
Dungeon Master: Divinity

Following a Reincarnator killed by truck-sama. watch as he builds up a grand dungeon

Tristan175 · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs


the 1000 plus legion of knights made their way into the plaiins, and began to spread out in my domain... and i called upon every recourse at my disposal, i didnt want to bring in the second floor but it seems i have no choice...

contacting the grave knight on the second floor i ordered him to round up all of the skeleton warriors, and the lich that resides there.

immediatly he did so as...

[ DP - 500 ]

they sent scouts in all directions, and seeing this i looked towards my goblins and forcefully made them grow up with 500 DP.....


[ DP 500 ]

as DP was rolling in the from the traps...

i bought hem arms and armor and had them all spar aganst one another...

in preparation for the big fight.

while i looked towards the ladies, and told them to prepare the 'balls' as they approached the mountain.


Prince POV

"prince charles, w have sent the scouts.... but it seems they tell where the traps are located at all..."

a general stood l nearby his liege... and reported....

he was clad in full golden armor much like the one we have seen before... he had a stunning lion badge on his chest...

soon after, after alot of trials and errors and quite a few men, they had lost due to the pitfalls and various poisonous bear traps in the region....

"damn this place." i couldnt help but say my men witch were alocated to me by the emperor to investigate the region were dieing one after the other they had lost 100 men just to traps alone! all decked out clad in full plate, they were full trained and veteren knights of the capitol!

he couldnt help but curse, as his heart tightened at the scariness of this plane....

they advanced to the obviious location, the massive mountain in the far distance....


soon enough they arrived at a river of water streaming through the plains...

everyone stopped and chose to make camp due to long haul...

some sentries were placed, while others began to make themselves at home, setting up tents, testing the water, checking it for any abnormalility...

they found none, no weird discolouration, or monsters in the water, and decided it was fine.

they began to drink the water in big gulps after the long journey... the prince, almighty self was no exeception....

a knight brought a bucket over, and began to pour the water out to everyone, they would bring their cups over and take big gulps than the knight would go back and get some more.... he too himself would drink his fill once he got there... and than after some even began to bath in the river, and catch the fish swimming there....


i watched them, doing this and that at the 'resting point' i amde for them, and smiled cold heartedly....

'maybe i dont need to do anythiing at all....' the fish themselves were resistant to poison, along with the insects there, it was a good guise dont you think?

deciding to send out some goblin rangers, witch they are now labeled out to slowly and surely surround the encampment, and the to check out the entrance of my dungeon incase there was reinforcements out there.

Night Fall...


everyone began to go to sleep early, the prince was no exception, all the lights went out, and due to the effect of the poison... they would slowly lose conciousness, and die in their sleep...

that was what happened...

they all died peaceefully in their sleep, the sentries lost conciousness and died sitting down on the floor while some went to sleep standing up... and it was at this time, in the dead of night, just to make sure....

goblin rangers, slowly moved in... and took some knives out, and began to slit their throats one after the other....

the river bank began to over flow and be stained blood...

one by one, shadows in the moonlight they slit their throats... ever so silently, not even the tipping of their toes could be heard....

finally they reached the main tent.... and entered inside of it....

they saw the general sleeping soundly... and the prince on the otherside of the room....

they had green vials in their hand, and immeadiatly stabbed the two with it... and began to drag them out of the tents quietly...

all of them turned into precious Dp bar the two 'guests' i am going to have.

these guys were worth more alive to me... they each had a stunning number of 5,000 DP per day.

that would give me 10,000 DP per day correction, 10,100 DP... not to mention they would make for great prisoners...


deciding to create a massive fortress on the mountain with my hard earned DP courtesy of the poison i planted in the river so naturally it was hard earned....

well anyway.

the massive fortress was complex as i held nothing back in its creation, costing me a whopping 50,000 DP it went all the way around the mountain with various facilities and defences, such as balista and magical catapults even a few high grade magic cannons.... but what was more important witch cost me another 50,000 was the guards for it, i summoned magical constructs, stone soldiers to man the defences to full operational prowess.... stone archers and various samurai-like statues that will come across when an enemy is nearby.... ues this fortresss is an eastern one!

a massive city on top of the one formed out of mud and wood.... was now a massive city of stone... not just any stone either SekiSeki rock, formed with anti-magic on the mountain aswell... costing an additional 50,000 leaving me with 620,000 DP.

(dunno not really keeping track of the DP at this point)

i decided to buy some western orcs finally....

they were 100 DP per orc. i decided to buy 5,000 of them. leaving me with a measly 120,000... i alocated 20,000 into arming the orcs to the teeth... and i spent an additonal 75,000 on mana circulation.... leaving me with 25,000

i decided to buy an Grand Orc Shamen costing 25000 DP.... annnd im poor again....

i had the orcs begin to breed of course for the most part they were female... and their reproductive rate is of course rather fast.

2 pups every 4 months 6 months after that they would be fully grown, and ready to fight.

the personalities of these orcs were exactly like world of warcraft... the Grand orc shamen was quite obsitinant and she refused to breed like the others were doing.... instead...

she tried to grab me...

indeed not like im complaining the orc was beuatiful, with strange black tattoos across her body, she was fully decked out too, with rare items, complimentary gift of the system

i looked at her with her very grand assets, and green skin and large long elf like ears, in fact, orcs were counted as elves, while goblins were counted as demons... this is a surprising factor...

she stood nearby and continued to try and grab me, the grave knight standing nearby with his forces.. and simply watching the show....

[ Hymn of the cthulu ]

instantly she cast her magic and six dark blue tentacles spread forth from her staff.... and began to track me down...

'thats cheating!'

i shouted in my mind... as a lustful smile appeared on her face... instantly i screamed out "GRAVE KNIGHT!"

in a black blur the grave knight appeared and with a massive slash it cut up the black tentacles heading my way, and it got into a battle stance, ready to excecute her...

she paled... as soon as she saw that "i-i was only playing around...." she whispered my way....

"stand down grave knight, no, Ritas."

hearing it having a name, it instantly bowed down in respect as it spoke for the first time... "thankyou my liege."

i looked towards her as well, and named her as our first magician. "valen..."

she grew ecstatic.... and kneeled down aswelll, slamming to her knees as screamed "'i shall forever honor you. and be your eternal servant."