

In a world where magic once fostered harmony between humans, dungeons, and mythical creatures, a cataclysmic rift shattered the unity that existed. Within the echoes of this fractured realm emerges "Dungeonbound," a spellbinding saga of power, lineage, and unbreakable bonds. Sentient dungeons, once the epitome of enlightenment, find themselves plunged into chaos as the very enchantments they once shared with humans turn unpredictable and wild. Amidst this turmoil, a figure rises from the shadows—Rowan Blackthorn. Born within a labyrinth's heart, Rowan's origins are steeped in secrecy, his birth concealed beneath layers of enigma. Rowan's journey unfolds within the labyrinth's depths, a journey of trials that test not only his abilities but also his very identity—a fusion of human and mysterious lineage. Venturing deeper, Rowan uncovers not only the labyrinth's secrets, but the echoes of a family's love who adopted him. Their unwavering devotion propels him forward, kindling his resolve to uncover the truth that shadows his past. Beyond the labyrinth's confines lies a realm fractured by war and magic gone awry. But within Rowan courses the essence of unity—a blend of powers that once bound the realms together. His existence becomes the key to restoring the fractured reality, not only bridging the divide that sundered worlds, but reshaping the very destiny of existence itself. "Dungeonbound" is a mesmerizing tapestry woven with threads of mystery, power, and profound bonds. As Rowan's odyssey intertwines with allies of enigmatic lineages and adversaries fueled by discord, the narrative unfolds against a backdrop of ancient magic, labyrinthine depths, and a family's enduring love. Through battles, revelations, and the untangling of secrets, Rowan's journey isn't just one of personal discovery; it's a quest to rewrite the narrative of a fractured world and rekindle the symphony of unity that once resonated between realms.

Lord_stillwaters · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Dungeonbound chapter 3

Chapter 3: Veil of Memories

Within the labyrinth's enigmatic corridors, Rowan Blackthorn stood at the threshold of destiny, memories woven into his very essence. The obsidian walls whispered secrets, and the torchlight cast dancing shadows that seemed to guide his steps. Each footfall resonated with purpose, as if the labyrinth itself recognized him.

The chamber, where Rowan had emerged from the abyss, held an aura of antiquity. The throne-like structure beckoned to him, an artifact charged with the weight of forgotten eras. Dragonoids flanked it, their gaze seemed to pierce the boundaries of time, witnesses to a tale that spanned ages.

As Rowan moved closer, the memories he'd glimpsed became more tangible, like pages in a book slowly being unveiled. A voice emerged, soft yet distinct—a voice that echoed his mother's tenderness and Selene's nurturing. It was a voice that seemed to cradle his thoughts, woven into the very fabric of his being.

"Rowan, my child."

The fragments of memory coalesced, revealing Selene's hands cradling him, her touch a tender embrace that spanned both worlds. His mother's eyes, brimming with warmth and love, gazed down at him. The revelation struck him like a lightning bolt—these memories weren't mere fragments; they were the echoes of his past, woven into his very being.

The dragonoids' presence intensified, their gaze a silent affirmation of Rowan's recognition. The chamber itself seemed to resonate with his understanding, a chorus of echoes celebrating the unearthing of truths hidden for generations.

With newfound purpose, Rowan took a step closer to the throne, its resonance calling to him. It was more than an artifact; it was a conduit—a bridge between his lineage and the labyrinth. The memories of his past converged, revealing layers of connection that extended beyond the known world.

The recognition stirred his resolve, solidifying his commitment to uncover the mysteries that lay before him. The whispers of destiny enveloped him, a chorus of voices that seemed to emanate from the very walls. This wasn't just his journey; it was a journey of the labyrinth itself—a journey of revelation, understanding, and the intertwining of two worlds.

As Rowan left the chamber behind, a sense of empowerment surged within him. The labyrinth wasn't just a challenge; it was an ally, an entity that had chosen him as its owner. The walls seemed to pulse with acknowledgment, their shadows guiding his steps.

In the heart of the labyrinth, Rowan discovered an interface—a system that transcended the tangible. It was a means to modify, build, and expand the labyrinth, shaped by his intentions and desires. With a thought, he could conjure new chambers, forge pathways, and create hidden alcoves. The labyrinth responded to his will, evolving with each step he took.

But it wasn't just architecture that he could manipulate. The system allowed him to summon units—beings of diverse species, each with its own hierarchy of roles. Elves, orcs, dragonoids, spirits, beastmen, and even dwarfs; a myriad of races answered his summons. Their loyalty was bound to his determination, their diversity a testament to the labyrinth's rich tapestry.

Rowan's first summons were small dwarf workers—a race known for their craftsmanship and diligence. They were industrious and eager to serve, their stout forms moving with a quiet determination. Rowan watched with a sense of awe as they set to work, their skilled hands fashioning the labyrinth's chambers with precision.

As he observed the dwarfs, the system's voice resonated within him, a symphony of knowledge and guidance. It informed him of the labyrinth's core—a pulsating gem that held the essence of this realm. Gathering magic stones and placing them within the core would upgrade and strengthen the labyrinth. Yet, Rowan also realized the duality of his mission—the very stones he needed to advance were also coveted for their monetary value.

Rowan's purpose deepened; his journey was now twofold—to gather magic stones to upgrade the labyrinth, and to amass wealth to secure Ela's dreams. The labyrinth had become more than just a challenge; it was a realm of revelations and opportunities.

As Rowan's journey unfolded, the bond between him and the labyrinth grew stronger. His steps were guided by echoes of Selene's voice, the enigma of his lineage, and the labyrinth's whispers of destiny. With every summon, modification, and challenge, he stepped further into the tapestry of Dungeonbound—a tapestry woven with threads of mystery, heritage, and the potential to reshape two worlds.