
Dungeon vanquisher

what will you do when your loving one dies? maybe one will grieve in her memories or someone will move on. but what happens when someone tells you if you can save your dead loved one? "I will definitely save her" this novel is going through a world where the hero is created. where normal people become heroes. and the only way of becoming to save his loving one is to conquer the dungeons and become the dungeon conqueror. Kagen protagonist of the story lost his loved ones in an accident and found, that wasn't an accident. the GOD gave him the chance to save her loved one once more. but god placed some conditions on it. TO BECOME THE DUNGEON VANQUISHER. AUTHORS REMARK 1. THIS IS A SLOW-PROGRESS NOVEL AND I HOPE YOU GUYS WILL STICK WITH IT. 2. THE NOVEL COVER ISNT MINE. IF SOMEONE HAVE ANY QUARRY ABOUT IT PLEASE CONTACT ME. 3. THIS WORK IS PARTICIPATING IN WPC COMPETITION HOPE YOU WILL GIVE POWER STONES.

DRone · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs


Ratha stopped Kagen before an enormous palace.

Kagen asked, "is this the place?"

He jumped down from the Ratha and wandered around hither and thither to search for any living thing or person.

But nothing was there; he was all alone in the vast blank area. The Ratha also left as soon he landed.

He didn't feel alone cause he was with cosmic stars and after that, with another one. But now the reality started to kick back. He realized that he was wandering in this universe as an unsatisfied soul.

Well, it's obvious to anyone. He saw another one, but as he explained; he was a Demigod. He thought after coming here he didn't meet anyone or anything that reminded him of his previous world.

He recalled what another one explained to him. As he was thinking all of it his coat PINAKA started to move and pulled him to that big palace.

He stood right in front of it and said, "Hello, is anyone here?"

He waited for some time. But the answer never came. Out of curiosity, he entered the palace, and one more time he asked, "hello, anyone?"

He talked to himself. "What happened to this palace? It was clean, but no one is here."

As he entered the palace more, he found a welcome place without any door. The welcome site was connected to nowhere.

The welcome place was more, right in the middle of that palace. There was no path connecting to that welcoming site.

The welcome place was not open from there. It was dazzling with golden light and as he got close to that welcome site; it sucked him with great force.

He couldn't withstand it and started to swallow it.

He tried to hold tightly to something to slow down the sucking. But he knew there was no way he was going to escape it.

There was nothing. He tried to hold the ground, but the drudgery was slippery.

He sucked all in that welcome place.

He was safe because he had the shield of another one.

He saw thousands of plants getting destroyed in that place. Everything was getting crushed in that except for Kagen.

It took less than two minutes to reach the end of its point and he saw a great flash. He closed his eyes because the radiation was so bright for him. He landed and saw many people settling there.

As soon as he landed, he realized that he came to the place where he wanted.

The ground was created by soil, and there was air to do respiration.

He couldn't explain anything and at that time a young boy around his age came and said "Hello".

It surprised Kagen as a stranger in a strange world. How could he just greet casually?

Well, it's an obvious thing to get scared if teleport or transmigrated to another world or place. But at the same time, it was exciting. He didn't know anyone about it there.

There were at least one hundred people there.

He was obvious because he thought maybe the people found out he came here from another one.

But making his heart rock and biting his fear teeth, he greeted back "hello"

The young boy replied, "my name is Alan"

A young boy said and gazed at Kagen's appearance. Kagen also thought of how the young boy was dressed a little differently from him.

Kagen's ragged clothes, it was making a different vibe, plus he wore a coat on it.

He didn't think about clothes or appearance and after looking at his dress; he realized he was looking like a chunnibyou.

Without understanding anything, Kagen replied, "I see."

As Kagen didn't have any friends in his back life, he didn't know about the common sense of greeting people.

He didn't know that if someone gave their name to you first, then you also politely gave your name to them.

Kagen ignored him and as the young boy stared at him intensely, Kagen asked, "do you need something from me?"

The boy replied, "Name?"

Kagen was so deep in his thought he didn't realize he didn't give his name yet.

After realizing that, Kagen answered "oh... Name! I see, my name is Kagen"

the young boy smiled at him and said, "ok, then Kagen, I will be in your care here."

Kagen replied, "yeah, of course, me too."

Everything was new to Kagen. He thought maybe the people here were good.

He never found any good people in his life except his family and girlfriend.

He never communicated before with anyone.

He felt very proud after giving his name to him.

He thought he did it. If he wants, he could do anything.

But he knew the circumstances in his previous life were different from here. He knew that it doesn't matter how many times you think of changing things. It's already over; the environment brutally defeated you. It was very late to think you can do it.

Well, why not? Anyone would have reacted like that.

If a kid stood for the first time without any help, it's the biggest happiness for them.

A sudden announcement occurred when everyone there was conversing with each other.

The announcement said "Silent, pre-heroes."

"The major of heroes is coming to welcome you guys here"

"Give him a group of claps that this place will shake from the vibration."

Avoiding that announcement, some people said "don't joke around here, send us back to our world."

Other people also started to support them.

Due to that, the cheering for the major hero had become disrespect for the major hero.

Despite the disrespect, a projection started.

An old man appeared in that projection. He was an old man, but still, he stood tall and without bending.

He started his announcement, "Welcome, fellow pre-heroes."

"You are going to be heroes and save several worlds after clearing this world."

"This world is a direct simulation and projection of real demon lords' worlds"

"I created this place for, like you newbies, to train and acquired the knowledge that will help to fight in the real world."

Kagen was surprised.

Another one explained to him that he was the creator of this world and he distributed his power here.

One person from the crowd replied, "well, fight with me you damn geezer, I will send you to the demon world, hahaha"

The crowd started to laugh.

The old man replied, "well, I will accept this as a compliment, MR silhouette"

The person once more said "ok, then accept this you are an idiot and go sleep in your daughter's lap and –"

He couldn't complete his sentence and, as the old man looked at him intensely, he melted like acid.

They completely erased his existence from there.

The old man asked, "so, anyone has anything to say more?"

By sawing the melting, everyone became silent. No one opened their mouth until he ended his announcement.


"This world has several planets, and every planet indicates one of my powers. To achieve that, you have to do tasks and adventure."

"Now let's begin tonight's main event"

What was the main event the old man talking about?

If so, then who was the creator of this world?

Kagen was completely confused.

Anyone could be confused about this. His mind was fighting between who was right. And who was wrong?

Yahallo readers, I hope you like this chapter, and if so then don't worry to explain your feelings about it. comment and give a vote for it. see you in the next chapter.

wave, wave

DRonecreators' thoughts