
Dungeon Farming: Reborn as a Dungeon Lord, cultivating life inside a cave.

One day I woke up inside a cave. There were luminous crystals in the walls, one huge crystal in the center of the room and a collapsed tunnel leading to God only knows where. I tried digging the entrance but human hands are not exactly the best tools for digging and there were no other tools around, so after a few hours of useless efforts I gave up. Time passed and nothing changed, but instead of getting weaker and weaker with the passing of the time, I got stronger. I felt no hunger, no thirst, I didn't even get sleepy. "Can somebody tell me what the heck is going on!?" And then, I got the answer. ---------------------------------//-------------------- Quick summary: The story is about an archaeologist guy who wakes up in a cave and discover he is now a dungeon lord. The story progress as he finds out more about his position, how the dungeon works and their place in the present world. Through the story he creates a farm in his own dungeon, summon some creatures to help him out, develops a business relationship with the outside, learns some magic, discover some hidden truths of this world, meets many people, make some friends and some enemies and eats as many turpins as he wants without ever getting fat. ---------------------------------//-------------------- 5 chapters per week + bonus IF I have time... ---------------------------------//-------------------- The cover image is a royalty free photo, taken from the site www.nicepik.com https://www.nicepik.com/people-inside-cave-lanzarote-dark-light-bill-green-plant-hole-output-tunnel-grotto-free-photo-820046

Seink · แฟนตาซี
98 Chs

The Dungeon Lord used his head.

After waking up, it was time to get to work.

I got up, then I did some stretching and finally I lightly touched the Dungeon Core.




"What? Why is it not working anymore?"

Slap, slap, touch, touch, push, push, boing, boing.

No matter how pervert this sound, the Dungeon Core didn't react at all...

Maybe I need to punch it with everything I have again? No, that's too dangerous, and I doubt the one who created this would project it to work in such a way...

Think, think, there must be some clue.... what did it say when it was initializing....


Maybe I used mana unconsciously when I hit it before, thanks God it didn't break!

"Ok, now, how do we do this?"

I started to concentrate in my fist, slowly, imagine....

My chuunibyou side start acting and I mimicking one of the characters from my favorite fighting game.

"Gather ki from the air, and make a ball, gather ki from the air, and make a ball..."

And finally.


I pushed my theoretically energized palm on the Dungeon Core!





Well, when I didn't see any light as I pushed my palm, I already knew something was wrong.

"Let's try again, this time, slowly!"








"haaaaa....damn, this is not working at all, how the heck did I do it before!? Let's take a break and think again..."

Maybe its not like this... sigh... in those novels it always sounded so easy!

I sat with my back on the Dungeon Core and started trying to remember how I did it before...

Hmm, time to think again...Thinking....Thinking...Come on brain, help me out here....How was that?....

Last time, when I was absorbing mana, it all concentrated in my forehead...

Maybe touching my forehead on it will also work? This is the most idiot idea I ever had...



Well, it's not like I got anything to lose. Let's try!

[System login attempted]

[Verifying mana signature...]

[Avatar mana signature confirmed]

[Access Granted!]

[Welcome to Dungeon Management System]

[Please state your commands]

"Oh! It works!! Nice! Great, how do I use it?"

Great, let's start with the basics.

"System! Show me my options!"




"Come on! Please! Menu! Index! Dir!"




"Should I use my head again?" T_T

Taking no answer as yes, I touched my forehead in the Dungeon Core and asked again.

"System! Show me my options!"


[Listing available features...Done!]

The message disappeared and soon after a list of features appeared.


-Build and Modify



"All right, Summon!"



Ok, ok, forehead in the crystal, I know...

Damn, this is so embarrassing!


[Accessing Summon Feature.]

[Access Granted!]

[Please state your command.]

"Give me the list of monster Summons."


[Searching for monster summons...]

[4563478 results found!]





A huge list of monsters appeared in the Dungeon Core.

The Dungeon Core was not big enough to show all monsters, so a scroll bar appeared on the side.

I tried using my hand to scroll the list but, as expected, it was not possible.

So, while cursing my luck and thanking that there was nobody else in the room, I put my forehead to use yet again.

[Beardless Gnome]

.bar..scroll scroll scroll...

[Goblin Assassin]

...scroll scroll scroll...

[Minotaur Princess]

...scroll scroll scroll...

[Blue Fairy]

...scroll scroll scroll...

[Classic Harpy]

...scroll scroll scroll...

[Blood Titan]

...scroll scroll scroll...

[Red Fairy]

...scroll scroll scroll...

[Earth Dragon]

...scroll scroll scroll...

"They should have ordered this list..."

...scroll scroll scroll...

[Yellow Fairy]

...scroll scroll scroll...

[Purple Fairy]

...scroll scroll scroll...

...scroll scroll scroll...

...scroll scroll scroll...

"I never thought I would miss my mouse so much..." T_T



[Rank: F]

[Diet: Omnivorous]

[Size: Small]

[Material for summon]

-Cheese, 1kg

-Mana, 5u

[Summon now?]

[Yes] [No]

"Hahaha... this system knows how to joke..." T_T

I was going to use the title "The Dungeon Lord used his Forehead", but then I gave up as it was too much spoilers XD

Seinkcreators' thoughts