathRosesX0_ · แอคชั่น
16 Chs

Chapter 9: Kuoh Territory Management

[Gremory Household Castle]

"Toshiro it was agreed upon the Sitri and Gremory House that you'll be the overseer of the Kuoh Town incase something Sona or Rias cant handle it so think of it as a vacation, while Sona and Rias work on their peerage and territory management." Zeoticus said to Toshiro who was okay with it since he already prepared a huge house for his peerage, which will live alongside Sona's and Rias peerage's as well. "Sate Sate Sate, I'll be babysitting little Rias while enjoying my school life with Sona?" Toshiro said with a deadpan look towards his dad and big brother who in spite of his attempt to get little Rias out of her spoiled princess mindset to train and deal with her peerage issues as a king completely backfired with little Rias slapping him once already after she decided to seal little Gasper because she didn't want to train him, worst of it Rias did it infront of his peerage and family which got on the bad side of his girls. Everything was going like the anime except she doesn't have Riser up her ass for marriage. 'sigh' "Sorry son I know Rias has been extremely spoiled, but she's your little sister we aren't asking you to hold her hand just make sure she doesn't start a war or die." Zeoticus said since he could tell Toshiro was still angry that Rias slapped him infront of his peerage and family for trying to look out for her. "Maybe you guys should talk to the Phenex family and tell them you'd like to make a deal with them such as fake arranging a marriage between Riser and Rias obviously letting Riser know before hand if they accept I'll write off the favor they owe me for letting my peerage defending one of their towns in their territory from the beast tide last year, maybe it'll light a fire under her spoiled attitude." Toshiro said while leaving the study leaving both adults with wry smiles since they understood Toshiro wasn't mad at Rias slapping him but more of the fact of her laziness. "Maybe little Shiro is right, what do you think father?" Sirzechs had a rather unusual serious face since even he could tell Rias was taking the supernatural world to lightly since his father, little brother, and himself always looked out for her so she wouldn't see the dark side of the world."I'll talk to your mother and make my decision afterwards let's make sure Millicas doesn't follow her footsteps since Toshiro wants to concentrate on the Rating Games instead of managing the territory." Zeoticus said looking out the window of his study.

Ever since Rias slapped Toshiro in an outburst for him trying to convince her to get her stuff together and act like a king, Rias hasn't talked to him since while he just let it go since he definitely not going to apologize for trying to get her to stop wasting her potential along side her peerage who are full of misfits. As Toshiro was out in the garden tending to his flower garden he made with his girls as a hobby, Maki and Kaori came behind him and gave him a kiss on each cheek over the past year Toshiro has deepened his relationship with his girls with various dates, Toshiro at the age of 15 lived the dream of any oktaku clapping the night away with his peerage so Toshiro wasn't surprised by their display of affection.

"What's wrong hubby whats with the angry eyes you got going?" Maki asked Toshiro since she along the rest of the peerage over the time spent together learned about their King/Hubby/Master's taltale signs when he's stressed out or irritated. 'sigh' "Sorry angels but we will be living with my little sister and her peerage besides Sona's as well since both Serafall and Big Brother want me to babysit but it's more so for Rias since Sona has a great head on her shoulders since she thinks she needs to reach a certain threshold to be able to stand by me which lead her to grow stronger along with Tsubaki after training with us the past year since we returned from the human world." Kaori and Maki just made wry smiles since it was out of their hands they decided to sit next to him on the bench resting their head on his shoulders."It's alright I'm sure I speak for all my sisters that we are happy aslong as we are beside you hubby no need to stress yourself." Kaori said with a smile and kissing his lips and burying her head of embarrassment.

"Tsk Levi , Jeanne, and myself will accompany you to school since the rest are too old to be in school so Chisato suggested opening a cafe next to our house so they could pass the time while we go to school." Maki said to Toshiro as they finished they're nightly workout leaving most of his girls fainted out of escasty woke up waiting for their hubby's decision so Toshiro gave the okay since he doesn't want his girls bored at home while he goes to school, which then got him bombarded with thank you's and kisses.


[In Rias Room]

"Rias you should apologize to your brother and his peerage because you overreacted, now he hardly ever bats an eye towards you he's clearly more disappointed than angry with you why are you so stubborn he's been trying his best from shielding you from the household politics and dark side of the supernatural world yet you went and slapped him instead." Venelana said with a sad smile on her face she really felt bad for her son since his little sister was acting like a brat. "What do you mean brother been shielding me from the household politics or the dark side of the supernatural world?" Venelana sighed how oblivious her daughter was she thought maybe all the brains went into Toshiro leaving Rias dumb as a rock sometimes."Sweetie do you think it was a coincidence he got engaged to the Phenex family's little Ravel right after the announcement of his engagement with Sona, because it wasn't I don't know how your brother found out that your dad was thinking of engaging you to the lustful fool waste Riser and making a duo announcement so little shiro hearing about Riser's lustful attitude he was furious at your father for trying to marry you off for connections with the Phenex family, but he could understand that someone between you two had to marry and make heirs after coming of age with other pureblooded devil's since he already fell in love with Sona and received her permission for a harem with you constantly asking him to read fairytales of a princess marrying the man she loved he couldn't stand still and watch your little naive dream get crushed so he made a deal with your father he would get engaged with Ravel along with Sona so you could have until your 100 years old to find someone you love to marry, Not to mention the old devil's wanted to get little Koneko and Gasper from your peerage since one has the potential to be a super Nekoshou while the latter has a Longinus but due to your brother defending their territories during the beast tide season he wasn't always in the human world training his peerage he was in different territories laboring off favors for protecting you when your older brother couldn't having his hands tied." As Venelana finished explaining what her big brother was doing for her she started crying feeling horrible for what was happening outside her notice but the next words her mother said left her in a daze."Sweetie he isn't mad about the slap he more disappointed about how weak you are while wasting away your potential of yourself and your peerage, he wants you to be strong so he can keep his attention on the dark side the supernatural world especially now that he broke through Ultimate Low Rank Physically while Ultimate High Rank in Demonic energy and Mana reserves alongside some of his peerage he's made it clear that he wants to become the number 1 ranked Rating Games player, but he also does jobs for the Satan's since they usually can't move their peerage's so he can't always protect you, think about it Sweetie goodnight." Venelana said leaving her daughter room.


(Next day)

In the morning after waking up Toshiro went to wash up and went out to the training arena to do his workout before taking a shower to meet up with his peerage to eat breakfast with his parents and his sisters peerage. After finishing breakfast his girls went to pack up there stuff since we would be moving the our house in Kouh today since tomorrow is the start of the semester.

Rias watched her brother leave with words being stuck in her throat since finding out the sacrifices he's been doing for her, but the next words broke her out of her daze making her face become pale." Rias, Riser has shown interest in proposing a marriage between yourself and him, while considering how you wasted away the last years doing nothing I'm thinking it best if you chose to marry someone after your studies since you chose to ignore Toshiro words I'll be watching until you finish your studies before responding to the Phenex who knows maybe you'll walk the aisle the same day your brother marries little Ravel." Zeoticus said walking out of the dining room with her mother, while her peerage just looked at her with concern.