
Dusky Shadow

Tip-top, tip-top.....in the dungeon cell a kid who is 7 years old consider a test project fighting against demon's......but she was not afraid of the dungeon and the dark prison cell she was locked up ...... She asked to one of the old magician who was performing the rituals to open the dungeon door.........and throwing a small child into it as a test project...... ....Will I be of help....to my brother.......he is also a magician in this tower..... That old magician with a creepy smile on his lips said........ Oh!!! Is he....I wonder who he is?? Than he continued as ------ But I will assure you that ,if you do as instructed......it will be of a great help to your brother...... The little girl smile cheerfully and instantly drop herself from the platform where she is standing.........and said... I am so happy like never before........my brother........ As her bones are crushing and her skin began to burn....in no time she became a corpse....... inside the dungeon....... What is going to happen next? Why her brother did not came to protect her? Is there's any chance that she will survive?........or reincarnation again into this world....... To know all this questions Read my latest novel.......... "" DUSKY SHADOW ""

Mint0000 · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

8th Chapter --- The mysterious boy.

When Ember walked across the garden to run an errand on behalf of her teacher towards the music hall , her eyes caught a scene in which four students of the fifth semester and grade A. It's obvious to know which semester and grade they belong to due to the academic strict rules regarding uniform it's very classy and elegant... students wear a full black robe similar to the teachers are the top level or fifth semester...but the students they are bulling is quite astonishing that rather than a third or fourth-semester student it's a student from the same grade as ember.

He is a boy with light blue hair and silver eyes. he is quite tall too.

(punch)×7, (kick)×13...

Hey, there are physically tormenting him it's dangerous...

Lupus you are such a useless bastard who does not know his place. (Khalid )

((** lupus is the son of marquee and the reason why I am here. He is the one I need to protect it's my task...as per the marquee's words. Ember said in her mind as she crouch down beside a bush to analyse the situation and help accordingly**))

what are you doing just kick his as*... (Skzy)

No .no it's my turn to punch him...(Khadi)

Although there are four students only three of them are engaged physical harassing and the remaining one who seems a bit mature is sitting back like a leader. As Ember admires everything through her binoculars. What they are doing to lupus rather than relax, he looks quite pale as he lost how to express anything.

Then suddenly he pulls himself up from his seat and threw his steps toward lupus, with his thumb and side finger he grabs lupus's jaw and makes him look straight into his eyes (this is the first time he shows his expression throughout the whole scene according to Ember)

and he continued as :

How do you feel hmm....this is what you deserve for your wrongdoing...I wish you a very unhappy life.

...."""" DISGUSTING MONSTER ". (Justin )

.... ( Lupus)

After saying that his whole group leave the garden... Ember murmured...

It was quite intense... but this is not the time to sit here as she convert back her binoculars into her ear archer pin. She reaches toward him and said:

You must be hurt give me your hand, please.

.... (lupus)

After a while, he still won't take her hand it's quite awkward for Ember to remain fixed in an extended hand position...

At last, lupus doesn't pick her hand and decided to pull himself up on his own. She back off her hand and ask to him:

Who are they, do you know them....it's wise if you ask for an adult or a teacher to help...

"Stay away from me...I am a monster ( As he walked past her by saying those words)"

huh!!.... She could not help but just be troubled by his answer.

[[[[[[ AT NIGHT]]]]]



Ah ...it's Ember the call is picked up... Rubina stay away let me talk to her... (kya)

No .. master, it's been a while since I listen to her voice..( Rubina)

Rubina released.....the crystal otherwise we are not going to have a proper conversation .....with her.

As you knew that my mana crystal is weak to catch signals with such a high level of security within the Academy...(kya)

Master the one who fixes this old rusty crystal is me and My katana is as you know bro.....{push} (even before she speaks kya snatch the crystal from her gasp....)

As she can be heard not clear but it's still not impossible to understand what Rubina is shouting behind the master's back...

That ...ba. bastard... brokers my.... sword ...

thud...,....{phone call END}


"haze"... when they are going to behave less stubborn. She murmured but I miss them. ( she lay down on her bed and closed her eyes ) and said

Good night
