
Dungeons & Dragons: Strixhaven A Curriculum Of Chaos

Jeong Yung loves Dungeons & Dragons. But when he dies on his way to a D&D tournament he finds himself waking up as the character he made for the game! His first campaign? Strixhaven, a school for magic and knowledge. But deep beneath the beautiful exterior is a threat waiting to shroud the school in darkness. Can our poor Jeong stop it? I am the Dungeon Master and I say he can't. Oh well.

CaramelCam26 · อื่นๆ
9 Chs


Deep within the tall mountains surrounding a certain school, sat the ruins of an old castle. Despite the weary stone walls it still held a sense of power. And power it held, for deep within sat a powerful sorcerer waiting for a chance to exact revenge.

The problem? He needed more power. More death. His ritual would be complete soon. Just in time for a new batch of new students. Yes. Maybe magic from another world?

Yes, he could do that.

And then his chant began. Ancient words weaving around him creating, and obeying his every whim. And above him the sky seemed to crack, and green and blue energy poured out of it. He sighed in relief as the magic filled him. Perfect.

(Of course what Murgaxor didn't know was that he had created a doorway. a doorway that would soon close but not before someone passed through. Stupid frog.)

The sorcerer suddenly turned, alert. "Who is there?" He croaked.

(Eep! He didn't hear me right? Ah, I forgot to introduce myself. I am the Dungeon Master or DM. No one knows of my existence. I command the very laws of nature and reality. I just choose to not use those commands. Instead the system does it for me. But you'll understand soon enough, foolish mortal. For now, take a glance at our hero.)


Jeong was tired. So tired. He was currently sitting in his packed classroom in the middle of Nada High School. It was one of the most prestigious private high schools in Japan and incredibly expensive. If it weren't for Jeong's father(who owned a multi million dollar company apparently) then he would have never gotten in. Of course Jeong's mother had strongly objected. Jeong's father, Baehom Yung, used to be poor when he met Jeong's mother. But when he became rich and offered to take of them, Jeong's mother had refused. She knew about all of Baehom's affairs and wanted no part of it.

That is until she found out she was pregnant. She accepted only a litttle of Baehom's money. Since then they had been living as modestly as possible. Though sometimes Jeong would call his father behind his mom's back to ask for something. A teen had needs! 

And one of his needs was his favorite game in the world. Dungeons and Dragons. A fantasy based roleplaying game that had excited Jeong ever since he learned what it was. And now he had the chance to compete in an event! Jeong glanced at the clock counting down the seconds. 






The bell rang and everyone jumped up and rushed out of the classroom. Jeong gathered his things and rushed out as well keeping his head down. Unaware of where he was going he slammed straight into a wall. He bounced back and stumbled. Putting a hand out he realized that the wall felt suspiciously like back muscles. Maybe because it was someone's back.


Xiaolong Li. The supposed bad boy and heart throb of the school. And Jeong just touched his back. Xiao turned to stare at the smaller boy. Jeong squeaked and backed away, his back hitting a locker as Xiao hover right in front of him. Everyone became silent. They were waiting for this nerdy kid to get beaten to a pulp! 

(Young people love drama these days, right?)

But to both Jeong's and everyone's utter surprise Xiao smiled and bent down to pick up Jeong's D&D Starter Set, which he had dropped when he slammed into Xiao's back. The older boy looked surprised and fixed his hazel eyes on Jeong. "You play D&D too?" He asked. oooooh, his voice. Deep yet smooth.

Nope. No simping, Jeong! Get it together!

"Y-yes. You play?" Jeong asked quietly. Xiao grinned and held the box out. 

"Of course." Many people who were nearby gasped. To think that someone like Xiao would play a nerdy game like D&D? 

"Maybe we can run a campaign together sometime." Xiao said as Jeong took the box tentatively.

Jeong nodded and gave him a little smile. Xiao turned and walked glancing back once before he was swallowed up by the sea of students. What just happened? 

Oh crap. Jeong stared at his watch. He was late! Jeong raced out of the school. The event was taking place only a few blocks away. Runnung as fast as hos small skinny body would allow he raced across two streets and was halfway through the third one when he heard the honking. 

By the time he turned and stopped, the truck was right there.


Pain. So much pain. Jeong could hear screams and shouts. And above it all he heard a comforting hum. Oh? Was he dying? Oh. As painful as it was it was kinda peaceful. 

Still he was sad that he would never see his mom or dad again or even play a game with Xiaolong. D&D. It would be cool if he could actually be in the game.

Amazing actually.

(Well congrats silly mortal. Your wish has been granted.

Who was that? A voice? 

(I am the DM and I control the System. Would you like to be reborn?)



Jeong instinctively reached up and pressed yes. He had no idea what was going on but he rolled with it. The sounds of the city faded and as all of his senses shut down he felt a foreboding presence near him. No. Around him. And his body...he could feel everything again. But no pain or anything resembling it.

(I am not foreboding!

Oh. Ok then. What are you?

(I am the Dungeon Master. I just said this. Pay attention Jeong. Or should I say Peren?)

Peren? Wasn't that the name of the D&D character he had made only a few hours ago? And the voice had called itself the Dungeon Master, as in the person who controlled campaigns. No way. Was he reincarnating? Into the world of D&D?


(Why are you so excited about this? You could die, idiot.)

Oh. Still awesome though. Was he gonna be reincarnated as the character he had created? 

(Yes. From now on you are Peren Xiloscient, half-elf. Pretty cute character if I do say so myself. Now go die in the world of magic and danger.)

Wait, what?


What the heck did I just write? Everyone keeps writing reincarnation and system stories so why not combine a game and those elements? I think...

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

CaramelCam26creators' thoughts