
Dungeons and Hunters

In the year 2020, an anomaly appeared. Wormholes known as Dungeons that leads to a dimensional space, randomly appears out of nowhere and stays there until someone exterminate it. If a dungeon is left alone, the monsters inside of the dungeon will invade the real world. In order for this to never happen, hunters, people with supernatural abilities, exterminate dungeons that suddenly appears before it happens. In return, they get stronger. Hunters are an organization of people with supernatural abilities. They disbanded years ago and now they are teaching the next generation about hunting. The Hunter School, where talented students go to and become a full fledged hunter. They will be taught by formerly hunters. Isaac, a lazy student, along with his classmates, were transported in this world, where they be called a hero. But, Isaac doesn’t care none of that, before he was called next by the head priest, he sneaked away but unfortunately got captured by a group of bandits when he was walking in the forest and become a slave because of it. He later became noble boy’s slave.

SsS_Apology · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Dungeons and Hunters: Chapter 0

Me? A hero? Nah dude, your delusional. I'm just a sorry lazy of a person.

I looked at the priest calling everyone names one by one.

Before he could call my name, I sneaked away from the palace.

Though some people saw me sneaking away but because I'm a loner in the school we just awkwardly stared at each other and turned our eyes away like nothing happened.

The man who I was staring was probably thinking 'I don't know you nor I don't care about you'.

So I easily sneaked away from the palace.

But another problem occurred, bandits! They kidnapped me and now I'm stuck inside of a cage, along with people who was kidnapped like me.

One of the bandits approached the cage that I was in and when I looked at his hands he was holding a collar, a black metallic collar with chains on it. I Instinctively knew that wearing that thing will be bad. But all I could do was stare the bandit gradually getting closer to my cage with the collar on his hands.

"Hehehe... aren't ya a cutie boy?" The bandit eyes gleefully observed my entire body from the head to toe while most my crotch area. The bandit stick also rose up and his bulging cock was exposed to my eyes.

"What the hell dude? Why me? Shouldn't bandits prefer females more!?" I yelled out and the bandit answered to my question.

"What do you mean? Boys are more delicious than girls. Everyone knows that, here boy!!" The bandit opened the cage with the key.

Oh no no.... "Go away!!!" I kicked the bandit's face and because of this, the bandit got angry. What the fuck? Either because of my weak body or the bandit was just that strong that my kick felt nothing to him.

"Now you done it boy!!!" The bandit grabbed me by my hand and forceful pulled me out of the cage and pinned me down to the ground while putting the slave collar to my neck.

"Eeeeeek!!!!" I yelped like a frightened little girl and peed my pants.

"Sorry!!!" I said but the bandit started to undress my pants and positioned my booty to his direction. And what I mean by his direction, it was doggy style.

I cried when the bandit slid down my boxers and before he could slip the tip in, the bandit boss voice made the other bandit stopped what his doing.

"I told you not to damage our items and ruin it values, you imbecile!!!!" The bandit boss grabbed the sword of his handle and approached the other bandit in a domineering way.

The other bandit pushed me and retreated backwards but he was trapped. Behind of his back was a dead end, the only exist was behind the bandit boss.

"S-Sorry boss!" The bandit collapsed into the floor and bowed his head like a dogeza.

"Hmph!" "bastards like you deserve death." The boss was merciless as he beheaded him.

The boss coldly stared the bandit corpse before sheating his sword away and turned around to look at me.

"Your gonna make us good money you sow! Gahahahahah." The boss grabbed the chains of the collar and forcefully pulled me away to the other room.

What the heck!? My admiration is gone just like that? This asshole is clearly just another asshole like everyone else just what did I expect from a bandit!?

I was in another room together with the bandit boss and two people wearing luxurious clothing.

The guy who was the same age of me observed me until he opened his mouth and said. "This one... I want this one father."

...huh? isn't this too fast? Why am I getting sold already!? And this guy just licked his mouth for a second while observing me!? Just what is wrong with these people!?