
Chapter 16

after a few times flying around, Argholas can be sure that he is satisfied with this new floating island. it will soon have forest, it have lakes and river, and it is protected with clouds.

now that he is done with the island, which he named Jungle Island, he begin to proceed with another one.

"Dungeon Core, create another flying island. the size is quarter of Jungle island. put it some distance away above Jungle Island right above middle pillar. make the upper area a grassland. "

after a bit of time, the new island is now created. it not as wide as Jungle Island, only quarter of it. while Argholas inspect the grass land, he begin to put buildings on it.

in the middle of the island is a hall like building that become the big intersection for two major road. east to west and north to south. there are lots and lots of rooms in it, including kitchen and storage. around the middle building, Argholas put a big pool that circle around it.

the building is colored white by default but Argholas like it so he left it as it is. the middle building is huge and cover almost half the open space of the island. he left the remaining space for now because he may have some plan for that.

then Argholas again ask Dungeon Core to create floating island. this time he ask for four identical island on all directions of his new island, named Middle Land.

on the North Island, he create the Temple Of Matera, the Mother of Dungeon. around the temple he put forest, hills, waterfall, and other natural sight.

on the South Island, Argholas create Meeting Hall. in the middle of meeting hall is Super Hall, an meeting area that is the size of quarter of the island. around the Super Hall is four smaller hall for any other purpose. Argholas also put one storage room and kitchen, for entertainment purpose.

on the East Hall, Argholas create his Communication Tower. it is not too tall but allow him to contact anyone he intended to do. Argholas didn't put anything else in this island.

on the West Island, Argholas create a bathing house. he also make restaurant and other entertainment stuff.

now in between all these five island, Argholas create bridges. wide sturdy hanging bridge that is able to hold weight 100 times of his own.

with the bridges done, Argholas now have a series of floating island that is connected one another like a system.

satisfied with this, Argholas then look up into thr sky and fly higher. right above the Middle Land, Argholas create another island.

this new island is only half the size of Middle Land. not that big because Argholas do not need a space too big for himself.

there he create a castle. small one in that it only enough for hundred person or less. then he specifically design his rooms and other area to his liking, and put pools and forest in the island. he also paint the castle with blueish color, with towers colored in darker blue and walls in lighter blue. he named the place Argholas Castle.

now that he have every single island that he need, he goes back to Jungle Island and Command Dungeon Core to buy new creatures. he wants a race of creature that is loyal to dead, able to travel space with no trouble, and only eat fruit and vegetables.

the Dungeon Core then offer him a race of unknown origin called Nitnat. a dog like creature with darkish hair with the ability to move between spaces. it's food source, unfortunately, is a Space attribute ore called Ninitnoz.

Argholas rejected the creature because he cannot feed them and ask for another one.

the Dungeon Core then offer him a race called Treantting. a plant based creature with body made of tangled vines. they can untangle themselves and used their body to reach longer distance. unfortunately this creature intelligence is a bit low, but that also makes them unable to form any thought of betrayal.

Argholas like this new creature and buy them right away. he ask Dungeon Core to summon the creature right in front of him.

when they are summoned, the Treantting form as humanlike. with two hands, two feet and single head. but Dungeon Core explain these creature main body is a peanut like core that is hidden in their vine like body.

Argholas then proceed to explain to the Treantting to take care of the Jungle Island. nurture it and raise it like their own. he basically offer the island for Treantting. what he ask in return is the fruit that grow in the jungle.

Treantting, as simple minded as they are, soon accept his demand and allow themselves to be separated into 5 area. all the four pillar of north, south, east, west, and the middle pillar. Argholas also guide them to use the pillar as their home base and create water sources for them.

with the creature finally settled in, Argholas is satisfied and declared his Dungeon's Lair is finished.

"Dungeon's Lair is made by Dungeon Boss Argholas.

Dungeon's Lair is re-named as Argholas Lair.

Matera, Mother of Dungeon is pleased to see Argholas Lair and bless it with fertility.

all living being have increased fertility and will multiple more easily. "

'a blessing from Mother of Dungeon!! ' Argholas surprised.

Argholas immediately go to Matera Temple and offer his prayer to his Goddess as a form of gratitude and thank you.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

thank you for reading and see you on the next chapter.

Northsouthcreators' thoughts