
DXD's True Magus: Soren Eveland

Who knew a Truck-kun was real? I for one didn't know. So color me surprised when Truck-kun ran me over and sent me to a low-budget Hentai that is - High School DXD. And of course with a few perks from The Nasuverse. " DXD and Nasuverse? Oh boy. This will only end in fire." I told myself. And oh boy, was I right! **-**-**-**-**-** [>Disclaimer: I don't own anything except my OC and some other ideas. All rights reserved to Ichiei Ishibumi–sama... Don't sue me!>]

InsanityIsAGiven · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs

Chapter ~ 5: Getting Blooded & Magic


" Kill him." My Father said to me.

Shivering in front of me is a young man with a corpse-like skin tone. He has a handsome doll-like face, with a set of sharp fangs in his mouth and a pair of red eyes. He wears a black and red victorian style suit.

... Need a catch-up? Sure you do.

After scaring the literal shit out of every Homunculus we passed, My Father took me to his study room and pulled a book that lead to under a dark tunnel with only torches as the source of light.

Only walking down the said tunnel, we arrived in what seemed to be an evil medieval prison. In every cell, my face became paler and paler by the seconds.

Vampires...Devils... Fallen Angels... Werewolves, Basilisks, Chimeras, Minotaurs, Cerberus, Sphinx, Goblins, fairies, Cyclops, Ogre, Oni... We had it all. All they seem to be sleeping. However, even sleeping, they scared the fuck out of me!

Of course, it would! It's my first time seeing them!

After becoming as white as Casper, My Father took me into a vacant room. Hanging from the ceiling was the Vampire.

... You understand now? I sure hope so. At least one of us will!

" How do I kill him?" I asked. However... My Father was nowhere to be seen.

' That asshole...' I felt my mouth twitch.

Sighing, I calmed down my emotions and locked eyes with the terrified Vampire. His red eyes looking everywhere.

" Eh?"

Glancing down, I found an obsidian-colored dagger. A dagger that wasn't there before... The dagger itself has a cross at the handle, making the whole dagger glow a faint golden color. The tip of it is pure gold.

' At least we have a way to kill him.' The Jokester's voice chuckled. A madding chuckle that would send shivers down anyone's spine.

' Devour...him...' A hunger version of my voice mumbled, making my stomach twist and turn.

' Control... Control him!' A King-like version of my voice chanted. His voice made my fingers twitch a few times.

'... How about we don't kill him? H-He didn't do an-anything to US...' A soft and weak version of my voice uttered.

' NO! We have to!' All the other voices yelled.

' How else are we gonna make our new family trust us? We're a Magus now. Whether we like it or not!' A sinister version of my voice. His voice made snake hissing sounds in my ears.

" Well... It seems we have our answer." I smiled. The last voice is to my liking. It said what I would have said.

" An-Answer? W-What are you t-talking about?" The Vampire asked me. His entire being shaking.

" To kill you." My smile become bigger, as I picked up the dagger and stepped closer to him

" B-But, I'm innocent! I did nothing against your family!" He yelled, trembling even more. Every movement causing him to wince and groan.

" Heh, what a funny joke." Hehe, no matter which world, as long as one lives in this world, they would be intertwined in karma.

So - how can anyone be innocent? Humans slaughter pigs, aren't the pigs Innocent? Big fish eat small fish, and small fish eats shrimp. In nature there is only the food chain, there is no Innocence.

In this world, anybody can live, anybody can die - but nobody is innocent! Even GOD isn't innocent!

" That's a lie and we both know that," I replied. My hand tightening around the dagger.

" H-Hey we can talk about this. I'm a Pure-Blooded Vampires! Ab-About you help out of here and I'll turn into you a Vampire! Isn't Immortality what the Magus want? I have given it to you! Just help me!" The more he spoke, the louder he became.

" Hmm, that sounds...fun." Shopping a few feet away from him, I grinned.

" It is! So help me ou-"


In a swift motion, my dagger was through his head, my hand wrapped in frigid brain. His face still smiling with hope. His red eyes glowing a bloody color.


Brain matter and blood soon splashed my face. The dagger in my hand, gave off a Holy feeling, basking the room in golden light.

" Bravo! That was simply beautiful!" Walking out of an unusually dark corner, My father smiled brightly. His sky blue eyes glowing under the golden light," I knew you had it in you!"

Smiling at him, I took my hand out of the Vampire's head. His hole-filled head now hanging as his red eyes lost their light.

Whipping off the brain matter and blood, I stood straighter, as my Father walked toward me.

" You weren't even fazed were you, my Son?" He patted me on the back and smiled somehow bigger," Whats Immortality in the face of the root? It's simply nothing!"

" What are we going to with his body now Father?" I asked. My stomach wanted to empty itself on the floor. My head even feels light.

" Mm? He's yours now! Use his body as you see fit!" My Father replied. His voice having endless proudness in it.

" Anyway?" I tilled my head. I... I felt his body will be useful for something.

" Jawohl!" He nodded, picking me up.

" Where are we going how?" My mouth moved on its own. My body was scared for itself.

" Magic my Son! I and your Mother will teach you some Magic!" He laughed out, sounding in a rather good mood.

... Oh boy. My life is going downhill from here on, isn't it?

' Yep!' All my voices said.

That was what I was afraid of!
