
Duque da devoção

Combat, romance, adventure, and of course—magic! Master four elements and take on fate itself in this epic, interactive fantasy tale! Six possible endings. Four hours for a single play-through. Three love interests. Countless choices. Male or female? Leader or Loner? Good or evil? What kind of mage will you be?

Senhordogamer · สงคราม
42 Chs


Getting shipped off to who knows where in an almost uninhabitable desert or swamp somewhere…if the humidity doesn't kill you, the inhabitants will! If there ever was a cause worth dying for, it sure wasn't found with the Delmacian Knights.

"Hey, just 'cause you can read fancy books don't mean you get to zone out all the time! What's on your mind, anyway?" Bregan chides you for thinking before speaking—a skill he may never learn.

You explain to him about the wounded stranger you (hopefully) helped save today. Definitely need to check up on his condition tomorrow. Bregan's condition grows rather much more stern, unless you're just imagining things. "Oh, your mother told me of him. I suppose you'll want to check up on 'em tomorrow right? I think I will too, we don't get odd strangers like that one 'round here often."

Well, Bregan is right about that much, at least. You two make plans to meet up in the morning, but before you leave…