
Dungeon jumper [bl]

In 2000 humanity underwent drastic changes when tunnels appeared, humans began awakening and with this awakening the trials pulled all those who awakened in to learn as quickly as possible how to use there new found energy to defend themselves. Because of the harsh conditions caused by rapid evolution of everything in the world humans had to fight for everything and all humans have a status they must fill. Aadi originates from an unawakened home as the oldest born only 5 years after the tunnels appeared, humans to try and increase standing have as many children as they can to try and hit on the chance of even one of their children being a high awakener, he has 10 younger siblings and low potential started working as a farmer at the base they live at the age of five while also cleaning up and looking after his younger siblings while his parents never bother with any except the youngest who had high potential at birth. They gave basic nutrients packs, water, and clothes while they live in a crowded three bedroom apartment when a tunnel appears in the middle of the field while working one day causing him to be dragged in. Fortunately it was the lowest slime dungeon, unfortunately he was knocked unconscious when being dragged in and buried under dirt that also poured in by the time he woke the awakened had already closed the tunnel leaving him stuck in another world. This is my first attempt at a story please tell me of any mistakes, incongruencies or grammar problems as well as your honest opinion on the concept.

Kayle_ezel · แฟนตาซี
89 Chs

Twenty-first Floor

P.O.V Aadi 

We are transferred to the military base the day after my physical test is done and are given a two bedroom decent sized apartment (American sized), we are told that Lucien will act as a trainer while Nilan will take on the role of a military doctor while here and that I will act as the one to enter new world with the criminals as a control factor.

Meaning I am to undergo elite soldier training and am too make use of both of my energies and all advancements made in the following years are to be done under supervision.

The energy is gathering even quicker then last time and in these 3 and a half months it has filled up half way with liquid energy meaning by the half year mark I will most likely condense the energy to solid energy.

It is decreasing just as exponentially that it grew and if this continues it may end up with me doing two advancements in a single week like when I started out.

Wyatt is the one who has taken over me for all things whether it is testing to training and even for dorm inspection as I am to stay with his team during the times I am to be on duty while allowed to stay with Nilan and Lucien on breaks.

Because it will take a while to make a viable transportation between us and another world my sole purpose is to train as hard as possible and that includes using the tower where I am too meet up with the military in there to climb with them using both my energies instead of crippling myself with only one.

I am exhausted by the end of the first day as the physical training I am put under is the same one for those of S-Grade and my energy control needs to be at least A-grade even if not at that amount.

The next three months are a nightmare of being too exhausted to do anything but sleep outside of training and the food I eat is the most basic nutrients potion so as to train my starvation capabilities, I am trained more like a S-Grade person then the D-grade I am and I can feel my strength increasing by the day as my body recovers from all the stress over the small three hour sleep I am given in-between to train sleep depravation. 

I am okay with both but apparently most people do poorly because those here aren't used to such living style and the jarring switch throws ones body off but I have lived even worse then this before with worse food and less sleep and even less energy.

By the time my new advancement rolls around I am thankful for the break even if it will mean extreme pain due to complete body alteration at a genetic level.

The plant is kept with me at all times to study the bond between it and me and how it affects me and they intend to study it even more after my next advancement, I am given a day break before the advancement took place and when the process is meant to take place they put me in a study room away from everything.

I condense the spirit energy but this time I don't even need to do it with the mental energy as it starts up at the same time as the spirit energy making the condensation step take only half as long but much more exhausting.

Leaving the room they prepared they begin one test after another and by the end I am given a day break before I am to return to training.

I am now also to restart my tower climb.

Entering the tower in a military grade outfit and mask with the same pattern on it I will meet up with the team assigned to me on the thirtieth floor, I am curious how my stats have increased over this time and check my status.


Status Window

Name: Aadi Null

Age: 22

Awakening Age:10

Affiliations: Planet Cerulean Base no.4, Neelan-Turnover city

Spirit Energy status: Core forming/body transformation stage

Mental realm status: Body and mind melding/transformation phase

Energy type: Healing, buffing, water, fire, earth, wind, ice, lightning, metal, mist, oscillation, etc.(expand to see full list)

Combat arts: Conductor spearman ship, Military style dagger art of planet cerulean base no.4, etc. (expand to see full list)

Strength:49(the human limit with no energy is 3)

Speed:45(the human limit with no energy is 3)

Agility:40(the human limit with no energy is 3)

Stamina:45(the human limit with no energy is 3)

Endurance:49(the human limit with no energy is 3)

Spirit Energy:150(the average amount for your current level is 0.1/400)

Mental energy: 250(the average amount for your current level is 1/800)

Current skills: sense control High D-grade, reaction speed High D-grade, mental energy control High C-grade, etc. (expand to see full list)

Current Talents: mid low-grade Mental Energy Forging, low-grade blacksmith, low-grade first aide, etc. (expand to see full list)

Current level: Low C-rank


I have reached C-rank while only having D-rank energy a much bigger achievement then reaching D-rank with F-rank as each new grade is an ever increasing leap.

I guess it is time to see just how far I've come, "Go to Twenty-first floor."

---You have chosen to continue without a team, you will be randomly assigned to a group of people based off their teams needs and whether there is available space in the team for you. You will be assigned to random strangers doing this is a higher risk do you still choose to continue.



{Choosing no means you are unable to reattempt for another month, please choose carefully.}---

I agree and appear in a corridor with nine other people all also wearing mask and covering but all of our supplies are missing leaving only weapons and armor, I even recognize one of them as fire fist from the twentieth floor.

---Your task is to kill a hundred Lycan's by the end of the month with at least 7 members still alive, the tam that kill the Lycan leader will count as having completed the task no matter the amount of werewolves hunted. the more wolves you hunt the higher your ranking and you will be allowed to take one item you find out of the maze if your team places first.---

Fire fist recognizes me and comes over to me to talk, "I didn't expect someone I know to be in the group this time especially since it has been so long, I am unable to come in the tower constantly because of my job but look at you also being here my luck must be astounding."

I can see the other people shift as they realize we are familiar with each other and that isn't a good sign as it means we are likely to favor each other or even help the other if they choose to commit a crime. I decide it is best to introduce myself as a healer is much less of a threat then a fire Elementalist, "My name is sprout and you can calm down as I am a healer/buffer and me and him met on the twentieth floor."

They visibly ease as a healer or buffer are usually weak in combat and only good at basic self defense, although I have undergone advance military grade training for combat personnel it is still not something normal and my abilities are different due to my unique situation.

 I am something always welcomed on a team random put together one or not but it doesn't mean they will protect me from other team members it just means against monsters or other teams I will be kept in the back to do what I need to without getting in their way as most see healers and buffers as a back up rather then a necessary in a fight.

Like that everyone introduces themselves and their abilities or at least the abilities they are willing to share.

Green blade, whirl wind, red fang, jagged knife, fern, white spear, totem fighter, and aqua blaster are the alias that the team I am assigned have given with the first two being wind based attackers and the rest also being attackers only aqua blaster is a back line fighter and can second as a tank meaning I will be healing a lot on this run as it will be all offense and no defense.

We are easily able to complete the task given but reaching first place will be difficult as we will need to take breaks for me to heal them after each fight while if their was a tanker we could do much better but this is what happens when you do random team.

The first thing we do is ask if anyone is able to track and find stuff and besides me no one else appears to be able to do it.

Looks like I will be carrying the team again despite not being a combat personnel amongst the team and fire fist seems to have realized this to as he makes sure to stay as close as possible to me as a defender despite me telling him I can defend myself as he doesn't want to risk their biggest advantage.

We walk in a zig-zag for a bit under my order when we after an hour find a loot box surrounded by at least 20 werewolves, the 20-30 floors is meant for D-grade level so dealing with Lycan's isn't too difficult but so many with no shield is hard and I will need to buff them to increase success. 

I place a basic buff to increase ones defense and they immediately begin their attack it takes them nearly half an hour to finish it off and they have many scratches on them.

I can't help but compare this fight to the one Wyatt's team had and it is clear that Wyatt's team was simply far ahead of all others in all manners from strength to ability to adapt in fights it is truly luck for me I had managed to join them but I left to keep my secret that has now already been exposed, stopping to heal them and figure out the puzzle on the box a loud howl was heard far off and it is easy to know that someone got themselves surrounded.

We are all meant to be at D-level but a Lycan leader is usually low D-grade as it is able to use energy to increase it's defense making it trickier to kill, if you get found by the main pack you need to be careful as you will be surrounded and killed by the leader and at least a hundred Lycan's.

I make sure to keep my energy detection going even when the team sits down to rest and eat as missing one thing could mean our deaths and although I have plenty of coin to revive the team may not and it would be bad if I am accused of purposely trying to kill a team member, after all in their eyes I am already dead weight so if I can't be useful they may throw me away as bait.

So I use everything I have to make myself useful from buffing them to solving the mystery box, healing their wounds and detecting our surroundings by the end of the first week I am tired but can manage all things considered.

I feel fire fist put his hand on my shoulder and I look at him, he whispers to me "If you need a break say it to me and I will intervene you are pushing it too much and if there is an emergency you may not be able to properly respond. We can go with no detection for about three hours so when the next rest time comes take a nap."

I do just that 4 hours later and it is clear I am too tense as the sleep hardly helps to make me feel less rugged from the events at play.

I spend this entire month feeling stressed and like I am unable to rest properly as the team lacks any means of defense or ability to kill a large number of monsters without my aide due to the lack of a shield person, how teams full of pure combat personnel do this and pass is incredible.

We pass the task but we do not even score in the top ten on the rankings we simply had no proper way to hun the Lycan efficiently.

---Your team has passed the floor, you will be sent to the next floor when ready---

[Team T23D88:

Contribution list:


2nd-Fire fist

3rd-Green blade

(Expand to see full list)

Team ranking:

1st-Team black dragon

2nd-Team Leon

3rd-Team Winged tigers

(Expand to see full list)]

It was a disappointing thing to not be first place but it is a chance to get a good team and I did not luck out, I reappear in the white room and immediately log out of the tower returning to the military base with a squadron as the tower entrance was at the town center.

I will be given one day of rest then it will be another month of training before I am allowed to return to the tower.

I see Lucien cooking in the kitchen and Nilan sitting on the couch in the living room reading a book that I know is probably about medicine and the anatomy of different intelligent beings, I enter my room to shower and change in the conjoined bathroom before heading out to join them for dinner.

I am not looking forward to training but it is nice to be back to what I am familiar with.