
Dungeon jumper [bl]

In 2000 humanity underwent drastic changes when tunnels appeared, humans began awakening and with this awakening the trials pulled all those who awakened in to learn as quickly as possible how to use there new found energy to defend themselves. Because of the harsh conditions caused by rapid evolution of everything in the world humans had to fight for everything and all humans have a status they must fill. Aadi originates from an unawakened home as the oldest born only 5 years after the tunnels appeared, humans to try and increase standing have as many children as they can to try and hit on the chance of even one of their children being a high awakener, he has 10 younger siblings and low potential started working as a farmer at the base they live at the age of five while also cleaning up and looking after his younger siblings while his parents never bother with any except the youngest who had high potential at birth. They gave basic nutrients packs, water, and clothes while they live in a crowded three bedroom apartment when a tunnel appears in the middle of the field while working one day causing him to be dragged in. Fortunately it was the lowest slime dungeon, unfortunately he was knocked unconscious when being dragged in and buried under dirt that also poured in by the time he woke the awakened had already closed the tunnel leaving him stuck in another world. This is my first attempt at a story please tell me of any mistakes, incongruencies or grammar problems as well as your honest opinion on the concept.

Kayle_ezel · แฟนตาซี
86 Chs

Team meeting

After the first week of training I left to inform Lucien that I had successfully found a team to join up with for the next ten floors and that I will be undergoing further training with them because they are military people who are highly capable.

He appeared worried at that but let me do so none the less so, I took an entire month to barely eek out a 4 minute 56 seconds time and was exhausted and littered with small cuts and bruises from the course. It was a true test for how far I can push my self and was without a doubt the hardest assignment to date to complete, both physically and mentally.

  After succeeding and getting officially admitted to the team I came with Adrian to a team meeting to talk of what to do and who has what jobs so I know what to do in what situation.

I walk into a room with the tall handsome man from the office standing at the front of the table with his arms crossed and a blank look on his face, there was a wolf beast woman with well muscled body purple hair and eyes, a man with black skin pink eyes and green hair of the enchanter race, a turtle beastman with green hair and eyes with turtle scale on his body along with a shell covering the top of his hands.

A human female with a gentle face pink eyes and dark brown hair, a male half elf with long silver hair and yellow eyes that seemed to glow, a female dwarf with red hair and amethyst eyes with a less extreme muscle build then most her kind usually have, last was a dog beastman with brown hair and green eyes with an average look to him.

The Tall man spoke first, "I am Major General Ashish, call me Wyatt I am a void person capable of using any energy type along with absorbing it, I am the main front line fighter and use the Crow's Beak as a weapon, you don't need to worry about buffing me so focus on the others in a fight."

Next was the dog beastman, "I am Conner Ventura, I am the tracker of the team with a steam based energy type if there is any water no matter it's state nearby I can find it even the water in creatures bodies. I am capable of self defense and I use Kamas as my main weapon if you ever see me in trouble inform the others and get out of there."

The female dwarf went next, " I am Amara Nanos, I am a fire element attacker so focus on the others, I can use a Tomahawk in emergency if need be."

The female human goes next, "I am Carina Riley, compound bowmen and I use electricity to stun the things I hit, don't focus on helping me as I am often hidden in the trees to prevent causing trouble for the others as my hand to hand combat is relatively weak as the only weapon I use is the bow."

Next was the wolf woman, "I am Bree Heroux and I am the secondary shield person with wind based energy I will be one of your focus's in the fight, I use a Glaive so I am more then capable for both defense or attack if need be."

Next is the enchanter person, "My name is Terrance Varon I am the barrier person and will be making a safe area while you fight to bring any injured into or emergency safe spot to rest after expanding energy. I may need you to buff my energy during times as to guaranteed safety through the entire night. I have poor fighting capabilities and will never be on the battlefield."

Next was the turtle person, "I am Pierce a water affinity user and am the front line shield for the team don't focus on me as enhancing me may throw me off. I use a scutum to defend but can knock enemies back if needed."

The elf sighs and begins his introduction, "My name is Kian Nxy the other element attacker using light element to blind and burn the attackers, I use a staff and am not in need of your aide."

Finally it was Adrian's turn, "As you know my name is Adrian Jones and I am a arming sword user, my energy type is vibration and I am the second front line fighter, you may need to give me buffing or healing depending on how bad the situations get. I will be your main focus in a fight." He is grinning through the whole introduction clearly pleased at his successful act of getting me accepted into the team.

I figure I should introduce myself, "My name is Aadi Null and I am a healer and buffer energy types I am able to dodge quiet well and am a spearman user if need be." Bowing to them in greeting as etiquette demands on does when meeting soldiers.

Wyatt says, "Since introductions are done lets talk about what to do in the following floor, although the exact test is unknown we have been told to bring our own supplies along with antidote potion. It was also advised to have someone with knowledge in enchanting or runes, Kian has some ability in runes and I have bought about a hundred basic antidote potions as well as camping gear, rations for a month and armor plus weapons for the next floor any others items required say so now."

I had already bought my spear and good leather armor so no need for them to get me any, but we intend to spend the next week getting used to fighting together and what each person will do. I will be going with Wyatt to officially sign the team contract after this meeting at the guild building and will be a member with them until my next advancement is meant to come in two years.

I follow Wyatt to the guild and enter one of there private rooms for contracts, the agreement is they will protect me to their best abilities in exchange I will heal their injuries and buff them in fights, nobody is able to spill anything not already publicly known of the other without the others permission if you do so the tower will destroy the cultivation of the person who betrays the agreement. With it out of the way we plan the first training session for tomorrow morning and head to our respective places to sleep.

The training room for the team is a basic one like at home excluding the obstacle course, with me being new it was decided I and Wyatt would sit this out, me to see how they do and how to help them and Wyatt as a judge and instructor to catch any mistakes. He is also out do to being to strong and causing whichever team he joined to be the guaranteed winner, the teams are split as evenly as possible to make both sides even enough in strength.

It is easy to see that Corina and Terrance, are only able to do basic survival dodging along with some small combat aide, Amara and Kian are able to somewhat hold there owns in a physical fight but are long range preference people.

Pierce and Conner were actually decent for neither being close combat specialist, while Bree and Adrian are both clearly very skilled with Adrian being more precision and control types while Bree is a as long as it hits hard everything goes with little care for her surroundings it is easy to tell Adrian was better but Bree was a higher rank in energy.

I know increasing Bree's control is the best for her while increasing Adrian's body and energy is what he would need, but Pierce was an odd one with a highly medium fighting style were although he isn't the best in any of the statuses but he isn't low either more like high mid ability in all of them.

He was clearly more of a solo allrounder rather than a team player, as he shows slight tendencies to drift slightly more forward in the team he is placed with because although he said no enhancements he is a blocker and if a powerful monster came we may need more defense to deal with it. 

I look at Wyatt and ask him, "I can see what Bree and Adrian need but Pierce appears to much of a median person in all parts that increasing any of them would throw him off, I could increase all but the effect would be greatly weakened if so?"

I see both interest and confusion on his face at that statement, "I understand how you can increase Adrian but how would you enhance Bree and Pierce in a way not to throw them off?"

I am slightly confused by this question but answer none the less, "I could increase Bree's control capabilities while enhancing all parts of pierces abilities." A crash sounded from the mat causing me to look for injured but Bree comes sprinting to me and has a look of fascination on her face.

"You can increase control, what type of control? Body or Energy? Or senses control?" She is clearly very interested in this.

I look to Wyatt to see him holding a serious face but no intention to stop her so I turn to her and answer, "All of them, though some drain worse then others while I can do all three what I think you need most is body control."

"Do a practice round against me doing this." Wyatt orders and he steps on the mat.

I blink but enhance her body control by surrounding her control nerves and part of the brain that does that in energy.

"3,2,1, start" Adrian says.

I focus on my link with Bree and her body suddenly went to hitting over a larger area to a more condenses area but her energy is still spreading out to much so I alter her energy control as well, suddenly she went from hitting an entire area to precisely scrapping by Wyatt as he dodged and her energy output dropped without lethality being affected.

I lasted 10 minutes using this before my energy dropped and I lowered the enhancement causing her to worsen slightly but still better than before.

At the twelve minute mark I am gasping and my energy is about to hit rock bottom, one minute later I collapse and the energy enhancement stops.


P.O.V. Wyatt 

I am hesitant about the new member at first but it is clear he has trained a lot and does not expect to be protected like some invaluable treasure even at the expense of other, with him barely scrapping into the requirements I allow him to sign a team contract.

I make sure he is unable to spill any secrets he may discover while with us, he will be watching the sparring today to get a feel on their needs and requirements of him.

I mostly expect him to enhance Adrian as well as heal us as there is little else he could do, although I can sense good purity in him but that will only be useful once he grows up more now it is just potential. 

Adrian appears to like this boy a lot but if the boy can't make decent judgment calls on what to do when he can't stay as he could mess our rhythm up and make us worse then better.

So I stand on the side as the team spars to both catch if they are slacking and to see his reactions to different people fighting to see if he will show problems were problems are not needed, he passed over both Adrian and Bree clearly aware he can enhance Adrian but not Bree as she lacks control not physically or in energy amount.

But he appears both worried and confused by Pierce a common response by a lot of people as pierce is to much a Jack of all trades in others eyes most people feel like they can't trust him to guard properly.

And although he is a solo person it fits with the groups heavy hitter style, the boy turns to me and asks me, "I can see what Bree and Adrian need but Pierce appears to much of a median person in all parts that increasing any of them would throw him off, I could increase all but the effect would be greatly weakened if so?"

I am confused at this as what could he possibly do for Bree or Pierce that wouldn't throw them completely out of balance to to much energy and physical stats but also curious as is it possible he does have a means to do so.

I ask the boy, "I understand how you can increase Adrian but how would you enhance Bree and Pierce in a way not to throw them off?"

The boy has a questioning look but answers non the less, "I could increase Bree's control capabilities while enhancing all parts of pierces abilities."

I am shocked to say the least and the same for the rest I have never heard of someone capable of enhancing even ones control.

Bree marches up to the boy, grads him by the shoulders and asks, "You can increase control, what type of control? Body or Energy? Or senses control?"

I see the boy look at me in confusion but turns back to Bree and answers, "All of them, though some drain worse then other I can do all three but I think you need most is body control."

If this is true then the boys worth is incredible I look at Adrian who has a smug look to him, he has always been the most sensitive to energy in the group and he knew there was something unique to the boy though I am sure he didn't think it was this unique.

I step on the mat while saying, "Do a practice round against me doing this."

The boy nods and begins to push his energy into Bree and although it feels thick I can't feel much difference between this and a usual enhancement.

  We get into position and Adrian counts down, "3,2,1, start."

We dash at each other not needing to size each other up and I dodge an accurate if to much energy strike from Bree, her senses has always made her body control subpar and her energy is too much meaning poorer control but after two strikes even her energy control gets extremely precise and near perfect in amount.

As time passes I am unable to get an accurate hit on her and her on me, it is one of the hardest fights I have had since becoming an A-grade person, Bree is only mid B-grade but this enhancements shot her directly to mid A-grade but at the ten minute mark her control worsened to around low A-grade and at twelve minutes it lowered again to peak B-grade when a minute later it stopped and a thud was heard.

Stopping the spar with a hand I look to where the boy has collapsed due to over usage of energy, the ability to let one skip an entire grade level up for ten minutes is simply unbelievable and it is probably a massive strain on the boy but he is able to do so.

He would use this as back up, but will be told to focus on Adrian for enhancing mostly as that will have the least draw back on him.

I can't deny wanting to find the boy if for no other reason then to recruit him while he is still young and can still change so as to make him fiercely loyal, but I have already sent an informer to find the boy and came back with a clear no touch with who his guardian is.

It is a pity but explains why he was taken in by them instead of adopted out like Lucien usually does for most of his rescues.

And the boy is without a doubt a rescue as whatever cultivation style he is using is hiding his energy to well as I should have sensed something different from the boy for an effect this big to happen but hardly sensed anything at all except his high energy purity.

I sigh in aggrievance that someone else got the boy first but the person is a decent man who isn't overly involved in politics despite his high standing companions so although I can't have him no one else can either, and that is most important. Looking at the ever increasing smugness in Adrian I groan slightly but have to give him credit, "Well done Adrian you will have a bonus for the time he remains on the team."

Before grabbing the collapsed boy and taking him to the medical room to recover from his exhaustion, we will need to see his limits in this to know exactly how long he can last in different scenarios and using different abilities.

Heading back to the training room I send Adrian to watch over him till he awakens so we can start up practice again once possible.

Wyatt Ashish

Brave at war, Blessing from god

Kain Nxy

Ancient sprite(yes I mean nxy not nyx as it is a german name.)

Kayle_ezelcreators' thoughts